hmm looks like work life is as tiring.. i'm pretty drained.. gonna sleep soon.. no energy le.. haha.. aniwae.. i'll do the backlogging tomolo.. but today.. haha.. stupid me forgot to bring my house key.. well din even tink about my key when i left my house for drill this morning.. tsk.. aniwae.. yar.. so i came home and met twinnie at the bus stop.. onli to realise that i forgot my key.. my goodness.. ha.. yeah.. so i ended up going to twinnie's place.. terrible.. haha.. yar.. then borrowed her clothes.. lol and i looked so fat in them cos twinnie is so skinny! tsk! ): haha..
then yar lo went to visit lynelle with gor gor.. a cute little girl(: and strong one too(: haha we hit off quite well and pretty fast! (haha dun be jealous gor gor!) haha.. and the first thing when he's cousin saw me.. she said something.. that almost killed me.. my goodness.. wahaha.. OBVIOUSLY I'M NOT! hahaha.. bleah!
aniwae.. tired le.. short entry.. these are the pics of wats been happening in my life for the past two months.. enjoy(:

i baked this(:

that'y my artpiece! (: screensaver!

twinnies forever(:

garang guni!

we love watson!

office desk

me at my desk! (:


jie li


twinnie at her desk(:

pretty women! (:

debra jiahui sweedy
liza jieli

we love evelyn! (:

oh no this looks wrong!

ohh wat a sweet c****e


liza and jie li

debra sweedy liza

me and grace

twinnies and work!(:
me and kingley girl. *OOPS* boy i mean! HA

all our soft toys! (:

sleeping beauty! haha playing around at the two dollar shop! (:

gong gong! that's my twinnie!

faith darling(:
eunice darling(:

ethel and niujin! (: we're all at PRATA HOUSE!! yum yum! prata!! (:
twinnie and me!(:
niu niu n jason chia! (: