hmmm.. no more prelim papers animore! HOORAY!! (: hahaha.. wah.. i was like.. FINALLY! :( yeah yeah yeah! sigh but this wun last for long ba.. sian.. :( yeah.. aniwae.. let's talk about HAPPIER stuffs..
hmm was pretty tired today though.. yeah.. went to chinatown with "mummy" and "daddy".. hahaha.. wanteng and zhen liang la.. lols.. n met my Ricky there.. wahahaha.. SISTER! wahaha.. aniwae.. we were heading for Kbox.. yups.. had dessert before that.. wahaha.. yeah..(: pictures below(: hahaha.. so we went k!!!!! hahaha.. yeah.. sang alot of songs.. went crazy basically.. hahaha.. 8(: had loads of fun! (: yeap.. hahaha.. supposed to be 11am to 2pm one.. hehehehe but we sang until like 3 la.. haha.. n NOBODY came to chase us at all.. yeap..

me and mummy wanteng!

jia mei ricky and me!

me and lao ba(zhen liang) (:

then i had to meet brother at cathay, mummy had to go home to sleep cos she has something on later.. yeap yeap.. jie mei went to orchard to meet kai sheng.. lao ba went home.. hahaha.. yeap.. hmmm.. then went to PS.. met hwee ming there.. n it's her birthday today! aiyoyo.. n i din wish her.. so i went to buy a card and gave it to her lo.. hmmm yaeh then went to cathay with brother to catch "Banquet".. yeap yeap.. not bad.. pretty artistic though.. yeah.. n very bloody scenes.. arh.. hahaha..
yeah.. but i tot the show was quite alright la.. yeap.. mayb u can consider catching it.. hahaha.. yeap.. tink my mood not very right today la.. n i'm pretty tired from the lack of rest.. well.. got irritated today.. over small stuff.. hmmm.. i tink i've changed quite a bit since dunno when:( argh.. i hate myself.. i realli do.. i'm making people's lives so miserable.. so miserable.. my family.. my frens.. argh.. and i guess.. i can't blame anione if pple decide to stay away from me.. hmm.. i sound like a depressed freak now.. argh.. i am in fact.. i guess i just try to hide it.. no point showing that side to anione la.. i'll just keep it as it is.. i'm tired.. tink i'm sleeping soon.. goodnight.. i miss my old self..