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Tuesday, June 01, 2004

hMM... tiReD bUt fRuiTFuL dAy... sCHooL... sYF pRac... siGH... hEY gWecKY... tHanKs... bUt iF gOt niCEr piCtUre tHen cAn pUt niCEr oNe LOh... tHE coLoUR stUff is oK... ;) xiE LE...

aNiwAy... hMM... wAs pReTTy tOucHEd bY tHAt pErSon oN sUNdAy... tHe hEavY rAiN aND tHE oFfEriNG oF thE uMBreLLa... wAh... tELL u i wAs dAmN sHocKEd wHeN i rEcEivEd the pHonE cALL n hEaRd tHe soUnd oF tHe rAin hiTTiNg hArd oN tHe uMBReLLA... siGH...

wELL... stiLL gOttA wORk tOMoLo... tOdAy'S SyF pRaC wAs qUitE oK... jUz thAt tHiS 2Nd i/C cOntiNgEnT hErE wAs dAmN bLUr... n i wAS pRettY LoNeLy... oNLy pErsON fRm 4tH cOY... siGH...

hMM... sEc 4 fArEWeLL cUmiN uP lE... sEc 4S... mUz sAvE moNeY tO bUy pResENt Le... SIGH... n piOnEER 1... aLwAyS hAvEn gOt thE cHancE tO sAy tHis... u aRE a gReAT bUncH oF PPLe n cOngRatS oN uR GOLD aWaRd... u gUys dEsErvEd iT!

tHe rAinbOw... rEd, oRaNgE, yELLoW, gReeN, bLuE, iNdiGo, viOLeT...
tHe rEd... fAst mOviNG... LivELy... viOLet... sLow mOviNg... quiTe... gUess tHe bEst iS tO bE iN thE gReeN n yELLoW aRea... tHAt's whEre u mAy fiNd hAppiNEss...

I needed Jesus @ | 7:54:00 PM