*.* back to blogging.. *.*
hehehe i got a new phone! so that explains wat u're gonn see at the end of the post. hehhehe. aniwae. haha i haven been disciplined in doing alot of things wo. and blogging is one of them ba. but well. not many pple reads my blog. so i shouldn't tink it affects many pple. it's just my less private online diary. yeah well. but aniwae. there's nothing much about my life now. i'm just always tired from work and tuition and work and tuition. that's my life in summary. yeah. i miss my frens. ): oh did i mention that drill com's over? (: yeah. finally. but i'll miss my girls too! ): but hey girls! u did a great job! (: aren't we the onli company that gold for both the pioneer and senior contingent! (: PRAISE THE LORD! (: i'm proud of u! (: but please practise up ur creative drill for enrolment this sat hor. hahaha. but i'm sure u all can do it! (:
yeap. i'm not in much of a mood to blog. but aniwae i went out for dinner with my ESS colleagues today(: had loads of fun. (: thanks guys. i'm sure i'm missing all of u. no more pple to talk to now. i'm always alone in e office. ): staring at the computer screen, looking for the most impossible information sometimes. oh well. that's a new challenge i guess. a new experience. yeap yeap. right now. i realli wish to have as much time as possible. to spend with people around me. sigh. missing those free days that we could meet up whenever we want to. do the silliest things ever. how i miss those days. ): but well. everyone's busy with their own stuff now. work. family. boyriends. girlfriends. other activities. sometimes. i dunno. i dun even noe wats my status to them. but i guess. life has to go on. hey my dear friends. i'm here if anione needs a listening ear. although i am pretty busy with work and stuff. but a call or sms is fine(: i'll listen as long as i can. yeap.
tink i shall end of here. goodbye.

me and twinnie!(:
hairless lucky!! ha(:

that's my cutie darling. but a naughty boy! ):
ryan rachel and benette!(:

this ish gorgor's birthday present. hees(:
gor gor debra and me!(:

twinnies unite! (:
twinnies again! (: check out our faces!=P
are we that bored! ):
NO! we're SAD):
pretty artistic hur? (:

wenjie weisong debra sweedy! *wenjie GET UR HANDS OFF MY TWINNIE!*

wenjie's STUCK in e toilet! so we're taking pics again! hahaha!

coo pic hur! (: haha on our way to e esplanade..

CAN U SEE US? hah at e esplanade! me and twinnie!(:

another attempt to be artistic

first attempt of group pic. *move nearer guys!*
second attempt. not bad. BUT! *weisong!!!!!!!!!!!*

and FINALLY!(: i miss ESS...