Tuesday, February 28, 2006
*.* wats the point? *.*
sigh.. tired today.. sigh.. talk bout yesterday first la.. yesterday.. went to school as usual.. not that tired lo.. ya.. then went to cut hair after school.. went to bedok interchange there.. haha.. was with esther.. she accompanied me there lo.. ya.. 5 bucks onli.. cut by hairstyling students.. haha.. so cheaper.. but took quite long lo.. tsk. .haha.. then after the student cut, the professional came over to check.. gave my hair a little trim n it was finally after likr 45 mins.. lol.. i was supposed to meet hilda at the library after school to go kallang for tuition together.. but she left first cos it was cold there.. lol.. ya lo.. haha.. so after that, i met her at the bus stop that we take the bus to the tuition centre.. aha... we took 853.. ate at the hawker there.. haha.. :) we both ate $2 mee pok.. haha. i was quite full le.. then hilda said she not full! wa.. haha.. then she ordered fried carrot cake.. lols.. then she ate lo.. but i tink she onli finished 3/4 the plate.. tsk.. she say she still can eat dessert.. lols.. crazy girl.. haha.. then we walked into the stationery shop beside the tuition centre.. haha.. we went there last monday to photocopy our o level cert.. haha.. then the auntie actualli recognised us! lol.. then haha.. the uncle actualli said i'm pretty *blush* wahaha!! so funny la.. oops.. ya.. we left aniwae.. then went to the tuition centre.. sigh.. bad time with the students.. :( wanted to help them so ask them to do this exercise for grammar.. then i walked out of the room for a while to get some stuff.. then came back to find them copying answers:( sian already.. then din realli have the mood to teach them:( sigh.. then the kids kept asking me to let them off early.. sigh.. ya lo.. then let them off like 5 mins earlier.. then went over to find hilda.. n after she was done, we left together.. sigh.. i dunno how long i can last :( sigh.. hopefulli i can have the patience with them.. Lord help me please.. onli u can help me:) yup.. then reached home at bout 10.. went to bathe then studied some chem.. so tired lo.. sian.. so went to sleep at 12.. finshed onli two and a half out of three chapters that i have to study for the test.. sian.. ya lo.. woke up this morning.. then continued to study on the bus.. ya lo.. then went through the day tired n restless.. dunno y so moody la.. i tink pple around me are quite poorthing la. sian.. i'm sorry.. perhaps i'm going crazy le.. leave me alone ba.. go enjoy among urselves.. yeah.. aniwae.. chem test sux la.. deductive question.. n i din even correctly deduce a single compund.. wats the point of studying leh? i also dunno la.. study also like that.. nv study also like that.. sian.. well.. fail lo.. wat can i do.. sian.. ya.. then went to meet ting yu after that.. she's someone i met on the street.. she as doing street evangelism.. then she stopped me n cheryl.. then she called me up.. then i was tinking.. since i'm not sure of wat i noe about Christianity, no harm having her bring me through wat Christianity is about.. so i'm going through this all over again.. i wana experience God all over again.. i wan to noe God better.. n today, i realised that i realli dun noe much about God and why some things are as they are.. so.. she taught me alot of things today:) yup.. i hope these four lessons will help me improve my relationship n my knowledge of God:) haha.. yup yup.. n hope i can go to church soon!! n i'm so tired.. so i tink i'm gonna sleep early today.. gonna get my PW results tomolo.. :( sian.. ya lo.. so.. hope everything will b ok.. :(
I needed Jesus @ | 7:18:00 PM
Sunday, February 26, 2006
*.* wat is this?? my fault?? *.*
sian.. slept at 1+ this morning.. then woke up at 9+.. sigh.. if onli it was for church service.. oh well.. it wun b soon i guess.. aniwae.. today's aunt's birthday.. then she decided to treat us to macs.. so we all wake up n went macs for breakfast lo.. ya.. tehn i walked home from there.. my siblings went for tuition.. yeah.. came home did my tutorials.. then vaccuumed(correct spelling? i dunno) the floor.. ya.. my mum called.. ask me to call my dad to ask him to pick up my siblings when she asked me to do the same thing in the morning to ask him NOT to pick up my siblings.. then after a while, she called me again to tell my dad no need again.. then my dad was like why keep chainging.. in an irritated tone.. i was like.. it's my fault? sian la.. everytime the two of them quarrel, i'm the one in trouble.. wat crap.. my mum went to pick them up from tuition then bought chicken rice for lunch.. ya.. then we got everything done then left the house.. my mum ASKED ME to ask my dad to pick us up at my grandma's place at 7pm.. but my aunt left her car with us so my mum drove to grandma's palce n drove back too.. n we left at like 630.. so my dad? up till now, he hasn't called to ask if we're still there so i assume that he has clean forgotten about fetching us from grandma's hosue.. well that's my dad for u.. if u still dunno wat kinda person he is.. just someone who can't realli b bothered about the family.. ya.. n my mu jus called me.. i'm already at home.. he asked me if my dad called to ask if we're still at grandma's plcae.. apparently no.. then she was like.. WAT TIME U TOLD HIM TO COME?? then i told her 7.. then she was like.. HOW COME HE HAVEN CALL? excuse me.. am i my father? do u tink i noe where exactly he is? is it my fault that he hasn't called? so i guess.. as the eldest.. EVERYTHING is my fau;t lo.. well wat can i do? i talk back they say that i'm getting rebellious.. i dunno.. wat kinda parents? have they ever given a thought to how i feel? and the same goes for my religion.. i already chose to believe in Christianty.. n i wana go to church.. i'm not allowed.. has she ever wondered.. isn't it better to just let me go attend service.. to let me believe in wat i wana believe in? wun that make life so much better n relationship less tense than it is now? why?? y can't pple tink more rationally? i dunno.. i noe i'm not rational all the time too.. i guess.. that's human huh? wat can i do? i dunno.. mayb it's all my fault.. well perhaps..
