*.* NO SCHOOL!! :) *.*
haha.. slacking at home today!! :) i'm a happy girl today!! hees.. woke up at bout 10+ this morning.. :) haha hehe hoho!! :) yeah.. then had a PAU for breakfast. wahaha.. ya.. then mummy went to the market to buy some stuff.. i went to the hairdresser.. finally got my hair cut.. haha.. wanted to cut since like BEFORE the holidays.. hahaha.. procrastinator.. that's me!:) haha that's bad.. tsk.. aniwae.. haha.. the hairdresser is my dear geck ying intro one.. ya.. haha.. :) i managed to find it:) hees.. yeap.. then went there to cut.. but i tink the auntie cut off too much le.. :(:( aiyoyo.. haha.. but it's ok la.. haha.. let it grow again lo.. i got BALD PATCH!! :( sobs.. haha.. must go yun nan hair care! wahaha.. oops.. :(:( yeah.. after haircut, came home n started to pack my table n notes n stuff.. spent a good whole three hours packing la.. tsk.. haha.. finally managed to put all my notes into the files they belong to.. haha..yeah.. tired le.. hahaha.. then i cleaned off the dust from the table n my stuffs.. yup yup:) now i'm like.. wah.. it's so neat! wahaha.. :):) going to meet ci hui for dinner later.. :) haha.. meeting her at 530.. then going down to YMCA to catch Budak Pantai's performance.. yup yup.. :) with brother.. tink got some other pple church pple going also la.. like bryan sam n tim i tink.. they bring their frens.. haha.. yeap yeap.. hope it'll b a nice performance today:):) hees.. tink i shall end here.. continue tonight if i have e energy n time:) BYEE
I needed Jesus @ | 3:08:00 PM
*.* WOOHOO!! it's OVER!! RROOAARRR!! *.*
YEAH!! i survived the ordeal!! my goodness.. the four days felt like eternity.. :( haha.. but now it's over!!!! :):) haha.. i am sure to fail to papers la.. just hope i dun fail too badly can le.. oh well.. :( haha.. but i'm happier than anione that it's over!! :):) hees.. yeap.. well.. bio on tuesday.. i din finish studying.. skipped alot of chpts.. err.. photosynthesis, respiration, excretion, growth n development, sexual reproduction n asexual reproduction.. zai rite.. my goodness.. so mani chpters.. sian.. i was like.. sure die one la.. indeed.. i died in the exam hall.. haahah..well wat to do.. no choice la.. can onli learn from my mistakes lo.. sigh.. :( yeah.. din noe how to do many questions.. :( sian.. yeap.. went to the airport to study after my bio paper.. i was quite drained leh.. sian.. yeah.. ron was there already.. yeap.. so went to macs to meet him.. that boy was sure studyin hard.. haha.. ya.. i had double cheese meal.. been some time since i ate that.. aniwae.. yeah.. was doing maths there lo.. did bout 2+ chpts.. yea.. then ron tan.. he went to buy the little lion that macs sold.. aiyoyo.. super childish.. he was roaring away.. sigh.. grow up boy.. haha..well.. maths paper was pretty bad.. i couldn't find my iterative method notes.. so i din study that.. i din have enough time too.. so i skipped 3D trigo.. that chapter.. waste time also la.. i doubt i can understand.. haha.. yeah.. the paper was killer la.. then i din study ones.. sian.. all came out also.. then iterative was like 11 marks la!! my goodness.. :( so well... not having veh high hopes.. yeah.. then went to kovan to meet geck after the paper.. we had lunch at the hawker.. then went to her place to study.. was so tired.. din realli study.. yeah.. we slept for 20 mins.. yeah... then studied lo.. till bout 6.. haha.. i managed to finish three chpts of chem at her place.. yeah.. then left for tuition.. haha.. we were having fun slcking n laughing at stupid things that we talked about.. haha.. playing with soft toys.. haha.. her "podgy" however it is spelt.. haha.. n yang meh meh. .wahaha.. :) took pics of them. .hehe.. shall post them here:):) yeah.. realli enjoy spending time with frens that i dun see often.. well.. realli miss those good old days. sigh..
meh meh on flower:) 
podgy kiss meh meh

meh meh kiss podgy
yeah.. n today.. the LAST day!! haah.. chem.. haha.. equalli bad.. or would i sae worse.. haha.. i din study chem n ionic equilibrium, thermochem, NMR.. yeah.. then so much came out on chem n ionic equilibrium.. my goodness.. so well.. sure fail again la.. sian.. yeah.. time to work hard soon.. but for now, it's time for me to take a breather..
met ethel, jason, chang yuan n ting an for dinner after chem paper today.. yea.. i was super hungry cos that that was gonna b my first proper meal today.. ya.. ting an n chang yuan were late.. n we took quite some time to decide on wat to eat.. :( haha.. i was starving man.. haha.. yeah.. finally decided on yoshi.. ting an din wan to eat yoshi at first.. tink he dun like.. ya.. but in the end he say he dun mind so we ate lo.. then went to TCC to chill.. yeah.. was onli there for a while.. i left at 8 for small mich's house.. haha.. practise for music marathon.. we're singing GB theme songs.. over the years one.. yea.. haha.. pple.. if u all are free on sunday.. bout 12.. do come down to MILLENIA WALK to support all of us! :) hees.. yeah.. can come find me for food:) haha.. :)
sometimes i wonder.. yes i do have frens around me.. yea.. i tot they are pple who are closest to me.. i give in my all.. i noe i can b irritating.. but.. i dunno.. it seems to b one way.. i dunno la.. i'm quite tired.. in a conversation.. i'm always trying to keep it going on.. but.. well.. in a conference.. i'm kinda.. talking.. but to myself.. pple talk too.. but not much directed to me.. well.. so b it la.. guess.. i'm not one person whom pple would like to talk to.. well.. i'm tired of always trying.. but i tink.. it's just in me.. i can't seem to let it go la.. well well.. God.. just help me along.. pick me up when i fall.. i know.. i can depend on you.. gtg now.. tired.. no school tomolo n i'm glad.. goodnight
I needed Jesus @ | 1:14:00 AM
*.* aiyeee.. *.*
sian.. exams are so irritating.. :( waste of time n energy.. n PAPERS!! poor trees.. gotta die to provide paper for me to take my exams.. oh talking about paper.. tsk.. TJ is so cheapskate la. .tsk.. can't even provide foolscap for me.. must ask me to bring my own wan.. wat logic la.. ask me to take exam dun provide paper.. TSK!! well well.. woke up at 630 this morning.. ya..washed up n left my house at bout 7.. ya.. went to bedok macs to study.. reached there at bout 750.. so sat down n study lo.. read through some GP notes then bio notes.. sigh.. till bout 1215.. then went to meet cheryl at the interchange.. yea.. took the bus to school together n i went to buy waffle for my lunch? haha.. tink considered lunch ba.. yea.. the paper ah.. sigh.. compo was crap la.. sian.. "man cannot interfere with nature and not harm themselves" discuss.. yeah.. that was wat i did.. crapped all the way.. throw in wateva i could remember from geography lessons two years ago.. hahaha.. all the pollution n crap.. yeah.. compre was on biomed.. all about cloning n stem cell research.. yea.. we did something similar in class before.. not the same compre la.. but on cloning.. n i would say that the questions are quite straightforward lo.. not difficult to understand.. i would say it's much easier than the usual compre we do in class.. well.. but summary was pretty difficult.. i had a hard time trying to find points.. n i just crapped some points lo.. AQ was ok.. should have looked through that similar compre during revision.. the points are all there la.. tsk.. haha.. i crapped my way through la.. tink cannot make it also la.. yea.. yup.. that's about it for GP.. after the paper.. went down to coffeebean at paya lebar.. studied there.. chang yuan was there too:) yup.. oh.. when i just arrived.. desmond was talking to chang yuan.. but after i came back from the toilet.. desmond was gone.. oh well... haha.. ya.. managed to finish one chpt of bio in bout an hour.. yea.. haha.. ya.. then bro called me n told me he could meet me earlier for dinner.. yeap.. haha:) so me n CY left lo.. then i took 76 n 80.. met brother at the mrt station.. actualli should have taken 51.. then dun need to walk so much.. tsk.. haha.. went to food court.. i ate lor mee.. then bro ate prawn mee.. haha.. we ordered rojak n shared.. i'm super FULL la.. my goodness.. haha.. sigh.. ya.. bro ordered the jap tofu some more!! PIG!! haha.. then i kept disturbing him with my chopstick.. wahaha.. haha.. ya.. had fun.. thanks for helpinf me destress bro:) haha.. ya.. then took 72 with bro then changed bus.. had to cross overhead bridge.. tsk.. haha.. tired man.. tink i'm gonna study now.. going geck's house tomolo morning.. STUDY!! MUG!! sigh.. goodnight!
I needed Jesus @ | 11:18:00 PM
*.* hmm.. the battle starts tomorrow.. *.*
well well.. this whole month.. wat have i been doing? tried to study.. but well.. discipline.. concentration.. focus.. it's NOT in me.. sigh.. HOW?? well.. talking to my frens.. all of them telling me.. take this as a lesson learnt ba.. SWEEDY! no more playing le ok.. can play la.. but not as much as now.. sigh.. well well.. that's all i can do.. frens.. we're gonna learn from this ok? we're gonna MUG for A's man.. sian.. dunno whether can make it or not.. :(:( stress.. well.. slept at bout three this morning.. n woke up at 12pm.. hahaha.. pig.. lols.. brother msged my saying that he missed service.. see la.. watch so much soccer.. tsk.. aniwae.. haha.. just before i woke up.. i had the weirdest dream ever.. hahaha.. well mayb second to some other dream.. but aniwae.. i dreamt that lee si song asked me to join warner.. MY GOODNESS!! wahaha.. wat rubbish la.. lols.. haha.. then i told brother.. then he went to tell ppl.. so irritating.. this kinda thing.. tsk.. i was irritated for a while.. but well.. that's me la.. angry.. not for too long.. haha.. ya.. went to my grandma's place today.. :) yup.. she ate my cheesecake.. haha.. ;):) yup yup.. then i onli managed to do ONE maths question there.. n got stuck at that question for a long time.. gave up.. then my cousin was asking me some science questions.. so din bother to continue with my work le.. going to after this entry.. yeah.. left my grandma's place in the evening.. ya.. my mummy felt like eating chendol.. so was tinking of where to buy.. we were in the serangoon area cos we had to pass some stuff to my mum's fren.. din noe where to get chendol.. ya.. then i felt like eating tang yuan.. hehe.. then suggested that we have tang yuan with dou hua n dou jiang next week.. then my mum was like.. since cannot find.. then go get tang yuan lo. :):) haha.. yeap! so i got my tang yuan!! nice:):) hahaa.. yea.. now. .gotta go study le.. going to macs in bedok in the morning to study.. then go to school at 130.. paper ends n i'm meeting chang yuan to study at paya lebar.. STUDY!! sigh.. :(:( God bless me.. God bless everyone..
I needed Jesus @ | 11:09:00 PM
*.* WOOHOO!! :) blog done! :):) *.*
YEAH!! :) i finally settled my blog skin!! haha feel so accomplished cos i took out alot of pics from the actual skin n put on my own pictures:):) hahaha.. not easy la! tsk.. html can drive me NUTS man!! wahaha.. :):) haha.. yeah. .actualli wanted another akin with stars n rainbow!! how apt! tsk.. but the skin somehow.. screwd up.. sigh:(:( but it's ok.. i'll find some nicer one some other day:) haha.. spent quite a lot of time on this ok! hahaa.. :):) mayb it's not as nice as the older one but i'm still glad i did it!:) yup.. today.. spent the day doing up my blog.. then went out with my family to chinatown for dinner.. yup.. mummy brought us to the holland v XO fish head bee hoon in chinatown.. wah.. SHIOK la!:) haha.. i added the chilli padi to my soup.. immediate effect!! haahha.. it was super shiok i tell u.. wahaha.. must go there n eat again! :) hahaa.. ya.. yeah.. din study yesterday n today la.. sigh.. i'm so dead.. realli dead le la.. can't b bothered.. aniwae.. ya.. went out with my nephew n niece n cousins n aunt n siblings yesterday again.. hahaha.. went to my aunt's place in the afternoon at bout 1+.. then helped her cook bobo chacha:):) haha it's nice leh!:) lols.. haha.. but the whoel kitchen.. tsk.. all the stoves were occupied.. so was the microwave.. lols.. haha.. everywhere was full.. no choice when we've got so many mouths to feed.. haha.. yup.. my nephew n niece went to sleep at 330.. haha.. then i was outside in the living room.. slacking.. haha.. they woke up at 4+.. haha.. :) then we left for my grandma's house.. passed her some dessert:) haha.. then went to sengkang.. compass point.. the kids wanted to go time zone.. ya.. we went to have dinner at the food court first.. then me my niece n my aunt sat a separate table from the others.. there was this baby beside my table.. then my aunt was off buying food.. haha.. i was with my niece.. ya.. then the baby grabbed my niece hand.. SO CUTE!! haha.. the two of them just held hands and looked at each other(both girls) hahaha.. :) yup.. after food.. it was game time.. i'm having muscle aches now cos i carried my niece all the way.. till after games was over.. wah.. haha.. tired leh.. lols.. yea.. we left at bout 9+.. i reached home at bout 10.. yup.. studied a little maths la.. finished up stats le.. yup.. tomolo shall do more.. tink i'm tired le.. yea.. goodnight..
