*.* tired.. scared.. listless.. hopeless *.*
darn.. wat a day.. sigh.. i'm not productive at all. sigh.. din do much in the day.. did alot of stoning.. sian.. yar in the end i onli studied a little and did one essay.. the weather SUCKS! tsk.. sian.. but i went to church aniwae.. was contemplating whether i should take the bus to church or go to kovan macs to study.. my heart brought me to church aniwae.. yeap.. went to singpost to change out of my t-shirt and shorts.. met ethel and macs and walked to church together.. yea
i tink.. my moods got a hold of me.. i couldn't hide it very well ba.. sian.. yea but aniwae.. service was alright today.. except altar call.. God talked to me.. i'm reminded that God will forgive.. but i must.. i must learn to repent and never do the wrong things again.. difficult.. but i'm gonna succeed with God's strength! (: i'm sure i can! (: yeap.. and.. i cried again): sigh.. i tried to control la.. but sometimes.. it's quite difficult to lo): sian.. tears just came rolling down when pastor Gideon prayed for me.. ): ): argh.. so gang1 ga4.. haha.. yeah..
after service, i left with debra twinnie to study.. we went to macs to eat.. and study.. and i guess we were both so engrossed in work.. that we actualli forgot the time.. we were supposed to leave at 10.. but it was already 1020 when we took notice of the time.. haha.. in the end we left at 1030.. (: haha.. i had to change back to my home clothes.. haha.. yeap.. hey twinnie.. thanks for studying with me(: if we get into uni together, we can study together too! (: loves! (:
yeap.. things are still not getting ani better.. he still hasn't realli got over.. but i noe it takes time.. i'll give him the time.. and the situation at home.. i dunno.. i'm not talking.. she ain't talking to me either.. that's wat we call a "cold war" i guess.. well sometimes not talking to each other ain't anithing bad aniwae.. at least there'll b less friction.. yeap..
tired now.. but i've gotta finish up a chapter at least.. yea.. goodnights.. oh aniwae.. i took a picture of this little "handphone chains" that i bought for myself ethel elvin and ting an.. (: CUTE! (: and some other pics for u to enjoy(: haha

friends forever.. that's wat we will be(:
from the left: ethel, sweedy, ting an, elvin(:(: haha

a piggy clock geck showed me..

another clock! saw this on tv before??? familiar scene huh!!

me and rachel girl(: haha many pple say she looks like a smaller version of me! haha(:

alynn niecee(: haha cute darling! (:

GRRRR.. ROAR!! haha stupid ugly faces! (:

alynn and my sister(:

pretty juniors and ugly senior.. haha
melissa sweedy and priscilla(: