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Monday, February 09, 2004

sIgH... hAvEN uPdAtEd mY bLoG fOr a lONg LoNg tiMe... hMM... tOdAy tHE LisT oF sEc 2 NCOs iN thE diFFeReNt cOMMittEEs iS oUt... wELL... pReTTy hAppY wIth mY cOMMittEE meMBerS... jUz hoPe tHat tHey aRE nOt foRcEd iNto iT... dRiLL cOm iS tHe bEsT! weLL... O LevEls iS kiLLiNg mE! siGh... aNd dRiLL cOmpEtiTioN iS dRawiNg nEAr! hOpe tHingS wIll gO sMootHLy! weLL... gOt oVeR tHaT pErSoN... gLad...

I needed Jesus @ | 6:38:00 PM