i'm wow-ing. cos i realised. my blog is DEAD. my goodness. been eons since my last post. ): okay! it's gonna be revived! come on! haha yeah well let's see. some pics again that can remind me of wat has been happening. anyway. i stopped work two fridays ago. YEAH! super cheer! haha yeah. i was so happy. (: haha then went down to ethel's place in clementi for TUF BBQ(: haha brought weisong along. yeah. hope he had fun. but i'm glad he got to noe more pple! haha i helped out with bbq-ing towards the end. haha. stink like crazy. took a straight bus home. wahh the journey was LONG. but good(: cos i could sleep my way through.. mmmmm.. hahaha. I DIN MISS MY STOP! (:
yeah. the next week. supposed to be resting ah. but it ended up being a week even more busy than my working life. hahaha. monday. er i went down to ntu with twinnie in the morning to do medical evax with the other TUFfers. haha the response was pretty good! (: for a first evax lar. haha yea got quite some pple who were willing to get to noe God better! WHEE!(: haha monday night was spent with.. i can't remember leh. jialat. ha. sorry to whoever i spent it with. hee
tuesday was err. GYM! with twinnie! haha i remember. yeah man! after how many months of "twin i need to exercise. i'm growing fat!" we finally took some action. haha. yes. it was a good work out anyway(: after which i lived in delusion that i lost some fats. LOLS. twin must be laughing at me behind my back. ha. then twin stayed around with me and at about 2+ then we sent Lucky for his grooming. yeah. and i went for tuition. yeah after tuition, met twin again. ha for Bible Study with the TUFfers. yeah. and then came home again.
wednesday. went to ang mo kio to get the materials for the graduating TUFfers in the morning and then headed for tuition. After tuition, went to pick up my siblings from my aunt's place. twin gave me a call when i was on my way to my aunt's place. she asked if i was interested in going to zouk. i gave it some thought and said y not? haha since it's already SMOKE FREE! yeah! haha so called mummy and asked and surprisingly, she din disagree or wat. onli asked me to be careful. i'm seeing my freedom. WHEE! (:
so zouk was at night. twin rushed down to my place to leave her things and we ran off together cos we were running late. hmms. haha. yeah man. basically, my first time at zouk wasn't too bad. other than having a super childish guy tapping me on my back, and pretending it wasn't him when i turned around, continuing to tap me until Ivan came and stood behind me. haha. we were moving into phuture then. yeap. oh i din mention, we were there with Ivan who was protecting us all the while. haha. Bryan, Yu Xian, Tim and Huiying. yeah(: Had fun! thanks guys! (: some pics here. i look super ugly with flash. eee. haha reached home at bout 3+. twinnie stayed over at my place.
thursday morning. woke up at 930. haha i can remember! lols. me twin and geck went gym-ing! (: yeah! (: haha fats off again! lols. yeah. then we came back and started with the pressies. everything went well until lucky had to put his foot on Ivan's one just after i wrote some words with fabric paint. darn. stupid boy. hahaha. ya so Ivan got an ugly one. oops. headed for tuition first and twin went home. and then met her at AMK after tuition and went for farewell and welcome at ethel's place together. haha all thanks to ting an, we the freshies we tekan-ed. wah. camo cream sucks can! blahx. then when we washed off, mine got worse! blahx): i had a BLACK face. hahaha. so ugly. lucky we managed to get it off in the end if not i would have strangled ting an. RARRR!
friday. er medical checkup at NTU. went with wanteng. yeah lo. took quite a while. quite alot of pple. wanted to join the TUFfers for evax but no one was doing so yeah. supposed to meet judy in NTU but my phone was dying on me. i needed to get it charged cos i had a long day ahead. so i told her i'll meet her some other time. i headed down to geck's place and borrowed some electricity lo. lols sorry girl! yeah. then headed for tuition in at 2+ and then went for k in the evening! yeah! but i din book a room in advance): so we din manage to use the voucher. blahx. and it added up to about 20+ per person): sians. was there with yi han, twinnie, ethel and huiling. i felt so bad): rarrr. but yeah i had fun. and i was singing like 3/4 the time. the rest were either too shy or they din noe the song. i also dunno wat to do ): i could onli sing when no one wanted to sing. which was most of the time.. blahx):
yeah. interesting week ah. i'm spending such a long time typing this post. haha. yeah saturday was service lo. (: haha sunday at grandmama's place! (:
yesterday, met my cousin in the afternoon. went to apply for my tuition fee loan from dbs. then went shopping with my cousin for stuffs. haha. then headed for her place. teach her how to settle her comp stuff. haha so weird. but yeah. then she sent me home at bout 11+. shagged. lols
finally. today is the day for me to slack! (: WHEE! i'm home all day except in the morning. went to get my doggie's food. haha. he got no food to eat. lols. spent a good 50 bucks on his food blahx. yeah going for BS later. yeap. time for me to bathe and get changed le. bye! some pics here anyway! (:
Pitsop Cafe with Tuffers! (:

Zouk! (: Ladies Night

Whee! Smoke-Free Zouk! (:

huiying twin me

i'm sleepy..
