*.* budak pantai.. they nv fail to cheer me up:) *.*
i'm back from the performance:):) it was GOOD! :) although some songs were the same as ever.. but they did it a different way.. :) cool:) yeap.. i appeared quite high today.. to many pple i tink.. haha.. yeap.. haha.. i was like.. i dunno.. haha.. high? lols. talked quite alot today.. haha.. at YMCA.. haha.. i talked so much.. brother bullied me as usual.. haa.. yeah.. n i kept "fighting" with him.. hahaha.. lols.. yeah.. then kept talking nmaking noise.. (bryan say i act cute.. :( ) haha.. i high la.. can?? lols.. yeash.. yeap.. everyone went there with a fren.. i was e onli one without.. brother brought stephanie.. bryan brought ming ni.. (prospective **********??) oops.. i dunno.. lols.. hees.. dun angry ar bryan! wahaha.. aniwae.. ya.. so everyone talked la.. but.. well.. just sad that i dun have someone with me.. tsk.. not boyfriend la.. but a friend to enjoy it with.. yea..asked geck.. she too tired.. asked ron too late.. haha.. yeah.. shimin not free.. the rest.. no reply.. oh cheryl also not free.. yeah.. but well.. guess it's some time to hear the music n talk to myself.. yeah.. memories.. qutie tired now.. yeah.. took the train with stephanie.. :) she lives near my aunt:):) which is quite near me:) hees.. yeah.. she's quite easly to talk to la.. :) haha.. a cheerful one too:) hees.. brother ask me to try share the gospel with her.. well.. i din realli noe wat to sae.. i onli asked her if she has been invited to church before.. yeah.. she said she got but nv go cos she's not interested cos she has her own belief.. yeap.. so i asked her wat she knew about Christianity.. yea.. then she knows about Jesus came to earth n suffered n died for our sins.. yeah.. then i just shared with her.. that tt was wat touched me n why i became a Christian.. a man.. pure and innocent.. sent to earth to suffer.. as though it's not enough.. he still died on the cross.. not that he's done anithing wrong.. but he died.. to cleanse ME from my sins.. he doesn't even noe me.. n i dun even deserve God's grace and mercy.. yet.. God.. sent His Son.. to die for sinful me.. how amazing is such a love.. for someone whom u dunno.. u dun see.. well.. that's wat i build my faith on.. yeah.. i shared that with her lo.. din want to like pressurize her cos she din realli seem interested.. yeah.. got her contact.. bro.. i'll try my best.. but.. no guarantees.. but by faith.. :) i'm sure God has plans for her.. n we'll see her in church!:) yeapkinda tired le. tomolo going swimming.. yeap.. tink i'll sleep soon.. hah.. so piggy.. well.. that's me la.. so pple who dun like pigs.. stay away from me ba.. actualli.. alot's been running through my head.. but well.. i dunno where to start.. i tink i said this alot of times.. i'm quite tired.. of trying all the time.. but results nv show.. sian.. God.. have i been made with such strong persistence.. such perserverance especially.. towards friendships? towards relationships with pple? i tire myself out.. n sometimes give up.. but inside me.. i still yearn.. yearn to solves the problems.. ya.. i just dun show it i guess.. so mani probs i face..yet.. all the time.. i try to keep that smiley face.. i tink.. some pple have seen that face wearing off.. that mask.. ain't fitting too well on my face le.. shit.. i dunno wat to do la.. sian.. tired.. drained.. vexed.. disappointed.. sad.. yet.. yearns to.. perservering.. holding on the that smallest gleam of hope.. that probs can b solved.. if not.. at least.. take out that puny gleam of hope in me.. it's realli torturous.. i'm onli a girl.. a normal girl.. leading a normal life.. or a complexed one? i dunno.. but.. i'm realli tired.. too tired to face anione with a happy face.. i dunno.. i feel like.. i'm such a faker.. sigh.. i dunno.. tink it's got into me.. to look happy:) but inside me.. most of the time.. it's like this :( sian.. sorry.. this sounds so.. i duno.. tired le.. going to sleep.. goodnight
some pics i took today.
nice sky.. but the scenary.. hmm haha..
nice lamp.. i wanted to bring it home:(
moo!! :) bro says it's me:( bla!!
I needed Jesus @ | 12:55:00 AM