*.* saturday. i should b at service:( *.*
hmm.. today is saturday.. i woke up pretty late despite sleeping at 12 last night.. i slept for about 12 hours.. hmm.. hee.. such a piggy.. haha.. yeah..did some cleaning up after i washed up.. then went to have fried rice for lunch cum breakfast.. yup yup.. then started on cheryl's present.. (: hehehe.. yup.. settled 7/8 of it at bout 5+.. yup yup.. (: hope she'll like it(:yup then went to my aunt's place.. my paternal aunt.. celebrate her 60th bday.. hahaha.. old huh? hahha i din realli want to go cos my back was hurting n i din want to walk around.. but well.. i din have a choice.. yah.. the onli thing that i liked about family gathering.. is playing with my fave kiddies(: my cousins and nieces(: haha.. theie so cute.. hahaha.. took pics with them today.. here they are(:
me with kiddies! (: (i know they all love me!) hees

one of my fave.. faith.. she supposed to look like the younger me.. haha..

samantha! (: she looks like 蜡笔小新 (: haha

faith and charis' maid.. hope i get a maid like her next time.. (:

another of my favourite.. (: eunice(:

one more favourite! (: charis(: hees..




charis chose this background on her own.. i guess she's gonna make alot of money next time! (:
haha.. yeah.. had fun with the kids today.. but couldn't carry them.. cos of my back.. sigh.. came home.. mummy massaged for me.. but din manage to get the part that's painful.. dunno leh.. it's like so deep inside.. sian.. dunno.. hope it's nothing serious ba.. n i tink i'm going to sleep le.. tired.. goodnights.. (: