this is wat i call cowardice..
this is my dear lucky(: who stopped being a coward..
it does feel good to be at home doesn't it? but honestly. i just can't imagine how much i actually dreaded going home a few years ago. i really wished i could be out and free then. it's only until i started second year of uni that i really appreciated my family, especially my wonderful mummy(: and not afraid to say. i realised that i'm gradually moving away from that insecure self because of that growing relationship with my mum and because of the love my dear bf has been showering me with. i really thank God for these people in my life. you noe, i'm not the easiest person to be around. but they have never given up on me, including my wonderful God. he's the most persistent. haha. thank you to all who have made a great difference in my life.
well. start of the school holidays. feels good to be nua-ing at home(: hur hur. but that doesn't mean i dun do anything lar. i helped my mummy do housework, mop floor, wash the fan, vacuum the floor, clean after my two very "SMART" dogs who love to pee wherever they deem fit. haha. but i still love them!(: hehe. and i spent most of my time online on facebook harvesting crops, preparing food for my cafe. HEHE(: and taking care of the animals in my zoo. i really can't imagine how i spent almost 3/4 the day on this. HAHAHA. kinda amazing.
oh something interesting happened today. the cowardy Lucky of mine. haha he's been a coward because he's always scared of Reuben for i dunno wat reason. and he always runs away from him, stays as far from reu as possible. haha but today!! something damn amazing happened. HAHA reu as usual, went on with his normal routine to irritate lucky. he always tries to smell him. butt, body. watever he can smell. so he kept following lucky and managed to corner him. THEN lucky BARKED at him! WOW.... i was damn shocked. hahaha lucky kept barking at him and tried to attack him (but lucky's attack is like too soft for reu?) hahaha but reuben was so persistent. he was shocked at first too. but he started to bend down with his hips in the air and head near the ground, wagging his tail! he tot lucky wanted to play with him! hahaha gosh. the intelligence of a dog... haha and he just refused to get the idea that lucky is trying to say GET LOST! hahaha. well i had to stop this barking and so i picked reuben up and said "STOP IT he doesn't want to play with you". as if he understood that. he left lucky alone. haha to lucky's relief. lol
my random father. he decided to take a train to penang this holidays. i dunno when. but he was damn funny. we were like "why dun take a plane?" then his reply was "aeroplane i also scared. ferry i also scared. so take train lo" we all couldn't help but burst out laughing. HAHA well another thing i thank God for. that mended relationship between me and my father. a long story but i thank God for the ability to forgive wat he has done to the family. i wish it'll only get better from here.
these are small lil things that brighten my day and i thank God for them(: i hope we'll all learn to appreciate the small lil things around us that God has blessed us with(: may the good Lord bless and keep you(:
dots. i was about to turn off the comp and go to sleep. here comes mummy. "eh help me look after the washing machine water ah" =.= she wants me to collect the water that comes out in a pail. thanks ah mummy.. sweedy's off to her journey to collect water.. byee..