I needed Jesus @ | 7:22:00 PM
*.* it's weekend!! but.. it's all gonna end so soon:( *.*
woo.. finallii a day where i can wake up so late!!oh ya!! yesterday, yi han made a dedication on 933 :) haha.. n she dedicated to me! her k partner!! :) haha.. aniwae :) sigh.. been so so so tired recently.. i wonder why too.. sigh.. but i guess.. all thanks to school ba.. :( sigh.. aniwae.. haha.. today.. stayed at home in the day.. supposed to be at bedok for home visit but my mum asked me to stay at home to look after my siblings so i just stay at home lo.. felt quite bad towards jaryl but well.. ya.. so.. stayed at home.. asked my siblings to study in the morning.. then brought them to the coffeeshop near my house for lunch.. then came home.. geck came to my place today too:) haha.. then we watched stefanie sun's hong kong concert vcd together!! haha.. so fun.. n stef's costumes.. so zai!! most of them la.. n she looked so cute in them!! geck likes her in the military uniform.. haha.. i like her in the yellow tube dress.. looked like a little princess.. haha.. she's so skinny.. looks nice in almost everything la.. haha.. ya.. :) not like me.. :( so fat.. sigh.. aniwae.. ya.. after that, me n geck left my place at bout 5.. we went to PS together.. i was trying to waste time.. was heading for church.. but din wana reach there in between fellowship.. haha.. so i went one big round to get to church lo.. haha.. then ethel called me when fellowship ended.. yup yup.. then i joined them for Bible study:) haha.. felt so good to be there.. :) yup.. then we all headed for clarissa's party together:) haha.. ya.. at clarissa's place.. me ethel n niu took some food, ate le then we went by the canal.. haha.. sat down n talked.. found out some things.. wahaha.. so interesting.. haha.. ya.. then me n ethel talked on our own too.. haha.. quite interesting too!! Wahaha.. so fun.. must have more of such talks!! :) haha.. n i made niu jin my little sister too!! i realised we went through some similar events.. hope i'll be of a support to her too:) haha.. :) yup.. then celebrated with clarissa.. then went home after a while.. yup yup.. hmm.. during the whole time when i saw him, tink ting an a bit weird today leh.. like nv realli talk or crap like he usualli did.. weird.. but since he said he's ok then so b it la.. :) haha.. ya.. so.. hope tomolo will b a better day for everyone:):) haha..
I needed Jesus @ | 12:58:00 AM
Friday, February 24, 2006
*.* it's friday!!! finally!!! *.*
well well.. the day i've been looking forward to.. always looked forward to.. my goodness.. wat a difficult to pass.. i've realli been so so tired.. sian.. been falling asleep in lectures.. seriously.. not that i wana fall asleep.. tried super super hard to keep those eyes of mine open.. but to no avail.. they were heavier than ever.. sigh.. i realli could do nothing but jus let them close lo.. then nv listen to lecturer.. sigh.. during tutorials still not so bad lo.. tink tonight better sleep early.. realli lacking sleep.. my mum sae my lian3 se4 not very good.. sigh.. ya lo.. sigh.. i need sleep.. then tomolo still got LEO.. sian.. going some home lo.. ya.. hopefully it'll b ok.. had chem SPA today.. haha. not bad.. can do.. haha.. hopefulli did correctly lo.. ya.. not that difficult lo.. sigh.. aniwae.. ya.. but after the paper.. super relieved.. ya.. then went for LEO general meeting.. then went to PL.. haha.. back for a while in GB:) haha.. wanted to meet my sister to go home together.. but she left earlier.. din even see her.. so i came home on my own.. took the bus with my daughter jacqueline.. haha.. so pretty after she piereced her ear:) haha.. ya lo.. haha.. then reach home le super tired le.. haha.. tink i'll go sleep at like 11 or something.. haha.. yup yup.. A level results coming out.. means my PW results will b out soon too.. sian.. dunno how.. hopefulli dun get band three or worse.. tink if i do, i'll cry at that moment.. :( hmm.. yup yup.. haha.. should b sleeping soon le.. sleepz..
I needed Jesus @ | 9:34:00 PM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
*.* tired tired still tired.. :(:( stress stress still stressed.. *.*
sigh... guess that's wats life is in this little country we're living in ya? full of work n work n nothing else.. homework.. school work.. yeah.. well guess we dun have much of a choice la.. jus gotta to try to survive this lifetime.. hmm.. let's see.. wmy life.. wats so tiring?? actualli.. it's more draining than tiring ba.. i'm losing all my brain cells le la.. sigh.. haha.. well .. just had my maths test yesterday n efficient mr hsi got it marked n returned the papers to us today!! wa mr hsi.. u ROCK man!! haha.. n i din fail!! passed on the dot.. think it's the first test that i passed this year.. haha.. aiyo my eyes cannot open le.. better make this a short one.. haha.. this is the onli wow thing that happened today la.. haha.. ya.. swimming in the morning was ok la.. nothing much today.. haha.. erm.. then lessones passed pretty fast cos we din have to listen to my "favourite" teacher talk during GP.. did an essay today.. ya.. then went straight home after school n headed for my aunt's house to pick my brother up.. yeap.. hmm.. haven been doing quiet time lately.. sigh.. been so tired that i'll jus say a prayer n fall asleep right after that.. feel so bad.. better be back on track!! pray for me pple.. i realli need strength.. need sleep now!! :( goodnight..
I needed Jesus @ | 11:41:00 PM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
*.* TIREDD!!!! :(:(:( God can u spare me another hour?? *.*
hmm.. on the phone now.. haha.. talking to this tj senior whom i met on the way home at the interchange.. haha.. she's a Christian.. :) yup yup.. haha.. just chatting.. haha.. ya.. let's see the past few days.. wa.. totally.. tired out le la.. tsk!! :( tuesday.. went to school.. but super tired!! :( keep falling asleep.. :( so terrible.. sian.. then left right after school.. to my aunt's house.. then my aunt to fetch me n my brother home.. then bathed n took a nap.. supposed to wake up at 6pm.. but woke up at 7!!! tsk!! sigh.. then did some stuff till like 8.. started studying maths lo.. haha.. sian din realli study much la.. jus did wat i could then went to sleep le.. din sleep well some more.. had nightmares!! tsk.. terrible.. can't realli remember wat i dreamt about but kept waking up lo:( sigh.. ya..then today..even more tired.. sigh.. sian. but maths test finally OVER!! haha.. like finally.. although not much confidence in doing well.. sigh.. ya.. then went to tamp after school for meeting.. to plan the sec 1 tc.. haha.. ya.. then msged brother, ethel n ting an.. ask them if they;re free.. but no one free:( haha.. so i asked jac n shi jie to walk around with me in tm.. haha.. n we made jac go pierce her ears!! :) COOL!! i sponsoring her $5 :) haha.. she look so pretty now:) haha.. now i'm her mummy! lols.. haha.. yeah.. that's about it today.. tink i go sleep le.. super tired.. sigh.. need rest!! :)
I needed Jesus @ | 11:01:00 PM
Monday, February 20, 2006
*.* stressed... tired.. *.*
hmm.. long day today!! :( sigh.. been trying to keep myself awake during lectures n tutorials.. well n i guess.. my GP tutor realli hates me.. but i dun give a damn la.. well.. ya.. had mock bio SPA as well.. hmm.. hopefulli i'll do fine.. din realli study veh much for it.. yea.. then had two hours break.. cheryl was sick so she left earli.. i hung around with wanteng n ellie.. yep.. then went for PE.. aiyo.. had to clear my make up PE.. tsk.. teacher made us run 8 rounds(3.2 km!!!) but.. well.. as though i ran 8 rounds.. haha.. tink me n sandy onli ran 6 rounds.. haha.. oops.. ya.. super tired le la.. then after we ran, we joined the class in soccer for the last few minutes.. haha.. quite fun la.. although i jus like dodged whenever the ball came my way.. hah. not much of a help i guess.. ya.. school ended.. then took 38 to bedok with esther.. took 26 to cheryl's house.. haha.. bathed there.. felt so bad cos she was sleeping.. ya.. aniwae.. left after i bathed.. haha.. then headed for eunos mrt.. took the train to kallang.. almost met brother for dinner.. but he couldn't meet up earlier so i went to meet hilda instead.. yup yup.. so ate macs for dinner.. eat happy meal.. BUT din get my toy!!:( not that i ate the meal fo the toy la. haha.. but i paid for it!! :( well ya.. then we headed for the tuition centre at bout 640.. went to photocopy our O level cert.. tehn went into the tuition centre.. n started my lesson with my sec one kids:) haha quite interesting.. but challenging.. :( cos they are pretty weak in english.. so i guess.. i have to work harder to help them.. hey pple out there.. please tell me how to make english something interesting to them k? :) i hope i can help them improve.. haha.. : ya i'm realli tired now..but going back to my maths.. got a test this wednesday:( sigh.. pray that i dun get tired out so easily!! i need strength! :)
I needed Jesus @ | 11:02:00 PM
Sunday, February 19, 2006
*.* oohh.. tired tired tired.. :(:(:( *.*
well well let's see.. haven been blogging these days.. thursday was the last entry huh.. friday.. wat was there.. like nothing much huh.. hmm.. cannot remember leh.. aiyoyo.. short term memory le.. wahaha.. ya lo.. tink went straight home after school ba.. was super tired as usual.. came home to do bryan's present n card.. plus my vday presents for the church pple.. slept at 2+.. tsk.. so late huh.. tired leh.. then woke up at 10+ on saturday.. TIRED:(((haha.. ya. saturday.. SUPPOSED to be in TJC at like 730.. BUT!! as i mentioned before that.. woke up at 10+!! wahaha.. i met sandy at 11+ to go polyclinic to see the doctor.. although we were not sick.. haha.. :) ya.. we spent an hour plus at the polyclinic.. haha.. something funny that happened was that.. my number wat --54.. can't realli remember the number.. erm.. ya.. sandy one after me.. haha.. i was refered to room 21.. n sandy to 16.. haha.. my side, the numbers jumped quite fast.. then i went in way b4 she did.. her side.. i finished seeing the doctor le.. she still had to wait for like 15 mins.. haha.. poor girl.. then after she was done, we took our prescriptions to the pharmacy.. then got our numbers again.. haha.. same thing happened.. supposed to collect our medicines. .haha.. i collected le.. then supposed to b her next.. but! someone else in the queue took very long to collect n pay.. coz asking alot of things.. haha..she had to wait again.. tsk.. haha.. then after that, i walked her to the bus stop.. waited with her for 62 to come.. then me n my younger brother walked home after she left lo.. yeah.. came home then continued with the card.. sigh.. quite disappointed with my design n the turnout of the card:( haha.. but my friends din mind it la.. so.. aha.. yea.. then after i was done with the card, continued to work on my sewing of the vday presents.. haha.. i realli love the little stars.. so cute.. oops.. so BHB.. tsk.. praising myself.. lols.. haha.. yea.. then after that.. daddy came home.. i swept the floor, mop the floor.. then put the dirty clothes into the washing machine.. who noes.. the washing machine got some prob.. then caused an electrical trip.. tsk.. ya lo.. then settled everything le.. then dunno how lo.. so tried to empty the water inside the heavy washing machine.. tsk!! SO HEAVY!! haha.. then my kitchen floor was flooded with the soap water.. so cleaned it up.. then we headed for china town to meet my mummy for dinner.. yep.. we were late then she was like why so late.. told her le.. then she sae must b me la.. cos i was the one putting the clothes into the washing machine the past few days.. then she sae must b i anihow press.. sian.. i help also like that.. dun help she scold.. pissed.. ya.. then after dinner, we took a cab down to grandma's house... ya.. my cousins n aunt were there too.. haha.. so we sat around till 10+.. then came home.. my mum tried to solve the prob with the machine.. continue to saying that i spoilt it.. well... it's hurting ya? but wat can i sae huh.. jus kept quiet n did my stuff.. yeah.. then slept at 1+.. i dunno wat i was doin.. OH!! i was still sewing my presents.. haha.. the last few lo.. haha.. n finally finished it n SLEPT!!!:)woke up at 10 today.. like again!! :( reluctantly dragged myself out of bed again.. :( then tried to get my brother out of bed.. washed up n had breakfast.. packed some work n went off with my siblings.. my dad fetched them to katong for tuition.. then dropped me at paryway.. yup.. i went to develop the photos for bryan's present.. then went to bk to do my work lo.. haha.. then did till bout 1240.. went to collect the photos.. hmm out of 2 collages did for bryan, onli one turned out nice.. not that nice still .. cos got parts cut off:( the other one was worse la.. the top n bottom was GONE!! haha.. onli see like haf the faces:( sian.. haha.. but gave it to him aniwae lo.. haha.. yup yup.. headed for church after i collected the photos to give them the presents.. haha.. yeah.. it realli makes me happy to see pple smile upon receive gifts from others( for this case, me to them lo) haha.. it feels good to make pple happy:) though living in this sad little world of mine, i realli hope to see others smile.. i noe many times, i made pple unhappy.. i see them frown, unhappy, in tears.. i'm sorry to all those i have caused to be unhappy.. i'll try my best to b a good friend, a good daughter, a good sister, a good student.. i'll try.. as hard as i can.. yeah.. bear with me if i haven been able to.. i'm already trying.. but i guess.. i might nv b able to do it.. i dunno.. no one noes wat will happen in future.. i might no b on this earth some day soon.. so..i dunno wat i'm talking here.. but that's wat i've always been feeling.. loneliness despite the mani pple around me.. it just so happen that.. mani times, when i realli need someone.. no one is there.. it's not their fault that they might b busy with thinngs.. i realli dun blame anione.. realli.. i realli am thankful for every single one around me.. yea.. well.. back to how i've been feeling.. well.. n i always feel lost.. i'm already 17+.. i should b familiar with things around me.. but.. i'm always lost.. i always need someone to tell me wat to do.. how to do.. i dunno.. take for example.. some pple are just so familiar with a place like town.. but me? i go there? i am worst than a lost sheep.. haha.. (that's just an analogy k.. i'm not lost all the time in that sense.. ermm.. dunno leh.. not a veh good one though..) ya.. basically, i am still lost.. in this world.. n i noe.. i am always told.. that wateva happens, u always have this person to depend on.. this wonderful person who loves you for who u are, for wat wrong u've done.. he loves u more than anione does.. his love for u cost him his life.. how great is this.. this man laid down his life for his friends!! noe who i'm talking about? i'm sure mani will noe.. He's Jesus Christ.. He loves me!! n i noe He loves you as much.. yes.. He can cure all pain.. all hurts.. just give urself to Him.. u can b sure, He'll nv fail you.. i'm still trying.. i wana build a strong relationship with thsi wonderful friend:) haha.. trying my best.. i urge all those who still haven given ur life to Him.. come on!! accept Him:) u'll experience something that u've nv experience before.. n u'll love that feeling.. CURIOUS? INTERESTED? come on!! do it today!! :) dun hesitate animore! :) (this sounds like an advertisement.. haha.. ooops.. but i realli mean it!! :) )
yes. long entry today.. wow.. haha.. JESUS LOVES ME N YOU!! :)
I needed Jesus @ | 4:45:00 PM
Thursday, February 16, 2006
*.* united we stand *.*
There's a special place for u n me where we come together as a familythough our homes may be far awaybut our friendship grows day by daythere's a special song for you and melet us sing together in harmonythrough thick and thin we'll know our way remember that we are saved by God's graceCharis youth is flying highlike an eagle in the skyCharis youth is flying high
for our good Lord Jesus Christthis song.. has been in my mind for the past few days.. i can onli remember some lines n the chorous.. i like the chorus.. i found the song somewhere.. so managed to put the lyrics of the whole song down.. ya.. well.. wateva is happening in church.. i just pray n hope that we will just trust in God to bring us through difficult times.. keep praying.. especially all the youths.. God will bring us through:) yeah.. today.. tiring as usual.. sigh.. but i'm so proud of myself:) haha.. finished my chem tutorial on carboxylic acid!! :) haha.. n did some maths question.. haha.:) yuppy.. then today.. nothing much happened in school... had swimming in the morning:) haha.. had fun with frens.. haha.. yup.. then school..lessons.. ended at 215.. haha.. supposed to go for mr see's book sharing at 415 but din feel like going so met ethel at heeren to get bryan's present.. ya.. so.. yeah.. went there with cheryl.. and she met zhijian at city hall then we went somerset together.. tsk i so bright can:( sian.. haha.. then met ethel at heeren.. went around.. she suggested buying slippers or belt.. but din see anithing nice.. then we saw this photo frame at this shop... quite nice!! :) haha.. so we bought it:) haha.. then ya.. saw a nice belt at some other shop.. but onli left display piece.. so.. we decided not to get it.. ask brother to go get some other stuff.. then nic told me that bryan wanted a book.. forgot the name le.. oops.. so we're gonna put everything together lo.. yup.. so i'm home now.. gonna bathe.. n pple please help me vote for my cousin!! someone else hasd caught up.. :( www.voteme.com.sg m1 royston aw!! please please please help!! it's onli a mouse click.. doesn't require much energy.. realli need ur help!! thanks k..
and ah.. i realised careless me.. been losing my things:( first was my umbrella.. then my precious watch.. then a few days ago.. i lost my beloved shoes!! :( i onli wore it for like 2 mths plus.. left it on the rack outside my house some days ago.. lost the next day:( sigh.. n then i lost my favourite star ear rings!! :( sigh.. today swimming.. after bath it was still on my ears.. but when i was having GP lesson.. i realised that one side dropped off le:(:(:( sigh.. lost lost lost.. dunno whether i'll lose myself one of these days.. :( God ah.. i hope i can find all these back.. :(
I needed Jesus @ | 5:57:00 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
*.* tired!!! :( *.*
hmm.. let's see.. well.. nv blogged for a while.. well sunday.. was at home all day.. yeah.. din do anithing much ba.. haha.. (can't realli remember actualli..) oops.. haha.. but i noe i got brother to call me after service to tell me wat happened lo.. ya.. well.. hope things will settle itself soon.. yup..wa.. monday.. :( deprived of sleep!!! :( haha.. after school, went to bras basah with cheryl to get some vday presents materials.. yup.. ya.. we spent like an hour there.. went to parco as well.. bodyshop n gift shops.. haha.. ya.. got some other presents.. yep.. then went home lo.. n had to sew the vday presents so i din do ani hw.. haha.. here's a pic of it!!haha.. ya lo.. had a hard time sewing at like 12+.. ended up on bed at 1+.. :( the next day.. horrible.. haha.. ya.. super tired lo.. sigh.. haha..
