*.* WOOHOO!! it's OVER!! RROOAARRR!! *.*
YEAH!! i survived the ordeal!! my goodness.. the four days felt like eternity.. :( haha.. but now it's over!!!! :):) haha.. i am sure to fail to papers la.. just hope i dun fail too badly can le.. oh well.. :( haha.. but i'm happier than anione that it's over!! :):) hees.. yeap.. well.. bio on tuesday.. i din finish studying.. skipped alot of chpts.. err.. photosynthesis, respiration, excretion, growth n development, sexual reproduction n asexual reproduction.. zai rite.. my goodness.. so mani chpters.. sian.. i was like.. sure die one la.. indeed.. i died in the exam hall.. haahah..well wat to do.. no choice la.. can onli learn from my mistakes lo.. sigh.. :( yeah.. din noe how to do many questions.. :( sian.. yeap.. went to the airport to study after my bio paper.. i was quite drained leh.. sian.. yeah.. ron was there already.. yeap.. so went to macs to meet him.. that boy was sure studyin hard.. haha.. ya.. i had double cheese meal.. been some time since i ate that.. aniwae.. yeah.. was doing maths there lo.. did bout 2+ chpts.. yea.. then ron tan.. he went to buy the little lion that macs sold.. aiyoyo.. super childish.. he was roaring away.. sigh.. grow up boy.. haha..well.. maths paper was pretty bad.. i couldn't find my iterative method notes.. so i din study that.. i din have enough time too.. so i skipped 3D trigo.. that chapter.. waste time also la.. i doubt i can understand.. haha.. yeah.. the paper was killer la.. then i din study ones.. sian.. all came out also.. then iterative was like 11 marks la!! my goodness.. :( so well... not having veh high hopes.. yeah.. then went to kovan to meet geck after the paper.. we had lunch at the hawker.. then went to her place to study.. was so tired.. din realli study.. yeah.. we slept for 20 mins.. yeah... then studied lo.. till bout 6.. haha.. i managed to finish three chpts of chem at her place.. yeah.. then left for tuition.. haha.. we were having fun slcking n laughing at stupid things that we talked about.. haha.. playing with soft toys.. haha.. her "podgy" however it is spelt.. haha.. n yang meh meh. .wahaha.. :) took pics of them. .hehe.. shall post them here:):) yeah.. realli enjoy spending time with frens that i dun see often.. well.. realli miss those good old days. sigh..
meh meh on flower:) 
podgy kiss meh meh

meh meh kiss podgy
yeah.. n today.. the LAST day!! haah.. chem.. haha.. equalli bad.. or would i sae worse.. haha.. i din study chem n ionic equilibrium, thermochem, NMR.. yeah.. then so much came out on chem n ionic equilibrium.. my goodness.. so well.. sure fail again la.. sian.. yeah.. time to work hard soon.. but for now, it's time for me to take a breather..
met ethel, jason, chang yuan n ting an for dinner after chem paper today.. yea.. i was super hungry cos that that was gonna b my first proper meal today.. ya.. ting an n chang yuan were late.. n we took quite some time to decide on wat to eat.. :( haha.. i was starving man.. haha.. yeah.. finally decided on yoshi.. ting an din wan to eat yoshi at first.. tink he dun like.. ya.. but in the end he say he dun mind so we ate lo.. then went to TCC to chill.. yeah.. was onli there for a while.. i left at 8 for small mich's house.. haha.. practise for music marathon.. we're singing GB theme songs.. over the years one.. yea.. haha.. pple.. if u all are free on sunday.. bout 12.. do come down to MILLENIA WALK to support all of us! :) hees.. yeah.. can come find me for food:) haha.. :)
sometimes i wonder.. yes i do have frens around me.. yea.. i tot they are pple who are closest to me.. i give in my all.. i noe i can b irritating.. but.. i dunno.. it seems to b one way.. i dunno la.. i'm quite tired.. in a conversation.. i'm always trying to keep it going on.. but.. well.. in a conference.. i'm kinda.. talking.. but to myself.. pple talk too.. but not much directed to me.. well.. so b it la.. guess.. i'm not one person whom pple would like to talk to.. well.. i'm tired of always trying.. but i tink.. it's just in me.. i can't seem to let it go la.. well well.. God.. just help me along.. pick me up when i fall.. i know.. i can depend on you.. gtg now.. tired.. no school tomolo n i'm glad.. goodnight
I needed Jesus @ | 1:14:00 AM