hAiz... fiNaLLy bAcK fRoM cAmP!!! wOw... aLmOst diEd... sO sO sO tiRiNg... BatH tiMe wAs tHe BEST thRuoUt tHe cAmp!!! evErYoNe LOoKeD fOrwArd tO BatH... n aLso... SPECIAL NIGHT!!! iT's tHE beSt(oBvioUSLy wHen i'M iN tHe cOMMittEE)... hAhA... bUt wE(tHe cOMMittEE) wErE rEaLLY jUmpiNg fOr jOy wHen wE sEE tHE giRLs eNter tHE DARK sCReaMing n LoOkiNg oN thE fLoOr fOr thEiR gRp nAmeS oN thE fLoOr... wOw... tHat fEELiNg oF SUCCESS rEALLy cAmE oVeR uS... bUt nOW... rEaLLy gONNa miSS thE pEopLe... eSPeciALLy tHe sErgEanTs n thE SPECIAL COMMITTEE pEopLe! sigH...