Tuesday, January 31, 2006
*.* up or down? stay away then.. *.*
well well.. today.. woke up at 10+.. a call from brother woke me up.. yeap.. so got woken by him.. talked a while then got up n washed up.. sweeped the house.. then dad came back with breakfast.. wantan mee!! :) haha.. but alot of chilli.. i dun like chilli in my breakfast.. i usually go for something light.. but since he alreadi bought it le.. then jus eat lo.. yep.. then went online to check the movie slots for my girls.. planned to watch movie after miss koh's house visitation.. haha.. yep yep.. then after i was done, i mopped the house.. then got myself chaged n left the house.. haha.. as usual, forgetful me.. first realised i din close the windows.. so unlocked the door again.. closed the windows n went out again.. then.. realised that i forgot to bring oranges.. wa.. then unlocked again n went to get two oranges.. haha.. shun bian checked that i closed all the windows n off all the switches.. haha.. problem with having short term memory man. lols.. tsk.. haha.. yup yup.. then finally left the house in peace:) haha.. headed for aljnied mrt n met jacqueline on bus 62.. :) haha.. then tot i was gonna b late but we were on time:) haha.. yup yup.. then when everyon arrived, we headed for miss koh's house.. took 40 from opposite the mrt station.. yup yup.. arrived at miss koh's house.. played around with the girls n miss koh's evil dog(who seems to have not much energy today).. haha.. then waited till bout 430 for charlotte's father n he gave us a ride to aljunied mrt.. then met brother on the train on the way to city hall.. yup.. angeline was on the train with me.. n i learnt that.. there are rumours about me in GB!! oh my goodness.. where did all these come from la.. tsk.. haha.. alot pple tinks that sweedy has a boyfriend!! oh crap.. this is like so not true la.. in the first place, which guy would wan sweedy as a gf la! tsk.. crazy girls.. anyhow spread rumours about me.. haha.. then miss koh.. not helping much.. was saying that there wun b smoke without a fire.. wa!! kill u all ah!! ahaha.. ya.. so walked around in raffles with brother while wating for ethel to arrive.. looking out for ting an's present also.. but din find anithing.. so decided to go somewhere else to get it la.. yeah.. tehn after ethel came. we walked to marina square.. see there got wat to eat.. ya.. then in the end we settled for some chinese food.. brother wanted to eat carls' junior.. but me n ethel stopped him like nobody's business.. haha.. FATTENING!! haha.. yup yup.. then after eating, i had to leave le.. then we walked back.. but brother headed for godiva's.. then bought some chocolate drink!! tsk.. equals to carls' junior rite!! :( sigh.. then he finished it lo.. ya.. then we left after that.. me n ethel dragged brother to take the NEL with us.. haha.. then me n ethel stopping at diff stops.. brother stopped with ethel.. yeap.. aniwae.. today.. suddenly make me think.. how pple feel when they're with me.. pple around me might find me an irritating freak that no one wans to come close to.. perhaps mayb the pple whom i trust most.. pple whom i appear to b closest to.. perhaps.. perhaps.. perhaps i'm just too sensitive.. too possesive.. too filled with jealousy? i dunno.. wateva..
I needed Jesus @ | 10:40:00 PM
*.* second day.. *.*
hmms.. haha.. second day.. even busier.. woke up at 8+.. then changed.. wore my fave skirt! :) haha.. then went to serangoon there.. dunno where la.. ate one piece of plain prata.. so full sia.. haha.. with teh tarik:) haha.. headed for (i tink is) grandaunt's house.. alot of grandaunts to visit today.. haha.. yup yup.. then ya.. commonwealth first.. haha.. then went up o grandma's place.. jus two levels up.. took a little rest there.. then went with my aunt's car to another grandaunt's house.. at telok blangah.. haha.. yup yup.. then the kids gambled again.. almost everyone there was gambling.. i was jus like looking around lo.. help my cousins to see if they should take more cards.. haha.. sigh.. then after that, my family went to yishun.. my aunt's place.. haha.. then we one of the first few to reach.. yep.. then jus sat around.. haha.. then headed for another aunt's house.. hmm.. JURONG!! haha.. was like helping my mum to peek at every single road sign on the expressway.. haha.. but in the end, we still like went round n round.. hahaha.. tsk.. my mum is terrible.. haha.. so we were at my aunt's house.. haha.. left after a while.. n we had to find our way back to yishun again cos my mum was driving my uncle's car.. hehe.. :) so.. haha..we went round n round again.. i tink for like one hour plus lo.. hahaha.. finalli found our way back.. haha.. yep yep.. then went back to aunt's house at yishun.. played with my beloved kids:) haha.. my faves are Faith, Charis, Grace n Eunice:) their so lovable!! haha.. love them so much.. haha.. they see me they'll b like "HELLO!!!" haha.. then i get hugs:) haha.. so cuteee!! :) going to Faith n Charis's house this sat.. see the kids again!! :) YEAH!! haha.. yeah.. then left at bout 9+.. reach home bathe le then rest n here i am again!! :) haha.. yep yep.. pretty tired today.. should b sleeping soon le.. now 12+ liao.. time flies.. haha.. yep yep.. that's all folks today:)
I needed Jesus @ | 11:47:00 PM
*.* i can finally type!! :) *.*
yeah!! can blog le!! haha.. i downloaded firefox.. thanks brother:) haha thanks for always being there to help ur dear sister:) haha.. yeah.. today is the first day of the lunar new year.. well sunday.. got service today but can't go la.. sigh.. no need to ask also noe.. sigh.. :( wel aniwae.. woke up reluctant today though.. first year like that.. last time.. will spring out of bed one lo.. haha.. oh well.. got up this morning aniwae.. i always get up quite easily la.. jus whether i'm reluctant or not.. haha.. aniwae.. yeah.. got dressed up.. then ate tang yuan.. alot broke le:( haha.. aniwae.. ya.. then waited for my mummy to get herself ready..tsk take so long.. hah.. n we finalli left house at 1130.. yea.. then headed for some temple.. my mum collected some stuff.. well i was like.. wat am i doing there:( sigh.. aniwae.. then headed for grandma's place:) haha..met my cousins n the kids are realli terrible.. youngest 9 years old (that's my brother).. oldest 17 (my cousin).. they gamble lo!! tsk i never:) so proud of myself.. i'll nv gamble.. tsk.. to tink my mum nv sae anithing.. sigh.. but they play like 10c 20c.. so not that bad ba.. but the point is they gamble!! tsk!! haha.. then we loeft my maternal grandma's house for my grandaunt's house.. played with the dog in her house.. terrier mixed shitzu.. haha.. lazy puppy.. lols.. then went to paternal grandma house.. alot of pple as usual.. but this year she moved to Lorong Ah Soo.. haha.. n she's living like 2 levels above where i used to live.. :) so interesting.. same block also.. :) haha.. ya.. then went home le lo.. this year went home earlier:) something good.. haha..home le.. did some chem jus now.. almost fell asleep man.. haha.. so i'm online now:) haha... getting bored with my blog so i jus hunted for new blog skins.. :) this one super nice leh!! my goodness!! :) but.. the "someday my prince will come" thing.. kinda weird.. but true la.. lols.. haha.. i'll wait ba.. for God to prepare him n me:) haha.. mayb there isn't ani.. i'm leaving this to God:) haha.. yup yup.. and my shout box is done as well:) yeah! :) haha.. ya.. so now.. going to sleep le.. tired.. haha.. :) *yawns* took quite long to get this entry typed out cos multi tasking.. haha.. :)
I needed Jesus @ | 10:56:00 PM
*.* wat a new year.. *.*
Hmm.. haven been able to blog!! Stupid blogger.. I can’t create a new entry in blogger.. so can’t blog.. crap.. sigh.. let’s back track to Sunday.. after being drenched on Sunday afternoon.. expected myself to fall sick on Monday morning... BUT.. I woke up fine n healthy in the morning.. L so went to school.. but was kinda tired.. sigh.. really couldn’t take it.. so left during lunch time.. yeah.. then the cold got worse.. runny nose.. throat was a little pain.. so.. rested.. then din go to school on Tuesday.. yep.. din see the doctor either.. cos.. the clinics at my place.. all quite ex one leh..so din bother to see the doc. But I used up like haf the tissue box I tink.. quite bad.. sigh.. hahah.. yea.. slacked at home the whole day.. no strength to do anything much.. sigh..Yep.. then went back to school on Wednesday.. din feel veh well yet.. yeah.. but onli two lectures that day.. haha.. then went with esther to bedok polyclinic.. yep.. haha. Had quite an interesting time there.. hees.. haha.. then went back to tj after that.. then accompanied esther at the LEO stall.. ya.. then left school at bout 5.. yep yep.. then Thursday.. super fun day.. haha.. din swim in the morningJ wahaha.. that is good.. lols.. then during GP lesson, mrs ho allowed us to have the two hour to spray our hair!! J haha.. so 2705s had gold n pink hair!! J wahaha.. cool eh? Then after school, a bunch of us headed to Princess to watch ‘I Not Stupid too’ haha.. not bad.. cried n laughedJ haha.. really good show.. haha.. yup.. then we rushed back to tj for the carnival.. but sadly.. not much food left for usL sad.. haha.. me n Cheryl had 15 bucks to spend.. we spent it on cookies, 3 candy flosses(that’s quite terrible), drink.. those kacang puteh stuff.. terrible.. haha.. ya.. then mr thong was target to b dumped near the end of the carnival.. almost the whole population flocked there to see la.. lols!! Yup yup.. then left the carnival with Cheryl n headed home lo..Friday.. nothing much.. had no school.. yea.. then rot at home.. get scoldings at home too lo.. as usual.. then today.. got scolded n nagged by mum in the morning.. quite pissed with her la.. sian.. then went grandma house for reunion.. then now at home.. yep.. that’s about all.. for this week.. sigh… hope Chinese new year will b funJ for everyone else tooJ xin nian kuai leJhey brother.. thanks for helping me get this post onto my blog
I needed Jesus @ | 12:52:00 AM
FRIDAY!!! yeah!! haha.. been looking forward tho this day man.. sigh.. had a long day today... lessons ended at 415.. sigh.. wat a friday to have.. yep.. n last lesson was che.. tink chem teacher was in bad mood.. cos she sort of scolded us for coming in late (we purposely one cos it was a 2 HOUR lesson!!) sigh.. ya.. but aniwae.. school finally ended at 415 lo.. then rushed down to PL from there.. filled with excitement.. feel so good to be back in GB for events and back in the PL environment:) realli miss it so so much.. wells.. life has to go on ba.. the best i can do is to go back as often as i can lo.. :) haha.. aniwae.. went back for chinese new year cele.. haha.. then when we reached, the girls went ot bless the neighbourhood with oranges.. then.. went back to school.. had dinner.. haha.. feels good to b back in the GB environment.. haha.. had a great time with my juniors as well.. especially crazy michelle.. wahaha.. yup yup.. hope i have more of such times:) haha.. ya.. then after everything, left for home with my sister.. n some others went to the same bus stop.. yup yup.. :) hee.. one of my happiest days today.. :) haha.. tomolo can go out.. hopefulli.. then can go for fellowship.. then can go for service on sunday too!! :) not in a very open way though.. din let my mum noe i'm going to church.. told her i'm going to school for whole day.. oops.. oh well.. that's bad i noe.. but.. argh.. aniwae.. tink got enough le.. shall take a break from here.. hees..
I needed Jesus @ | 10:03:00 PM
Thursday, January 19, 2006
woo!!! it's thursday!! so it's gonna b friday tomolO!! :) going back to sec school.. for GB CNY event!! woohoO!! haha.. then it's weekend!! :) hees.. hmm.. supposed to b doing tutorials.. but.. sian.. no mood leh.. sigh.. tink i'll settle my chem tutorials then see how.. most prob wun b doing bio tutorial.. yep.. too sian alreadi.. sigh.. now.. seeing all my frens(mostly seniors) going into army.. lols.. enjoy ursleves guys! wahaha.. oops.. that sounds super evil.. haha.. well. hope things are fine for all army guys:) haha.. aniwae.. back to my work.. tink my maths teacher is super efficient.. took our maths test yesterday n he finished marking it and gave it back to us today!! (n we're not his onli class).. my goodness... but i failed aniwae.. oops.. 13/30.. well better than chem though.. haha.. yeah.. but i guess.. u realli have to buck uo sweedy.. cannot lag behind le leh.. time is realli flying!! :( sigh.. will try my best ba.. pray for me pple.. :( thankshmm.. i tot i was the onli unhappy soul around recently.. but i found out that i'm not the onli one.. well.. at least.. noe of a fren that's irritated witht hings around too.. well well.. hey boy!! (feels weird calling u a boy) but aniwae.. dun b so irritated or watsoever by things around u ya? cheer up ba!! haha.. :) things will move on as planned by the Lord.. remember to trust in Him ya? :) n watever it is, remember, u've got a FRIEND in ME!! :) haha.. always ready to hear.. or read(on msn) for that matter.. lols.. take care.. hope things get better:)
I needed Jesus @ | 10:18:00 PM
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
wednesday.. two more days to the end of the week.. so looking forward to the end of the week.. sigh.. school.. am i cut out for school? i dunno.. just trying my very best to surviv.. u noe.. u see pple in tj.. scoring As like nobody's business.. but here i am.. trying so hard to get my passes.. trying so hard to survive.. oh well.. since i'm not born with the brains, then better work harder ba.. i do not have a choice ya?
yup yup.. aniwae.. today's two test.. made time pass fast.. but.. well bio was not as bad as i expected.. but as for maths, well.. as bad as i expected i guess.. i looked at the first question.. statistics.. nv study so skip.. questions two and four were ok.. but the rest.. can't do lo... well well.. wat can i sae.. yeap.. jus wait for the results lo.. sians..
today.. left school at 1215 with janice.. yup.. supposed to end at like 215.. but civics n contact time.. so pon.. wells.. yeah.. then went to tm with janice to catch "In Her Shoes".. it is superbly great!! :) love that show.. din like the front at first.. like.. tot it was those typical american love stories.. with all those sexual scenes.. but.. it turned out to b a story about two sisters.. realli go watch it if u can.. well.. wana catch memoirs of a geisha.. who wana watch with me??? haha.. lols... ya.. after the show, i came home.. took 72 and stopped near the sports complex.. had a slow and long walk home.. i'm starting to love such walks on my own.. a time for me to like reflect on my own.. to talk to myself.. yea.. somewhat "cooled" down a little from yesterday.. ya.. realised that it's no point burdening myself with all those thoughts.. guess they are not worth my tears.. yep.. Sweedy is strong!! bcos she has the Lord with her all the time:) He stands by her all the time.. He gives her strength.. He carries her when she is weak.. He cheers her up when she is down.. :) I LOVE YOU LORD!:) praise God!! :) yup yup.. Sweedy has awoken from the terrible nightmare.. yea.. well.. thank you Lord:)
yep yep.. reached home.. turned on the com n here i am.. gave a call to my future tutee:) the boy i'm gonna tutor:) tot would have to deal with a difficult mum.. but ALAS! she sounds like a nice person.. haha.. then she was telling me that the boy is weak in chinese.. she hopes i can help him.. i'll try my best!! pple who have experience teaching chinese.. please help me kay? :) as much advice as possible:) haha.. hopefulli i can help him.. dun wana waste his time.. God please help me kay:) yup yup.. time to go now i guess.. hope tomolo will b a better day for everyone! :)
I needed Jesus @ | 5:16:00 PM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
well well.. got back chem test.. 3/36.. how's that man.. :( sigh.. i dunno la.. not as if i din study.. tried le.. but still like that.. can't remember a single mechanism n the reagents required.. sian.. well well.. mayb jc life jus doesn't suit me.. up till now.. i'm still pretty lost in the midst of school work.. argh.. everything's realli tiring me out terribly.. sian.. mood's been up n down.. things around me.. wel.. not much of a change.. it's just me i guess.. sigh.. well well.. supposed to be studying hard for my tests tomolo.. but.. mood ah.. dunno wats with me.. am i suffering from depression? dunno.. at least i nv tot of killling myself.. guess. i jus need some time to realli cool myself.. sigh.. AHHH!!! all the things that trouble me.. results.. relationships.. it's all been so long ago.. then now.. still like that.. Sweedy! why like that? weren't u a happy girl? seem to b so pessimistic these days.. been so moody.. sian.. dunno la.. still got ecology haven study.. tired le leh.. noe i have to but i realli dun haf the mood to lo.. HELP!! someone get me out of this situation!! :( maths.. given up le.. it used to b my best subject.. :( but now.. well i guess.. watever it is ba.. sweedy.. this is the last time u can like dun bother k? the next time ah.. MUG! sweedy's gonna b a mugger till As is over.. well.. pple around.. sorry if i can't have fun with u.. sprry if i'm gonna keep everything to myself.. sorry if i'm gonna b a freak who's not gonna talk much to anione.. i'm sorry.. sweedy herself is confused.. she doesnt' noe why she's like that.. is she mentally unstable? pple around her.. please dun hesitate to send her to MI or ani counsellor if u tink that there's something realli wrong with her.. thanks
I needed Jesus @ | 11:28:00 PM
hmm.. today.. busy busy busy.. went to school in the morning for Leo.. had to go to bedok reservoir are to distribute flyers.. ya.. finished it at bout 11+.. ya.. then called cheryl to ask her if she wanted to go PP with me to get Ga Yeong's present.. ya.. then she told me she going town.. asked if i wanted to go.. then i said ok.. then she said she aroung bedok reservoir.. so she asked her dad to come pick me up.. alighted at the bus stop near her place to take 7 straight to town.. yup yup.. then ya.. decided to alight at cine.. so went to cine.. then auntie bought ice cream.. haha.. then me n cheryl shared.. :) cheryl ate from her mummy too.. haha.. yup yup.. then went waled off the ice cream shop.. went to this shop that sold cute things.. saw this elmos head pillow!! super cute!! no hesistation.. bought it for Ga Yeong.. haha.. settled the present.. haha.. then we went to paragon for lunch.. ate at thai express.. my first time.. haha.. yup yup.. erm.. ya.. then aunty went toilet.. n then before we arrived at orchard, cheryl told me that it's her mum's birthday today.. haha.. yep.. so when aunty went to the toilet, i rushed to bread talk to buy her a cake.. bought her a blueberry cake. cheryl said she likes blueberries.. lols.. ya.. then after we ate out meal, took out the cake.. haha..she shocked.. but.. haha.. she finished it.. then we went taka.. ya.. then after that, i left from there.. aunty bought some stuff.. n she gave me a box of pineapple tarts n kit kat chocolate.. so paiseh.. crap.. but.. ya.. cheryl! thank ur mum for me!! :)haha.. then rushed home from there.. took a bath, took the stuff i needed to make ga yeong's card.. rushed down to pp to meet my aunt.. yea.. super rush.. haha.. but aniwae.. got there le.. then had dinner with my aunt siblings n cousins.. then went down to church for BS.. haha.. reached there a little earlier b4 BS.. so i settled ga yeong's present first.. worked with fabric paint.. but bad things hapened.. the paint smerged for some reasons.. twice.. so i had to clean it off n redo it again.. but thank God that Elmos is red.. so couldn't realli see that it smerged.. yup yup.. then had BS.. then went to banquet with the pple left.. they had dinner there.. while i worked on ga yeong's card.. it turned out like crap man.. super childish n ugly.. sigh.. then after i finished decorating, realised i din bring scissors.. rushed to sheng siong to buy.. sigh... ya.. then after everything was done, we all walked towards payalebar mrt.. some took bus.. me, wendy n joan took train.. yup yup.. headed for the aiport.. then was at tanah merah.. then PJ called.. asked me if i reached.. told him i haven.. then hung up.. called me again.. then the first thing he said"she go in le.." then i was like WAT!!! but after that, he said that she coming out.. was wondering why but din ask.. was like.. PHEW..haha.. yup.. reached the airport.. met her n hugged her.. then the second time, she was hugging pple before to checked in.. she came to me n said something super shocking.. then i was like stunned for 5 secs.. then i grabbed her.. haha.. hugged her la.. wa lao.. wat she said like made all those TJ LEO pple smile, grin. laugh.. my goodness.. it's impossible one la.. i'm not flirtatious wat.. haha.. ya.. then after she left, went to popeye's with daniel.. then left the airport with him too.. yup yup.. reached home at 11+ .. sleepy le.. going to sleep...
I needed Jesus @ | 12:52:00 AM
woo.. finalli.. friday has come!!! goodness.. i always look forward to this day.. it's been like that ever since i entered JC.. crap.. how come life is so terrible!! :( sigh.. yeah.. aniwae.. yeah.. this week nothing much though.. well had a chem test yesterday... although i tried to study.. but.. well.. all the stupid reagents n conditions n stuff.. sigh.. cannot remember a single thing la!! :( so.. i couldn't write anithing much lo.. sigh.. feel so demoralised.. :( sigh.. can i make it to As? crap.. oh well.. guess my brain has a maximum capacity...aniwae.. today.. long long day.. sigh.. school ended at 415.. then went down to tampines to meet brother.. then went to handpgone shop with him.. then he told me he needed to go down to pp marks n spencer to alter his shirt's sleeve.. i was like!! i just came from there!! argh.. haha.. aiyo.. but aniwae went down with him lo.. haha.. had a good time chatting on the bus la.. but brother is sick :'( tink he had fever.. sigh.. poor thing.. aniwae.. we reached pp.. went to cafe bar to find ting yi n fern:) then went to M and S.. then walked around.. haha.. ya.. then after that, we went to food court.. then i din wana eat one.. BUT.. u noe.. haven had dinner.. then u have food all around you.. haha..then brother lend me money.. haha.. i bought glutinous rice balls.. haha.. din wana owe brother too much money.. yep.. aniwae.. ya.. then left for home after that.. now super tired.. hmm.. yesterday, after school, went to pp with esther.. wanted to get swimming costume.. but two of us got not much money..haha.. ya..then in the end, we din bu lo.. i bought a sash like thinggy.. to use as "belt".. haha.. n me n esther bought star shaped ear rings.. haha.. i bough yellow, esther took blue n we got pink for cheryl.. wahaha!! n we're all wearing it today.. hees.. haha.. so fun:) yup yup.. well.. this