wah. hello everyone. sweedy's back from camp!(: ha camp was realli tiring. i tink i lost a kg or two. haha yeah but the whole camp was fun! (: and my group ROCKS! SHIVAS! (: haha and we have the BEST OGL! (: yeah man! joyce rules! (: let's have a brief summary of the activities in the past 6 days.
monday to friday was camp.
met ellie at 630. was dreading camp. met daniel and wai kien on the train. we din noe each other then. hahaha. yeap. we reached there pretty early so we went to jurong point for breakfast before meeting the HSS pple at the 179 berth. was like lost. dunno which group and everything. but asked for help lar. then was ushered to my group. i saw daniel and i went "shit". hahaha. so funny. haha but daniel ain't wat he seems! hahaha
aniway first day wasn't that good. by the end of the day, i was seriously wanting to go home. ): i was so tired from the rounding around in the school from north to south spine and on and on. had night games which was totally draining. rarr. but well. Shivas was together the first day.but sleep was bad. we were as good as zombies the next day. rarrr.
was time of fun and games(: haha everyday is in fact. we had some games at the sports recreation area. although we din win many games, i'm sure we had our time of fun and bonding! (: yeah yeah(: we just rock man! haha but sleep was really bad lar. yeap yeap and then it was pool games. uber fun!! (: whee~! haha my fave part in the camp so far(: haha and then, there was speed dating. wat the rubbish lar. haha we played the traffic light game. red=attached amber=暧昧 green=single evergreen=never attached before. i told them i was evergreen and they all gave me the "are you sure" look. damn. haha ya lo. speed dating was really stupid. they made us meet pple from other group. guys and girls. talk one-on-one for ten minutes each! they were obviously trying to stall time lar. tsk. they were sending us group by group for fright night. they paired us with someone of the opposite gender as expected.
fright night was okay lar. not that scary. but the first station realli scared the wits out of me. there was this monster that suddenly dropped and hung right beside me. i screamed can. haha. that was the only scream. ha. yeah then the whole thing ended at 2+. shagged.
wednesdayhmm we got to sleep a little more. got up at about 7+. it was amazing race day. it was crazy please. we had to travel from NTU to amk to cine to woodlands then dunno to where lar. it was crazy ah. haha north south east west, you name it, we've been there. haha yeah. the last station was ikea. and i went around kissing babies(: whee! (: haha and finally, we went back to aloha loyang(: had a tough time looking for our luggages but anyway, managed to get all and get into our cosy little "home" haha. me and van decided to bunk with the guys in the living room cos i cannot take the aircon. it's too cold. and van has sensitive nose. yeap. so everyone discussed the brief outline of our skit and then went to bed le. there goes another day.
thursdayhmmm it was day for beach games! (: i loved the beach games! (: haha i loved the group spirit! (: SHIVAS ROCKS!! (: whee~ haha although we din win any games, Shivas totally had the sportsmanship! (: and my group pple sure saw all my ugliest sight. hahaha. but who cares! (: i had fun! (: yeah and i tink Shivas loves water cos almost after every game, we ended up in the water(: yeah. and the guys love to bully me~! rarrrr~ i'm always the one they target! booooooo. hahaha but i still had loads of fuN! (:
beach games at sentosa made me all BLACK. hahaha but yeah. it was FUN FUN FUN! (: back at chalet and it was cluedo. haha. we're bad at it i tink. haha. we did get something close lar. lols i can't be bothered to go into the details. haha after cluedo, i was with my pageant partner, ngak hiang and the other couple van and alex. we were discussing our pageant performance item. racked our brains like mad): then it was really getting a little warm, and van suggested to go to the pool area. so we did. then after a short discussion, coming up with some points, they decided to go back to the chalet.
back in the chalet, the lights were off and no one seem to be around. i was wondering where the rest went when i saw some candle light and heard some noises. out came my group with a birthday cake singing me a birthday song. i was so touched........ (: so sweet of them (: haha yeah. that was how i spent the first few minutes of my birthday. (: after cutting and eating the cake and all, we rehearsed our group skit, and the rest of the group went to rest le. the four of us in pageant started to practise our item. in the end, we were to sing love songs. ya. you can imagine how much i did not want to. rarrr. and the song me and my partner had to sing was "会有那么一天" traditional sweet love. wat kind of actions to expect, please go and figure it out on ur own. sigh. so throughout the practise, sweedy was really having a hard time trying to put on a straight face. I LAUGHED LIKE MAD. i'm sorry. i caused the rest to sleep at like 4+ am. sorry. that's the next few hours of my birthday gone.
friday well well. the four of us only had two hours plus of sleep. totally zombified. i was at least. hmmm. i din take breakfast. totally no appetite. yeah. the next thing up was war games! whee~! well we were paired up with our sister group TITANS. at first, they told us we were supposed to be paired with RAHMU. NO!!!! we realli dun like them! oops. haha. and so we were happy with titans and we won the war game! (: whee~! oh btw the water bombs were filled with the sea water from pasir ris beach. DAMN GROSS! ): eew. i'll nv wana touch the water again. hahaha.
after the war game, the pageant pple rushed to bathe. and we were still too slow. so the girls actually bathed at the shower outside at the pool. haha with our clothes on though. lols. i tink the guys were like ... ... ... hahaha. yeah and we headed for our last stop then. NTU Alumni Club. had our lunch there. (: and the pageant and performance too. everything went well. we had fun! (: haha food was good. pageant was fine except for the question that was posted to me and my partner :"how would you seduce someone of the opposite sex?" wa piang. i was like ZNNNGGG wat am i supposed to do. haiyo. terrible. yeah the performance was fine lar. everything was fine. i'm too lazy to list details. haha. and it was HOME SWEET HOME finally. (: whee~
overall, the camp was good. (: i loved my group. i love my OGL! (: i love Shivas! (: HSS FOC 2007 ROCKS!! (: here are some pics. enjoy(: sorry the pics are all jumbled up. i'm to lazy to arrange. hee.

Shivas boys.

Shivas!! (:

Beach day. SHIVAS RULES!

me ngak(pageant partner) and dawn darling! (:


Happy birthday to me! (: *me in utter shock*

sweedy and pretty hot van(:

Shivas pride S.A.D

Creator of S.A.D

daniel and me(: haha

cute kitties(:



Si Hui *miss caring GL*

look at the cam van!

Ellie darling! *how do i live without you*

my dear dawn(:

Lydia darling! (: Sister in Christ! (: Whee~!
Babies at Ikea(: my first kisses(:

*erm looks like he doesn't want me*

Shivas 莲花镇

mummified mummy(: