*.* RECESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is over.. ): *.*
that's during the recess) whee~! i'm at home!! and i dun have to go back to school the next week! wheeeeeee!!! i had enough of ntu. goodness. hall life. is fine lar. just that i'm not getting enough sleep. all thanks to myself. sigh. school's fine. boring at times. tests a killer ): sad. oh well. i tried le ba. i almost died. but at least it's all over now and it's time for a break. i miss home):
i realise i've got alot of draft posts in my blog. haha. always never had the time to finish blogging wat i wana blog. sigh. well but at least i'm blogging now. gecky's complaining that i'm not updating my blog. oops. oh well.
(back after recess) recess is like over in no time): one week just flew like that. i'm uber sad): sighhh. i miss home): i wana go home. ): not that i hate my hall. i like my hall and people in my hall. but i just miss home): i dun wana stay in school. i dun even wana go to school. i dun wana do anything): i seem to be down with depression or something. wat the hell. sigh.
anyway, the recess week wasn't a fruitful one for me. i was supposed to have finish studying for my test already. but i fell sick. was down with food poisoning on the first day of my recess. ): i din sleep well on friday night because of my tummy aches. it was super painful): the next morning, i woke up vomiting and had diarrhea too): i almost died. no energy at all. dear was so sweet. he came all the way down and brought me to the doctor when he was supposed to be on his way to work. thanks so much. after the doc, i took the medicine and went to bed. onli to wake up to the feeling of vomiting again. i spent my whole day either in the toilet or the bed. once, i was feeling really weak, went to the toilet to puke and walked out of the toilet seeing stars. i tot i could make it to my bed in time but in a few steps, i was on the floor. i fainted. my first time. it was a horrible feeling. you are still conscious about wats happening but u just have n energy to say anything or do anything.
my mum pulled me to her room toilet and dumped me there. haha cos i still wanted to vomit. yeah. then went back to bed after taking the medicine again. i have a feeling the medicine makes me vomit. RARR but well. it took me two days to recover from food poisoning. oh i haven stated wat caused this. ROJAK. must be. the night before i had it for dinner. sigh. i'm never gonna eat it again. ): anyway i stopped taking the medicine after sunday. yeah. thank God i still had the strength to go for membership course. ha.
tuesday was shivas bbq day! (: although many din turn up last minute, i tot the whole event was quite fun(: but i tink the guys who were setting up the fire had a hard time): sigh. the fire din quite started and even after it started, it din quite sustain. sigh. so in the end we brought the food up to lynette's place to cook. lols. we had lanterns and sparklers too. nice(: yeah.
thursday was out to study with geck ngak and his gay fren(minglong)! lols. managed to finish one chapter of hp102 and do the tut. yeapyeap. productive. but my tummy was still in pain. i dunno y): sigh. well.
friday. horrible day. started real horrible. dear accompanied me to vivo early in the morning at 11+. purpose: to find a top that i could wear to my cuz's wedding dinner. rarrrrrr. i realli realli din wana get such an expensive shirt one lar): i'm damn sad. i was totally broke after that. left with two bucks to survive the next few days): rarrrr. but i survived. haha. and the wedding dinner's food wasn't too appetising. oops. haha i was looking forward to the yam paste but onli to be disappointed. oh well.
saturday, finally i went for service!(: after like two weeks being away from service. sigh. refreshed in the Lord, but still, i noe i've got loads of catching up with God to do. been too caught up with Uni life. my prayer life has not been good. it's getting routined during meals. and that's all unless i have something special to pray for. God, help me to grow closer to you. I want to keep u in my life all the time, every single moment. not onli when i need deliverance or when i'm down or watever. but EVERY SINGLE MOMENT.
yeah. sunday. LAST DAY OF MEMBERSHIP COURSE! i've graduated from membership course! (: whee~! hahah and when i was walking out of church, i saw jami. then she asked me whether i would like to help out in nursery after i become church member. OF COURSE!! (: taking care of the toddlers(: so cuteee!! (: whee~! although i have to wake up early on sunday morning, i'm willing! (: i lvoe kiddies! (: whee~! aha and then it was back at ntu at night. totally): but i had dear's company(: ha the journey wasn't too bad afterall. (: yup.
life in NTU goes on from here. sigh God bless me ba. one more test to go on friday.. BAHHHH): and i'm studying the FIRST lecture out of six now. ): sianzz. 40 mcqs to go. it'll be over soon. JIAYOU! well well. time to go le ba. gonna mug mug mug! i'm a MUGGER! (what a lie) procrastination is my ENEMY! hahaha oh here's some pics too(:
times with my dear(:

first month presents..

my second bouquet(:

cable car! (:

first bouquet(:

i love you..

lucky has got a new shirt!! (:

PL funfair 2007! 4A2 peeps!(:
Cousin's wedding dinner
kids are the best part of family gatherings(:

sister power! (:

sweedy stamford weedy

brothers are always cheeky..

Look into the mirror

Happy Mid Autumn

i love sparklers(:

mama joyce

neighbours unite

jennifer's running nose...

jenn darling(:

zimin girly