tuesday.. went to school in sec sch uni.. haha.. yup yup.. it was super big n long la.. haha.. tsk.. i was that fat i guess.. haha.. well well.. ya.. so vday.. exchanged presents.. i got a flower from my vj fren.. :) haha.. tj n vj collaborated so that u can like send flowers to ur fren from the other school.. yu p.. n i sent one to her too!! but.. tj.. sigh.. haha.. the florist met with some prob.. then some flowers were destroyed:( sigh.. then we got some compensation flowers.. they looked terrible:( poorthings.. haha.. but will get the actual ones on thursday i tink.. yup.. after school.. went to meet sheryl at vj.. haha.. passed her the star.. :) haha.. n also collected my present from ci hui.. she so sweet.. bought me a pooh bear.. haha.. fat n cute!! thanks girl.. tsk.. my present so lousy.. :( haha.. well.. then went out with sheryl after that.. we went to suntec.. walk around.. lugigng my plastic bag of presents.. which was like a little heavy for tired me:( haha.. ya.. then sat down at macs to snack n talk.. haha.. then got this young couple.. tsk!! sit there n kiss.. ny goodness.. me n sheryl were like.. "GO SOMEWHERE ELSE N DO THAT!!:(" ya.. terrible la.. kids nowadays.. sigh.. ya.. then we went to the esplanade to rot.. a while onli:( haha.. but took pics.. then went to marina foodcourt cos sheryl wanted to eat.. yup yup.. then she had to leave at 6+ for some church stuff.. so i walked her back to suntec.. then i went to raffles city cafe cartel to meet church pple for lunch.. haha.. :) well.. apparently.. alot pple la.. tsk.. brother nv tell me.. !! haha.. ya.. there was ethel, jimmy, some adults; su fang, ivy, grace, (xiao qing or something like that), fee siong? (not sure also.. oops) n of course my irritating brother.. haha.. din realli talk much to the other adults.. haha.. ya.. n my brother irritated me as usual.. well wat can i expect la.. haha.. ya.. then i left earlier.. yup.. brother walked me to the station.. haha.. yup.. then reached home n bout 9+.. super tired.. went online a while.. then did QT n KNOCKED OUT after that.. haha.. today.. still tired.. :( kept falling asleep especially during lectures.. tsk.. haha.. ya.. then finalli went for cg lunch together after so long.. but.. this time got ron, no janice.. no shi min n angeline too:( sigh.. tink i'll nv see all of us together again as we used to b those days.. sigh.. well.. ya... so.. after school, came home lo.. ya.. did my hw!! like finally:( oops.. been so tired n lazy.. sigh.. ya.. but maths is killing me.. ITERATIVE METHODS!! i'm still not used to the style of the questions.. :( ya lo.. sigh.. then dun realli noe how to do.. do until headache:( sigh.. so i'm gonna sleep now!!:( sweedy's tired.. totally!! :(
I needed Jesus @ | 11:05:00 PM
Saturday, February 11, 2006
*.* hmm.. well well.. *.*
well well.. last two days.. din go online.. cos of my mum lo.. sian.. everyday she's home.. get scoldings from her non-stop.. u're tired.. so am i u noe.. oh well.. tink i'm starting to get immuned to it la.. oh well.. wat can i do aniwae.. well.. yeah.. well on to happier things ba..thursday.. hmm.. can't realli remember anithing.. but aniwae.. din swim with the class today lo.. sigh.. good n bad la.. haha..ya.. then lessons as usual.. yea.. went home after that lo.. to study for bio test.. sigh.. so tired.. hmmm.. that's about all for thursday.. friday.. hmm.. which is yesterday.. school as usual.. n i tink my GP teacher hates me.. well well.. wat can i sae.. i was whispering something to cheryl during her lesson.. then she asked me wat i was talking about.. n she said something like are we talking about her pants.. like HER PANTS?? wat is there to talk about la!! crap.. she's realli picking on me la.. wateva.. well well.. ya.. then bio test.. quite difficult.. :( ya.. so was chem mock SPA.. sigh.. well.. everything was over.. then went to PS with jayne n esther.. went spotlight.. wanted to get more of the "eyes".. haha.. but no more le.. so i have to like choose who i wana give le.. :( sigh.. aniwae.. met ethel n arvind after that.. n we headed for YMCA together.. queued for the tickets to BP performance.. ya.. it was good la!! :) haha.. helped to cheer all of us up i tink.. they're a realli great n funny bunch of pple.. wonderful acapella group:) haha.. n i like Joe:) he's voice realli soothes pple's heart.. yeah.. but the onli thing was that it ended quite late.. bout 10+.. so i reached home at bout 11+.. then when i was crossing the overhead bridge to my block.. mum called and told me i can choose to stay at fren's place.. i jus shut up.. sian.. yeah.. reached home n din talk la.. ya.. jus washed up n went online.. yeah..
today.. haha.. hmm nothing much in the day.. was online.. then helped to sweep the house.. ya.. then went to my cousin's place at night.. haha.. my stupid lame cousin.. talk rubbish one.. haha.. ya.. but had a fun time there la.. not that many kids there today.. but haha.. not that bad ba.. haha.. ya lo.. then my dad suddenly not feelin well.. so.. he rested there for a while.. then we left for home.. took cab.. yup yup.. yeah.. washed up le.. online now.. asking pple to help vote for my cousin... www.voteme.com.sg everyone go vote k? vote everyday!! :) from now till 10 march!! :) please try to help:) thanks thanks! :) yeah.. n i hope that watevs is happening in church will b settled soon.. hope everything will be fine.. realli hope i can go soon:( yeah.. i'll keep praying..
I needed Jesus @ | 1:53:00 PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
*.* wat kinda rubbish? please dun make me hate u all my life *.*
well.. school.. i realli am hating school real badly:( and going home doesn't help much either.. :( sian.. school has always been the same.. n i'm always lethargic during lessons.. sigh.. SIAN!! yea.. that's school life for me.. got alot of catching up to do especially for chemistry.. :( sigh.. n my chem teacher isn;t making things better by making me quite irritated with her.. sigh.. well school.. bascially.. not a place i wana stay for long.. :( yeah.. sigh.. i dunno.. n pple always sae they yearn for school to end.. n they can't wait to get home.. bcos their home is so filled with love n care n warmth.. but me? not the case ba.. :( well my mum got a new job.. she's working for other pple now.. n i noe it's a tiring job.. cos she has to massage pple n stuff.. she comes home tired.. n she starts to scold n nag.. she brings up mistakes i made in the past.. forever complains that i am lazy.. not helping with housework.. well.. i realli dunno wat i can sae.. in the first place.. i dun realli have much time n energy either ya? she always complains that she has to do all the housework.. then wat is my sister for? when i was her age, i had to bring in the clean laundry, fold them, iron them.. soak the clothes for my mum to wash.. clean my own room.. sometimes help to clean the house.. haven heard a thank you at all.. n whenever i forget to do anithing mentioned above.. i even get caned at sec1! n now? my sister? i help her to bring in the laundry.. she leaves it there.. can wait till the next to two days b4 she folds.. my mum? she says NOTHING! wat rubbish is this? i can go on rattling bout a whole thing bout fairness.. i'm too lazy n tired to.. well.. n yesterday.. was being nice.. cos my aunt gave us some dessert.. then i wanted to warm it for my mum.. so i saw this glass pot.. so i poured everything into the pot.. put it over the fire.. picked up the broom n dustpan n went to sweep my mum's room.. but.. while sweeping, i heard the shattering of glass.. shoots.. i ran behind.. then i saw the whole pot of dessert.. erm.. the pot like broke? sigh.. then had to clear up the stove n stuff.. sian.. ya.. then went back to sweep the whole house lo.. ya.. mum was home.. as usual.. she started her naggings n scoldings.. arrowing me n my dad most of the time.. oh well.. it sometimes makes me wonder if i'm her daughter.. well.. mayb.. i'm becoming more like a maid ya? well.. nothing to sae la.. aniwae.. she was home.. wanted to tell her that i broke the pot.. but she taht kinda mood.. i scared the whole house will collapse.. sian.. so i jus kept quiet.. let her scold.. then slept early.. yeah.. well.. sometimes.. it just makes me wonder.. wat am i doing in this family? please.. dun make me hate u.. dun make me hate this family.. please.. yes.. pple tell me that i have a purpose for being here.. i accept that.. but.. i realli cannot tolerate all these?! why? why me? i dunno.. n today.. mrs chua was just talking bout supportive families.. well come to think.. my family was never realli supportive of wat i do.. just taking for example.. which school i wana go.. my mum was nv happy with my choice.. but for me.. i'm always strong with my choices.. once i decide that i wana do this, i will make sure i get it done.. n so.. i dun end like some other pple who go to schools of their parents choice.. n up till now.. my mum still brings up the point that i nv listened to her on the choice of my schools that's why i end up like that.. if she tinks so then so b it ba.. i have totalli no energy to retaliate.. no energy left.. well.. was telling ron wat happen.. n tears jus wekked up in my eyes.. wat can i do to improve this situation? no idea watsoever.. i realli am very tired of this life.. stressful jc life.. trying to maintain good relationship with others.. always looking happy if not pple tink i'm always pulling a long face n get pissed with me.. tired.. sweedy's totally drained.. soon, she'll b like a salted fish.. well... life.. God? that's my life? alright..
I needed Jesus @ | 10:36:00 PM
Monday, February 06, 2006
*.* into the wall !!! hmm.. *.*
hmm.. another school day.. with all the monday blues.. sian.. erm.. today not so bad la.. no falling asleep involved.. hmms.. that's good? i should tink so.. but could feel the tiredness.. n pain too:( was having pretty terrible stomach cramps.. sigh.. so much for being a girl yeah? well.. at least we du haf to go army la huh? oops.. SORRY GUYS!! wahaha.. back to today.. hmm.. something interesting(sadly) happened.. haha.. oops.. i feel so evil laughing at this.. but.. ya.. haha.. miss cheryl sim n i were rushing for maths lecture.. then we saw shengli under the LT.. haha.. then talked while we walked towards the stairs.. n under that LT.. there's quite a few pillars.. hmms.. make ur guess.. wat happened? oops.. we had to like turn back our heads while walking to talk to shengli ma.. then cheryl was walking pretty fast.. so.. we heard a loud BOOM.. hmm.. the next moment.. miss sim was holding her left eye area.. in tears le.. aiyoyo.. this blurie walked into the edge of the pillar!! my goodness.. so painful leh.. aiyo.. she cry until her contacts came out also.. tsk.. but we still went for maths lecture lo.. helped her rub a little.. ya.. haha.. then she complained to her mummy n daddy.. bf i dunno.. haha.. cheryl.. if u see this.. dun b angry kay?? remind urself not to walk so fast in pillar filled areas ya?? :) hah.. that's for her.. me.. cramps cramps cramps.. until i couldn't take it.. after bio, went to get the form to leave early.. supposed to have PE.. but skipped PE lo.. haha.. good one ah? but it was realli quite bad la. :( ya.. so went to my aunt's house after school.. ya.. did some work there.. had dinner n returned home le.. that's about all for today lo.. yup.. not much today.. haha.. :) hope tomolo will b fine.. n brother!! jia you at work ya? NEVER SAY DIE!! haha.. (u look like the battery ya? abit igger size onli.. oops) haha.. yeap.. no matter wat.. ur sister is always here for u:) n God will never fail u as long as u trust Him in His plans:) take care bro!! :) God bless everyone!! :)
I needed Jesus @ | 11:06:00 PM
