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Sunday, July 18, 2004

hMM... tiNk i rEaLLy hAd a gReAt dAy yEstErdAy... wEnt oUt wiTh HiLdA, sEe Fei, gEcK yiNg, etHeL.K n hiM tO cELebRatE mY biRtHdAy... tHey aLL bLuFF mE iN tHE mOrNing... wHEn i wAs oN mY wAY tO oRcHArd... hE mEssagEd mE n sAid hE cOuLd nOT go cOz hE gOt sOmetHing iMpt tO aTTeNd tO... sO i jUz wEnt oN wiTH thE rEst tO eAt... wE wEnT tO pAstA mAniA tO eAt n wE wErE tHe fiRsT cUstOmeRs... wE fOuNd a sEaT, sAt dOwn n i wAs fORcEd tO gO oRdEr tHe fOOd... ALONE... sO sAd... aFtEr oRdEriNg tHe fOOd... i rEtuRned tO tHE tAbLe n aLL oF tHe oTheR 4 wEre bEhaViNg wEiRdLy... i aSkeD thEm wAt thEy wAnteD to dRiNk thEn wEnt tO thE cAsHieR tO oRdEr agAin... tHe sEcOnd tiMe i rEtuRneD tO thE tAbLe, etHeL sAid sHe hAd tO gO tO thE toiLet... mY pHoNe rang n oNe oF mY fRen cALLeD to aSk foR sOme eNroLmeNt pArAdE cOmmAnd... thE pHoNeLiNe gOT cUt oFF.. i pUt dOwn thE pHoNe... bEfOrE i KneW... HiLdA wAs bEHiNd mE n sHe cOvErEd mY eYes... i sTrugglEd... LyNN cALLed agAiN... sHe tOOk sOme tiMe to tAke dOwn tHe cOmmAnDs thAT thE rEst wErE mAkiNg sO mUcH nOisE... i hAd tO tELL hEr i'LL caLL hEr bAcK LatEr... hiLdA Let gO of hEr hAnd... i sAw a birThdAy cAke... a niCe pUny fRuiT cAkE... thEy AskEd mE to LoOk bEHiNd n i rEALizEd hE wAs mAdE tO gO bUy tHE cAke n mEET uS aT wHErE wE'rE eAtiNg... wELL... a pLeAsAnT sUrpRisE i wOuLd sAy... THANK YOU... n wE wEnt tO tAke nEopRiNTs LatEr... wAs qUitE fUnnY... hAhAH... goT oNe cAndiD sHot... wE wERe nOt veH fAmiLiar wiTh hOw iT woRks aT fiRst... hEhE... bUt thE rEsT wAs Ok...
wELL... gLad tO hAve a gReat buNcH oF fRens LikE tHEm... tHAnk yoU... rEaLLy tHAnK God  fOR uR pResEncE iN mY LifE... i hAd tHe mOst eNjOyaBLe birThdAy cELebRatiOn oF mY LiFe...

I needed Jesus @ | 7:55:00 PM