week.. a little sad.. cos i lost something that i treasure quite alot.. sigh.. i lost my watch.. it was given to me by a friend.. yea.. mean alot to me.. lots of feelings in it.. oh crap.. aniwae.. yeah.. n also.. i tink.. i'm quite terrible.. losing alot of my things.. lost my watch.. that's one.. lost my favourite orange umbrella:( thoughit's spoiling le.. but still.. sigh.. n i lost my pencil yesterday.. but found out that elicia took it.. haha.. so got it back yesterday.. hopefulli.. my watch is somewhere out there where i'll b able to find it.. yeah.. n to the "giver" of the watch.. if u see this, so sorry.. hopefulli i can find it.. well.. after all.. hope next week will b ok.. :)
I needed Jesus @ | 8:59:00 PM
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
well well.. today.. haha.. HOLIDAY!! alright.. but.. going back to school tomolo.. sigh.. argh.. so reluctant to.. well.. erm.. been studying in the day.. for chem.. study till super sian n irritated.. sigh.. yeah.. well.. was helping to organise the senior youth outing today.. haha.. ya lo.. then in the afternoon, cheryl called me.. then she bought present for esther le.. yep.. then met up with the church youths at bugis.. had dinner together.. there was soo chuan, jason fung, ethel, arvind, jayson yong, tingan, joan, wendy n elvin.. yup yup.. we ate at the breko cafe.. haha.. i ate fishermann.. woohoo!! BUT!! :( it came at the wrong time.. tsk.. cos we were waiting for jayson yong to come back from the atm machine.. then they were saying whoever's ,eal comes next will have to say grace.. wa.. thne qutie immediately, mine came next leh! :( i was like saying joan's one would come next cos she ordered first.. tsk!! not fair.. sob sob.. haha.. ya. so i said grace.. yep yep.. after food, i wanted to go to topshop to look at some clothes.. so i asked ethel to go with me.. ya.. saw a shirt that i liked.. but as usual.. always dun have my size.. to that.. i have come to the conclusion that it's either i have a size that mani pple has OR i am of a weird size.. :( i realli like that shirt.. but.. sigh.. well.. wat can i sae lo.. yeah.. not onli clothes la.. even things like shoes n stuff.. oh crap.. sigh.. God's plan lo.. sigh.. aniwae..back to the past few days.. nothing much ba.. erm.. went to bugis with quah yesterday.. yep yep.. haha.. had fun.. yep.. bought a pants from mango.. like it!! as much as i like my skirt from topshop!! woohoo!! haha.. yeah.. then before we left, we bought famous amos cookies.. hees.. shared it lo.. haha.. n bought a chocolate doughnut too.. BUT!!! i din eat it immediately.. then the chocolate stick onto the paper bag le.. :( so sad.. then not much chocolate on the doughnut le.. God asking me to lose weight? haha.. then sunday... rained all day.. sigh.. n i went with my mum to kating to pick up my siblings after tuition.. then was pretty drenched by the rain.. that's the first time that day.. sigh.. then after that we went to eat at the katong laksa shop.. haha.. i din eat laksa though.. hehe.. ate fried kway teow.. lols.. then we walked to the pp bus stop n went to grandma's house... wa.. the rain din stop.. n it was like even heavier!! crap.. then we had to like cross a football field before we could reach grandma's house.. oh man.. my scandals were like 100% wet.. argh.. GROSS!! then my sister was like "eeee.. aiyo... ooh... ah.." then she was holing the umbrella.. shake here shake there.. got pissed so i jus walked faster without the umbrella.. got pretty wet.. well.. went to grandma's place n asked for a towel to dry myself lo.. haha.. then left grandma's hosue at bout 7 plus.. ya.. reached home n prepared for school the next day...saturday.. haha.. went for fellowship:) haha.. played heart attack.. haha.. quite interesting.. yep.. i went to the sinseh before that for my ankle.. so i went there with a bandaged ankle.. n smelling of smelly herbs! crap.. argh.. haha..then after that, went to pp for dinner with brother, ethel n zhang yuan.. yup yup.. thanks pple for accompanying me here n there:) yup yup.. then went home le.. tired now.. sigh.. need to prepare for chem test.. :( crap.. so sickening.. but i dun have a choice since i chose to take this path... will perservere one.. God.. i'll definitely need u by my side all the time ;)
I needed Jesus @ | 11:07:00 PM
