hMM... a LoNg tiMe siNcE i sCribBLeD... hAhHA... fiNaLLy... a LiL tiMe tO rELax... gREAt! wELL... hAve bEEn pOppiN bY gEck'S hOusE rEcEnTLy... aLwAys sAy wAnt tO gO thEre n stUdY bUt eNd uP sLacKiN... hAd a gReAt dAy tOdAy... wEnt tO J8 afTeR fOuNdEr's dAy cELe... wEnT witH mY cELL gRp... n fiNaLLy gOt to tAke nEo as a cELL!!! haHa...
weLL... oNe mOrE dAy... hE's cOmiN oUt... kiNdA hAviNg tHAt wEiRd fEELiN... eVeR siNcE thAT i gOT tO nOe aBt thE 2 wAy tHiNg, tHouGh oNLy bOut 60% suRe... sigH... bUt sHaLL Let tHiNgs gO aS God hAs pLanNed... iF iT's mEaNt tO bE tHen iT wiLL... iF nOt tHen...
yUp yUp... n i hoPe tHAt mY O's wiLL bE fiNe... gOt 15 fOR pReLimS... hOw? i aLsO dUnnO... mUz stUdy hArdeR bUt eVerYtiMe dUn fEEL LikE sTudyiNg... siAnz...