Sunday, February 05, 2006
*.* visitations!!!!!!!!!!! :):) *.*
haha.. saturday first.. haha.. let's see.. woke up at like 7+ in the morning.. my aunt's call woke me up.. she ask me join her in swimming.. with my cousin too.. haha.. ya.. so i got up and got ready to go n swim lo:) yup yup.. haha.. then came home.. helped to clean the house.. then got ready to go to my aunt's house.. yup yup.. so got out of the house n took the bus with my siblings.. sent my siblings to my aunt's house, had lunch there then headed for yio chu kang mrt station.. going to ethel's house for visitation!! :) haha.. so met at yck.. then took bus to ethel's house.. yuppy yup.. haha.. then reached there.. ate n play.. ate n play.. haha.. we played indian poker.. like take a card, put at ur forehead.. trust those around you to tell u if u should change ur card.. then like the one with the smallest card loses.. haha.. n the forfeit is to eat up wateva new year snacks that has been put on the plate.. haha.. tsk! fattening la!! haha.. then played zong1 ji2 mi4 ma3 also.. haha... same forfeit.. haha.. i kena tink two or three times.. haha.. tsk.. FATTENING!! haha.. yup yup.. supposed to go to arvind's house.. but int he end we din go.. cos abit far.. so we went nicole's house instead.. haha.. yup yup.. then while entering the lift at nic's place, arvind stepped on my shoes.. n the strap broke.. haha.. lols.. sweedy's without shoes!! aiyoyo.. haha.. but thank God, nicole has alot of shoes! haha.. she lent me her shoes lo.. yup.. then left nicole's place at bout 6+.. walked out to the main road n hopped onto the cab my family was on.. haha.. n went to sembawang.. my favourite niece's place.. haha.. yup yup.. then dad was gambling there.. until so late.. then i was playing witht he kids in the room.. play until all of them tired le.. set them on the bed.. got them to sleep.. haha.. then i also knocked out on the floor.. haha.. first time i sleep in my relative's place la.. hmm.. haha.. yup.. then left at bout 1+.. my uncle fetched us home.. haha.. squeezed into his mercedes.. haha.. reached home at bout two.. cleaned up n KNOCKED OUT!! :) wahahawoke up at 8+ this morning.. :( sigh.. went to the temple.. sigh.. ya.. n something pretty terrible happened to me.. sigh.. sweedy.. blurn clumsy as ever.. sigh.. there was this small buddha on the table.. n it had some plastic cover that was over it.. like an inverted test tube.. ya.. it was connected to a wire.. n the wire stretched across a part of the floor.. i walked into the wire n tripped over it.. DROPS.. sigh.. the buddha came onto the ground.. the plastic cover broke.. wa piang.. everyone was like "OH!" aiyo.. so paiseh.. then my mum make me take joss.. kneel in front.. sae sorry.. sian.. then ya lo.. lucky the pple at the temple nv ask me pay or something.. oh well.. the terrible part was over.. but the irritating stuffs came.. had to take a try with oranges n incense paper n stuff.. kneel in front of the monk.. wait for him to alk all his rubbish like for forever.. sian.. then finally done n left for home.. reach home n vacuumed the place:( tired.. haha.. then my aunt n grand aunt arrived.. i was cleaning my com table.. so dusty.. haha..ya.. then went to bathe.. was supposed to like pick up the church pple from down stairs but i was bathing when ethel called.. but they foudn their way up:) haha.. n my other relatives came at the same time too.. haha.. yup yup.. then brought them into the study room.. they played uno n mahjong.. haha.. then mummy asked me go buy curry fish head.. so i left them in the room.. then went down with my sis n my cousin joey.. left the two of them at the park... then i went opposite to get it.. met them on the way back.. i bought a pack of poker cards from the provision shop below my place.. then wemt back home.. n joined the church pple.. haha.. there was elvin, ethel, bryan, shu hao, zhang yuan, ting an, kenny n arvind.. elvin n bryan left early.. haha.. ya.. then the rest continued to play.. yup yup.. played blackjack. haha.. with the mahjong tokens.. haha.. then played asshole taiti.. haha.. sian i was like asshole for so mani tims.. n blackjack.. kept losing!! tsk!.. haha.. kept getting 17 points.. tsk.. haha.. ya. so we jus played till bout 5+ 6 like that.. then they came out for dinner.. haha.. ya.. then slacked around.. till bout 7+ close to 8.. then i send them down.. ya.. waited with shu hao, ting an n kenny first.. then saw that arvind n ethel's were still wating after the other three left.. so i ran across on the overhead bridge.. aha... waited with them till 854 came:) then went home.. helped mummy sweeped the floor.. n ironed the clothes.. super tired.. but realli alot of fun today.. haha.. n i can finally relate to him normally le.. like friends would play around:) that's good.. haha.. n i'm sure.. i got over it:) yup yup.. with the help of some pple i guess.. :) will never b able to do it alone:( brother.. u're one of them.. :) thanks so much.. n i'm sorry for being so petty ah.. :( sorry.. u've been a great brother!! HUGS:) ok.. super tired now le.. realli need sleep if not i'll jus die tomolo:( haha.. goodnight!:)
I needed Jesus @ | 10:39:00 PM
Friday, February 03, 2006
*.* snowball!! where are you??? :(:(:( *.*
hmm.. another tiring day.. din wana wake up this morning lo.. sian.. alarm clock ring le.. press of.. wanted to sleep more.. but woke up soon.. scared late for school.. sigh.. ya.. so was on time for school today.. yup yup.. school.. kept falling asleep during lectures.. sigh.. :( terrible.. haha.. n finally survived till 415.. then headed for pp with esther cos she watned to get some stuff.. ya.. so we walked around in pp.. then bought some stuff.. then walked around.. tired le.. then walked to BK.. haha.. sat down to yak.. din buy anithing leh.. oops.. haha.. yea.. then sat till bout 6+.. then decided to go visit my darling snowball.. so we walked to the pet shop.. BUT!!!! the person working there was like pushing the cages.. rearranging the postions.. i looked here n there.. i saw the other dogs.. the shizu.. the spaniel.. the terrier.. BUT!! i couldn't find snowball!! :*( sob sob.. i'm so so so sad.. snowball!! where are u?? :(((( but i hope.. if u found an owner, he or she will b a very nice owner.. i hope u're happy.. snowball..
I needed Jesus @ | 10:49:00 PM
Thursday, February 02, 2006
*.* snowball:( *.*
hmm.. a tiring day i had.. sigh.. kept wanting to fall asleep during lessons.. aniwae.. had swimming in the morning.. super cold la!! tsk.. haha.. yup.. then teacher taught us to do backstroke(without using hands yet.. haha..) haha.. quite fun.. i knew how to do back stroke le.. so went around to help my friends who couldn't.. then when every other girl left the pool le, my class girls still stayed there.. those who noe how to do backstroke were teaching those who din.. so in the end.. all of us can swim together le!! :) yeah!! class spirit!! :) ya.. aniwae our class girls always the last few girls to leave the pool one.. haha.. having fun together:) haha.. yup yup.. then when we left the pool, diana called to ask us to buy apple pie n hashbrown.. so me n esther went the to buy. n took a cab back.. it was mrs ho's lesson after that.. n she said that we could bring in food after swimming lesson cos she noes we have no time to eat after lesson.. so me n esther brought in macs that day lo..then she sais we got time to buy back no time to eat there.. we were like... sorry.. then when we ate, she said next time please dun bring in cos it's veh pungent.. watever la.. sian.. haha.. then after school, me n esther went down to pp to meet miss cheryl sim.. haha.. we were walking around in pp while waiting for her.. walked into chamelon.. then i bought star earrings.. hehe.. then we were walking out then saw cheryl n mr pang coming down the escalator.. wahaha.. then he left.. the three of us walked around.. then bought a pouch each from dorothy perkins.. haha.. 9 bucks.. n it was last three pieces!! lol.. ya. then we went around to get my black tube.. tehn ate at pasta mania.. n went giant after tat.. cheryl needed to go look at some things in popular so we headed for popular.. on the way, we passed by a pet shop so walked in to see see.. saw some puppies n i was deeply attracted to this samyed.. from australia.. totally white in colour.. very pretty!! born on 18/10/2005.. realli very pretty.. but i dun haf the money la:( sian.. cannot buy.. sigh.. so left the shop.. went popular.. done le then went back to look at my snowball.. i gave her that name.. cos she's as white as snow.. n cute.. like snowball.. n always wanted a pet named snowball.. she's like my perfect pet dog!! sobsob.. snowball.. looked at ther.. she wanted to sleep le.. so i left.. haha.. then went home le..
jus reached home.. now.. gotta go sweep the floor.. mummy asked me to.. haha.. gtg now..
I needed Jesus @ | 7:10:00 PM
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
*.* go away.. thorns are reappearing.. *.*
wednesday.. back to school.. 5 days of holidays jus flew past like that.. realli dreading school.. sigh.. met wanteng, ellie n hazel on the bus today.. sigh.. all of us were like "can we take the bus back?" sigh.. school realli.. isn't very appealing i guess.. sian.. aniwae.. two lectures in all today.. then yesterday asked PJ to help me bring the newspaper article on the red hair day.. then he passed to me in the canteen.. crap.. shouldn't have asked him to bring la.. cos esther started her crap.. sian.. aniwae i was in school till 315.. all thanks to mr thong.. had scolding cos alot of year twos din go for the principal's talk on her passion(some contact time stuff.. which i tink i s a waste of time..).. so they held us back n said us lo.. sian.. then rushed home to get ting an's card cos i tot it makes more sense to pass him his stuff today since i'm going down to bugis to get his present.. so ya.. rushed home.. then got the stuffs n left.. took 165 to ang mo kio mrt then took train to bugis.. reached at bout 515 like that.. then b4 that, brother asked me to call him when i reach.. then i tot he'd b there b4 me.. then who noes, when i was there le, he was still at wheel lock.. diaoz.. so i walked around in parco first cos he said he's heading for bugis le.. assumed he was going to reach perhaps in longest 15 mins time lo.. called him again then he told me he waiting for ethel.. wah.. i was like.. fine then.. then i jus went back to the shop n bought the present on my own.. then jus left the shop.. walked in parco again.. cos they rest were supposed to reach bugis mrt at bout 550. yep.. then received ting an's call.. he asked me to go to the mrt station first.. then ask those who are there to head for v8 first.. cos made a reservation for 6pm one.. yeah.. so.. i went there.. but alas! nbot a single soul was there.. so called him n told him.. then i was waiting there for pple to come.. i called brother.. onli to find him still waiting for ethel.. then i was tinking.. yesterday, i was onli like late for a few minutes then he sounded like so sian in the phone alreadi.. then now wait for ethel for so long.. dunno la.. felt abit irritated la.. some more.. the other time, asked him whether wana go airport with me.. then he said after that still gotta send me home.. hougang leh.. wah.. at that time.. i was super pissed.. in the first place, i got ask u send me home meh? crap.. then on other occasions, he told me he sent other pple home.. not that i wana compare.. but.. their house is further his place than mine lo.. wat crap la.. then yesterday also.. aiya..i dun wana talk bout it le la.. crap.. mayb i'm too xiao qi la.. take it this way then.. i was super pissed today la.. ya.. wei xiang called me after i hanged up on brother.. he asked me to go to the restaurant to CHOP place first.. found that quite amusing.. haha.. aniwae.. ya.. so i went to the place first.. sat there like an idiot.. then later yu xian n chang yuan came to my rescue.. haha.. so i tole them i had to go, ask them help me pass the present to ting an.. then RAN out of the restaurant.. haha.. ya.. saw arun on the way! lols.. ya.. then rushed to the station.. jumped onto the train.. haha.. then brother called.. i sounded super bu4 nai4 fan2.. ya.. then took back to amk.. took 25.. was on the way when ting an called.. he kept apologising.. i was tinking.. like for wat? haha.. mayb cos i was made to run here n there like crazy woman.. haha.. aniwae.. ya.. then reached home le.. then bathed n ate n did hw.. yep.. ya.. eating rojak now.. crap.. tomolo got swimming!! argh.. sigh.. oh yes.. my darling cheryl is back home!!:) haha.. but not coming school tomolo.. sigh.. i'm lonely again:( aniwae.. if anione sees this entry n gets hurt or irritated, all i can sae is i'm sorry.. this is the first time i'm like so frank on my blog man.. i'm beginning to feel that.. i'm starting to become a porcupine? i am starting to close up my world.. building an unbreakable wall.. sian.. God bless everyone.. please pray that i can survive until my As are over..
I needed Jesus @ | 10:44:00 PM