thank God it's friday!! :) alright!! haha.. finally there's a day where i can like have a good sleep till tomolo morning!! haha.. like later in the morning.. haha.. yeah.. today.. had a long day on school.. yep yep.. haha.. was in shcool till 415.. sigh.. haha but my time table is already super good liao.. haha.. ya.. so.. shouldn't complain so much la.. haha.. well well.. haha..then headed for bugis with cheryl.. was gonna meet brother for dinner.. haha.. yup yup..we took 12.. then at first.. both of us were like tired.. but jus couldn't fall asleep.. well then after a while, we jus sat there n stoned n fell asleep at the same time.. haha!! ya.. then reached there le went to meet elvin at coffeebean.. yep yep.. haha.. then we walked around.. elvin went to buy his bag.. haha.. he bought a brown one with clips.. then he down there complain that the clips make opening veh mah fan.. LAZY LA U!! haha.. oops.. ya.. tehn we walked around.. then went to pasta mania for dinner.. haha.. took some time to decide where to eat.. haha.. ya.. then i ate tuna n bacon spaghetti:) haha.. yup yup.. then went home after that.. yup yup.. haha.. reached home at bout 815.. yeah.. i'm so happy tomolo can rest le:) haha.. but going for cca fair.. :) PL one.. hah.. yep.. so.. looking forward:)
I needed Jesus @ | 9:25:00 PM
Thursday, January 05, 2006
woo.. time passes pretty fast.. sigh.. the week's coming to an end soon.. one week of school gone.. sigh.. that leaves bout another 39 weeks to A levels.. crap.. i'm screwed man!! argh.. well.. been trying to do as much work as i can everyday.. yeah.. see the change in myself.. haha.. becoming more disciplined lo.. haha..(a little.. )but.. changes takes place a little at a time ba.. good that i'm making the effort myself ba.. yup yup.. Sweedy's gonna do well for As!! but i hope.. i wun b too tired out.. too drained by the time As nears.. haha.. yup.. haha.. ya.. today.. nothing much lo.. had lessons as usual.. not as terrible as yeaterday lo.. haha.. din keep wanting to fall asleep.. :) yup yup.. so managed to catch all that my teachers taught..haha.. tink must realli brush up on my chem man.. been totalli lagging in all my topics la.. sian.. DISCIPLINE!! haha.. yes.. I CAN DO IT!! with GOD'S STRENGTH!! :) haha.. yep yep.. nothing i can't do as long as the Lord's with me:) haha.. AMEN!! yep.. a hectic year to go through.. so my dear frens.. do give me some encouragement along my way.. jus in case sweedy tumbles n falls.. yep yep.. n keep reminding me that God is always by my side.. He'll never leave me!! :) thanks in advance.. and for all other pple out there.. jia you in all that u do.. know that u have someone up there who's always ready to love you, encourage u n help you.. for those of you who have opened your heart to Him, continue to strengthen your walk with Him.. for those who haven't, ACCEPT HIM!! open your heart! let Him come into your life and u'll see a total change.. :) trust me!! it's not something that i have made up.. jus in case if u dunnno who i'm talking about.. i'm talking bout this God that is full of mercy and grace, full of love for us.. that is the Lord Jesus!! :) go on. accept Him.. Christians, go out to the world!! spread the gospel!! :) praise God! :)
I needed Jesus @ | 5:36:00 PM
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

group 5 at Leo DSC!!

church youth outing on Christmas eve

sweedy n shu hao

mum n maria!

brother n me!!

sweedy n ethel!! :)

wendy, sweedy n joan

ting an n sweedy

PJ n sweedy @ BK
some pics that i've taken recently:)
I needed Jesus @ | 7:12:00 PM
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
well well.. school started today.. crap.. sigh.. wasn't a very pleasant day.. well.. got up at 615.. then left home at 630.. yup yup.. yeah.. reached the bus stop n caught bus 854.. yep yep.. then off i go on my way to tjc.. well .. schools starts at 730 this year.. so gotta go to school earlier.. ya.. then.. i reached school at bout 720+.. ahaha.. ya.. then sigh,, this year no more cg system.. i miss 0405.. :( then gathered with my scg.. yeah.. mrs chua is our new CT.. yep yep.. ya.. then din do much stuff in school today.. jus remembered slacing around.. going for principal's address.. a talk by mr fang.. tehn played captain's ball.. yeah.. tehnafter taht, some of us went to pp for lunch.. was pretty pissed with someone cos i feel that she keeps wanting her way i everything.. like, for the lunch, the class decided on pp liao.. then she wana go somewhere else.. keep saying too far.. i wasd pretty irritated la.. n this isn't the first time le lo.. PISSED!! ya.. then was telling this to one of my fren.. then my fren said that.. she isn't like that when she's with the pple of her CCA.. she bcomes more shui2 bian4.. crap.. wat kinda attitude is this man.. irritating.. ya.. after lunch.. went with esther n cheryl to bugis.. tink was a little out of place.. well the saying goes.. three's a crowd.. well.. not the first time ba... wateva it is.. well tink next time i shall jus go buy my stuff on my own le la.. tink i'm becoming somewhat pessimistic nowadays.. bad la.. sigh.. but well.. i bought myself a new bag for 26 bucks today.. haha.. brown sling bag.. threw awaymy old wan.. yep yep.. well, tink it's time to sleep.. goodnights!! :)
