*.* exams... .. ... *.*
yoyo. been a while since the last post? dun realli have much time and mood to be blogging nowadays. i'm either too busy with uni life or i'm too tired. sigh. but well. life goes on i guess. everyone's busy with their own stuffs out there. ha.
oh yes! the real significant event in my life. my baptism. the next level of faith required of me. and i took it. despite my mother's objection. thanks to all those who were there to support(: it warms my heart(: some ask me why take the risk of straining your family ties for the sake of baptism. well i say. my faith is important to me. and God has been good to me, real in my life. and i'm sure He'll bless me. and indeed He blessed me. in the past, baptism was totally a taboo. never have i dreamt about going for baptism without my mother trying to chop me into pieces*okay that's an exaggeration* the same thing about going to church.
my mother never wanted me to attend church. but hey. eventually, God still did miracles. and i stepped into church(: more and more regularly! praise God(: so the same went for baptism. i noe my mother was kinda reluctant. but hey, in the end, i guess she accepted the fact that i realli value my religion over many things. after so much objections from her, i still chose to believe in this God. i hope she'll see something from there, that this God of mine is so real to me. and Lord, i pray that my loved ones will come to noe you soon.
yeah. my faith. y did i persist since then till now. there must be something about it. if not i would have given up, wouldn't i? yeah and to those who wonder why. i'm telling you that. all i can say is that this God has worked miracles in my life. He has been good to me and taught me many lessons. these are all beyond words. all these, you have to experience on ur own and you'll noe wat i'm talking about. so i just pray for all non-believers out there, that you will come and taste the goodness of the Lord. i believe there's no harm in trying, it's never too late to step out of it. but let me warn you, once u step into this relationship with Him, u'll never want to get out of it. it's addictive(: ha will share my testimony the next time(:
yeap. some silly pics for ur reference(: i'm off to study now. exams are in the air....... blahhsss. all the best to all uni students.

ngak and sneg! (: best of friends*wahaha*

we love sneg!

dun you just like the effect? (:


HP101 tut's just a waste of time... BUT we made good use of it! (:

where's e shuttle bus?????




The day I'll remember for life. 211007. Baptism
Ethel's acting cute!!

all who proclaimed God's in their life(:

chelsia and me(:

*trods into water*

*ooh strong waves* Pastors pray for me(:

the old self dies..

a new creation(: *da chang jin look-alike*

sweedy and shirley(:

my dear(: i'm glad u came(:

diana(: thanks for ur support(:

twins(: thanks for ur gift! *salt and pepper* grrrr
Lucky performs balancing acts(: