At my grandma's place
faith girl(:

little charis!

little hawaiin girl(: haha..

my little look alike!(:

sweet little angel!(:

we've got SWEETS! (:
my nephew's birthday!(:

siblings forever!(:

grand aunts and us!(:

the kiddies(:

aunt and nephew!(:

with mummy and grandma(:

good friends we are!(:

i'm the birthday boy! (:

mummy and daughter!(:

kiddies with my cousin!

i love my teddy(:

my cousin's quite popular with aunties huh! lols
my aunts and mummy

cousins united! haha winnie winna royston sweedy! i look weird hmm..

my aunt's family and my cuz

daddy winnie winna royston mummy

happy 6th birthday!(:

it's my birthday!

i wish that...

LOVEBIRDS! haha my cousin and his gf..

alynn, daddy tay, mummy yuhui, grandmama, birthday boy kang wei and cousin darren(:
the kids at work(:

the kids'!

the adults!

forfeit for the adults!! haha

i'll burst that balloon!!

haha hello!(: and happy new year! it's a new year! and i just hope and pray that.. this year.. will be a fun and fruitful year for all! (: hmm.. here.. a list of my new year resolutions.. yeap yeap yeap.. hmm..
1. i wana grow closer to the Lord.. so firstly.. i need to be more disciplined in my Quiet time.. i gotta stand firm in my faith despite the obstacles i'm facing.. and i hope.. i can get baptised by the end of 2007..
2. i wana bring at least 3 friends to Christ by the end of 2007..
3. i wana learn to be less impatient with people..
4. LOSE WEIGHT! aim for 50? (:
5. i hope i can make it to uni..
that's about all FOR NOW.. there will be more to come for sure lar.. lols.. aniwae.. today was FUN! (: haha.. but before that.. i had a sad yesterday.. but.. well.. when things get bad.. it can onli get better ain't it? haha got this from a friend(: haha.. let's see wat happened yesterday...
well well well.. i din talk to my mum yesterday.. refused to or rather.. yeah.. so the whole day.. i din eat anithing she offered me.. and din bother to talk to her.. yeah.. aniwae.. yea.. went to my maternal grandma's place in the afternoon.. then went to my maternal grandma's place in the evening.. yeap yeap.. seeing the kids.. really made me feel much better.. yeap.. the pics are up there! (: yeap yeap.. then came home at 11+.. and i started to do some cross stitch.. hahaha.. got it for Christmas.. then dunno wat i'm gonna do with it once i've finished it.. we'll see how ba..
haha i did cross stitching till bout 3+.. then went to sleep and woke up this morning at 11+.. yeah.. then prepared myself and we left the house for hougang mall.. went to search for my nephew's birthday present.. bought him monopoly junior(: haha.. yeap.. then went down for the party.. hahar.. quite funny lar.. i was the appointed photograper.. haha.. so i keep taking pics.. keep pulling the kids to take pics.. lols.. yeap.. the pics are up there.. might upload some more once my cousin sends me.. haha.. some pics are taken by her(: haha.. yeap yeap yeap.. had laods of fun there with the kids.. i love kids when they dun irritate me.. lols.. (:
yeap yeap.. then left for IKEA tampines.. OH i led the way.. hahaha.. my aunt doesn't noe the directions there.. lols.. i depended on the street directory.. lols.. but we got there aniwae(: lols.. yeap.. and i got new curtains!! (: (: ORANGE! lols.. yeap for new year.. 2 pcs for 15 bucks.. then i took one and my aunt took the other one(: haha so that's 7.50 technically.. yeap yeap.. we did so many funny things there.. lols.. especially at the kids section.. TSK! haha and then when we were in the lift going home.. then we were squashed all the way behind.. haha.. then when it was our level.. me and my aunt was shouting with ONE VOICE :" 出去!" hahaha.. so funny! lols..
aniwae.. when i was there.. i got a call from my contingent pple.. then they were at east coast.. i promised that i would be at the outing today.. but i broke my promise.. sigh.. ): i dun tink my mum would have let me out lar.. like after wat happened the past two days.. and i tried to apologize to the girls.. well they dunno the reason.. but.. yeah.. they sent a reply.. saying that apologzing is no cure.. and i am a disappointment.. sigh.. was quite hurt.. but yeah.. i'm realli sorry.. i din mean to.. well.. i can onli say sorry ba.. dun tink they will ever trust me in planning an outing animore ba..
yeah and i'm home now.. and i'm JOBLESS! ): rarrr.. so sad.. tsk! must hurry find a job lar.. rarrr.. God ah.. please provide me with a job.. with good pay lar.. ): sigh.. I NEED A JOB!! yeah.. tink i shall be off now.. got tuition tomolo..