rarrr i'm so not interested in the start of this new week. ): sigh. though there's no tests and such. i just am dreading school basically. sians. anyway. a short recap of my week end. saturday. not too bad a day. other than some arguments with my mum. i left the house at bout 2ish 3. went to hougang mall. ngak came to accompany me for a while. he even bought me "honey". haha it's in inverted commas cos it was supposed to be honey but it tasted more like chrysanthemum tea. LOLS. anyway. so sweet of him. thanks(: bought some pens from popular. and a pair of earrings from chamelon. and off i went to church for practise.
practise, nothing much lar. just sing sing and sing lo. i totally din have enough breath for that song. wahh. hahaha. but it went okay ba. (: practised the mime too. ha was part of the gang of BAD FRIENDS. lols yupyup i have to say that jonas is a really good actor! (: kudos to jonas! (: yeah. and after practise, me and twin rushed down to the mrt station to pick ron and ben. haha two little boys who waited for us. haha and the four of us flew back to church *cos we were running late*
and the real thing began. haha. praise God, our performance went well(: both the song and the mime(:whee~! haha yup yup and it was dinner after that. ron looks like he can blend in with charis ppl(: that's good! (: hope he stays on with us(: yupp(:
hmm sunday. family day as usual. ha did some packing in the morning then left home with my family at bout 1ish. went to grandmama's place(: haha i love grandma! (: whee~! but she's as stubborn as me. or i'm as stubborn as her rather. ahaha. her hands are itchy due to enzyma(i dunno how to spell) yeah. then she got medicine dun wana apply, keep scratching. tsk! haha stubborness runs in the genes i suppose. haha yupp.
left grandma's place at bout 745. tinking that i'll be late in meeting my dear bf. but in the end, somebody was later than me. ROAR. ahaha well well. guys nowadays. wat can i say lar. haha but well. my "anger" was appeased after some food(: haha and dear dear bought me some chocolates! (: whee~! haha thanks(: loves! (: then it was Giant! haha i always go supermarkets with him man. haha and buy FOOD!! gosh. fattening man. lols. then it was back to HALL): boooo. i have phobia of NTU already. siansss. haha well. the exams are in four weeks ): sad): jia you sweedy!! gogogo!!! yeah man. i'll also have to learn to depend on God's strength le. with Him, all things are possible. Only with Him.
Some pics for ur reference. *i know i'l be killed* oops. HAHA
geck ying's birthday
geckying and xueling