hello! i'm home from tuition.. SHAGGED.. haha.. but the tot that money's coming in.. makes all these work worth the effort lar.. at least.. i can channel some to my debt.. some bills.. buy my new year clothes that i can wear cos i'm running out of clothes! rarrr yes.. MONEY! argh.. so irritating.. yeap.. ANIWAE!! today! we din do animore of those stupid letters! (: hees(: FUN FUN FUN! we started to deal with the problem forms that the employers sent in.. we called them up to ask for some info and stuff.. talking to ppl is much more interesting than facing papers the whole day man! haha.. yeap yeap.. talked to different types of pple.. some realli nice.. some realli impatient.. some think that they're the smartest pple around.. some just realli humble and willing to accept ur advice.. yeah.. all sorts of pple in just one day.. but i realli enjoy it.. and.. it taught me that.. we should write with LEGIBLE handwritting when filling in forms manually.. and be nice over the phone.. hahaha.. cos it can actualli make someone's job easier.. someone's day better! (: hees
aniwae.. headed for tuition after work.. quite tired le.. but no choice lar.. yeah.. was a little more strict with the boy today.. he abit more cheeky. haha.. yeah.. but alright lar.. yeap had tuition OVERTIME.. lols yeap.. before tuition.. was a little hungry.. so went to get a bread to bite lo.. hahaha.. yeap.. then had tuition le.. came home.. wah.. it feels so good without heels.. the tot of wearing heels tomolo morning.. rarrrr... hahaha.. I HATE HEELS! ): dunno why my mummy can wear them like she's wearing slippers.. my goodness.. it almost killed me.. hahaha..
yeap yeap.. it's realli fun working with my twinnie! (: hees.. twinnie thanks for being there for me.. tolerating all my nonsense and crazy times.. noe that i love my darling twinnie!! (: hees.. LOVE YOU! (: haha yeah.. MUACKS! yeapp yeapp and noe that.. when u need me.. i'll be there too! (: yeap yeap.. love u twinnie! (: haha here are some pics taken on sat during dinner after service! (: haha.. enjoy! (: i'm too lazy to put captions le.. hees.. pardon me! (: