Friday, September 01, 2006
*.* day five of mugging.. *.*
aww man.. sigh.. 5 days.. gone in a flash.. n yet.. i tried to do wat i can.. but still pretty stagnant.. WAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?? Lord!! i'm tired.. realli.. :(:( i try my best.. i do wat i can.. but there's realli no time at all.. how come it just comes so easily to others. and yet.. some things.. takes me million of years to understand and to get done.. sigh.. wat am i supposed to do?? :(:(:( i wana die le.. :( i can't take all these crap animore!! :( arghwat a life i would say.. sigh.. how nice if i could runaway from here.. go to somewhere with a nice nightsky.. and a nice beach.. i will just lie on the sand.. and look up into the sky.. enjoy the cool sea breeze.. watch they beautiful night sky.. lit up by stars.. twinkling.. shining bright.. oh man.. i'm daydreaming.. it'll nv happen.. never ever.. :( sigh.. wat can i say? nothing.. can't do anithing either.. oh well.. i'll just keep dreaming about it then.. life.. i dunno wat is life.. i have no idea wat it is.. i have no idea wat i'm supposed to expect from it.. i have no idea wat i have to do with it.. i'm just living everyday.. ignorant.. unknown to pple.. taking it for granted that i'm still alive and kicking.. i dunno.. WAT IS LIFE? how am i supposed to live life in the correct way? hmm.. that was just a random tot.. i dunno.. wat on earth am i doing in this place.. i guess.. the onli one who can answer me.. is the one who created me.. for onli the creator knows the purpose of the creation.. well.. Lord.. lead me.. find this lost sheep.. guide this sheep onto the right path.. calm her down.. talk to her.. comfort her.. keep her warm n snuggled in ur embrace.. she needs the love and warmth.. she yearns for more of u..
I needed Jesus @ | 7:00:00 PM