I needed Jesus @ | 11:59:00 PM
my goodness.. sigh.. i've stepped into year 2006.. it's like.. 2005.. well.. goodbye to 2005.. wasn't a very good year for me though.. so much has happened.. jc life.. not easy.. n so many other things that happened to me in my personal life.. oh crap.. well.. now.. i sae goodbye to unhappy 2005.. 2006, here i come.. but.. not gonna be an easy year too.. got my As to worry about.. i realli am unprepared for it.. sweedy.. time to buck up!! friends.. if u see me slacking this year.. plase give me a good shake.. sigh..well this year's new year eve was quite well spent.. first went to PP for flagday in the morning...yeah.. then after that, met Peng Juay at PP for lunch.. haha.. then i wasn't very hungry then.. so ate potato salad at pasta mania.. haha.. PJ also not hungry so he ate the same thing.. lols.. ya.. then after that, we went to KFC to sit down.. then i asked him some maths stuff.. (i can't believe it.. i was like studying..) yeah.. haha.. aniwae.. yeah.. then cheryl joined us at KFC after that.. then we went shopping while waiting for my brother Elvin.. yep yep.. then we shopped till elvin came.. then continued shopping.. haha.. ya.. i bought a skirt n top from topshop.. :) I LOVE THE SKIRT!! haha.. yep.. tehn sent cheryl to the bus stop.. then me, Elvin n PJ went back to KFC.. elvin was hungry so he ordered food.. i ordered fries.. haha.. ya.. then three of us jus crapped there until 6.. then PJ's frens came le.. then me n brother took a cab down to Jael's chalet at east coast.. yep yep.. then we were the first to reach.. haha.. so we put down our stuff.. then went to the beach.. haha.. then we climbed up one of the break waters.. I LIKE THE FEELING of being up there!! shall go there more often since it's pretty near tj.. hehe.. yep.. tehn talked to brother.. haha.. we both shared stuff.. yeah.. thanks for that talk brother.. n thanks for sharing with me ur tots:) although i can't help much, all i can and is ever willing to, is to b a listening ear.. so, feel free to share anithing with me.. yup yup.. then we went back to the chalet.. haha.. onli 3 others reached.. haha.. brother's wife, qing wei n yu xian.. haha.. yep yep.. then i stayed there for bout an hour plus n had to leave le.. haha.. so brother walked me to the bus stop.. met ting an on the way.. yep yep.. reached home at bout 845.. jus in time for steamboat with my family n aunt n cousins.. haha.. yep.. then was super full after steamboat.. haha.. helped mummy clear up, mopped the living room.. then waited for 12.. haha.. but the sms system was screwed up.. so i decided to call pple to wish them happy new year.. haha.. yup.. that was how i spent my new year's eve:) erm.. back track to Christmas.. hmm.. wasn't a very pleasant one.. but nonetheless, i was very happy to make it to church, with my mum's permission!! :) yup.. well.. after service, went with the youths for lunch.. but.. i was reading my Christmas cards.. came upon some phrases which stirred up alot of emotions within me.. so i decided to leave the group.. afraid i would cry or something.. yea.. made my way home. but i guess.. my mood was realli down.. plus i dun haf enough sleep cos slept at 4am on sunday morning n woke up at 8.. onli 4 hrs of sleep.. was on my bed.. n cried myself to sleep.. woke up at 7+pm.. yeah.. felt better after that..haha.. yep.. oh well..haha.. today!! went to j8 with my aunt, siblings n cousins to watch wallace n gromit.. haha.. yup.. not bad.. haha.. tink narnia is nicer la.. haha. abiwae.. ya.. then came home at 5+.. slack as usual.. n now.. waiting for my beautiful hair to dry so i can go sleep.. wahaha.. yep yep.. well school'a starting tomolo.. n i'm pretty reluctant to move myself back into school life.. but i dun haf a choice ba.. sigh.. oh well.. accept life as it is ba.. God, continue to guide me throughout my life.. especially this coming year.. teach me to have discipline, especially in my work.. n also in my walk with you.. help me grow closer to u.. :) yeah.. n help me to bring more pple to Christ.. especialy those that i have been praying for.. n thank you Lord for you blessings in 2005.. although it didn't go as a smooth year, i thank you for that problems and setbacks that made me learn more n slowly learn to b more mature.. thank you Lord.
I needed Jesus @ | 11:06:00 PM