I needed Jesus @ | 1:41:00 AM
*.* TIRED!! *.*
aiyoyo.. slept at three plus yesterday.. then woke up at 1030.. =S sigh.. tired leh.. :(:( but had a fun day(any day without studying is fun la) sigh.. haha.. so obviously i din study at all.. tink i can realli prepare to die le la.. sigh.. aniwae.. ya.. went to my aunt's place in the morning.. yeah.. my nephew n niece were there:) hees.. yeah.. they're cute:) haha.. especially my niece man.. lols.. :) haha.. yeah.. my aunt sent my cousin to school for some competition n waited for her there.. ya.. so i was like babysitting 5 kids.. wahaha.. lols.. then had to put my nephew n niece to sleep.. yeahgave my niece a bottle of milk.. she went to sleep quite soon after she finished it.. :) but my nephew.. was in the room with him for quite a while.. but he didn't sleep at all.. even till my niece woke up and was crying.. so.. yeah.. he woke up.. had to handle my niece.. she wanted mummy.. lols.. haha.. so ya.. managed to stop her from crying after a while.. thank God.. haha.. ya.. then brought her out of the house for a little walk.. lols.. ya.. n my aunt was back.. :) yeah.. my aunt n cousin washed up and we all went off to bishan junction 8:):) haha.. yeap.. :) went there to watch "cars".. i would sae it's alright onli lo.. not as good as i expected it to b cos the middle was kinda boring.. was having qutie bad a headache.. :( sigh.. yeah.. my niece din require a ticket so she was sitting on my lap.. haha.. ya.. i tink she din realli understand the movie.. so she was getting quite restless.. haha.. ya.. she was falling asleep.. then she suddenly wanted mummy.. haha.. passed her to my aunt.. my aunt gave her a milk bottle.. ahaha.. she finish her milk n slept.. lols.. now i noe e trick:) lols.. ya.. the show ended and we went for dinner at food court.. haha.. it was already almost 10 when we left.. yeap.. so just got home some time ago.. washed up n here i am.. gonna watch a little bleach n go sleep le.. tired.. haha.. :( sigh.. tomorrow.. dunno can study not.. :( sigh.. hope i can.. yeah.. niteys:)
I needed Jesus @ | 11:41:00 PM
*.* 4 more days to suffer.. 8 more days to survive.. 9 more days to freedom *.*
sighh.. today.. :( did a compre.. supposed to study maths one. but i'm not studying!! :( argh.. ya.. sigh:(:( i'm so tiredd.. having a headache now.. sigh.. :( looking at the title.. i got another 4 days to mug.. then it's another 4 days of papers.. n i'm free.. well.. not sae i'm gonna do well aniwae.. free or not also not much of a diff la.. sigh.. hmm.. yesterday.. usual day ba.. nothing much lo.. nv realli study again:( sigh.. bla. i am seriously so dead la.. sigh.. well well.. i promise.. this is the last time i can slack man.. prelims no joke le ok.. sigh.. :(:( HELP ME!! blajust ate chicken wings.. at this time.. sigh.. i'm gonna put on weight man!! :(:( sigh.. just lost one kg.. dun wana gain another kg la!! tsk!! haha sigh.. tired.. but i just ate.. so i can't go sleep.. haha.. PIG leh:(:( sigh.. yeah.. well well.. just wonder how things are going for some others.. hmm.. well.. live ur lives to the fullest my frens.. dun end up like me.. in a whole pool of problems.. unsolvable ones.. exams sucks!!
I needed Jesus @ | 11:51:00 PM
*.* I LOVE THIS SONG!:) *.*
haha.. lols.. got this song from my nana some time ago.. lols.. it took me quite some time to figure out the words.. therefore i declare it a NICE SONG!! haha.. it's on my NICE SONG list then:) haha.. yeap..haha.. :) "i just dun love u no more!" shuang3 kuai4 enough.. ahaha.. :)haha:) oh~! i kena some stupid msn virus yesterday la! tsk.. got a big shock.. tsk.. haha. then jayson kena from me =S felt so bad.. :( yeah.. then my com was hanging like no one's business.. tsk.. scared me like wat.. then my gor gor came to the rescue:):) haha.. he gave me some website to download some stuff.. yeah.. then finally got everything settled atbout 2am.. i was like haf dead le lo..haha.. went to sleep immediately.. tsk.. haha.. tiredd!! yeah.. n today.. sighh.. din study much.. :( onli managed to finish one chpt of bio n half a chpt of chem.. :( :( sigh.. and wanted to do maths but well.. CANNOT focus n no discipline la.. sigh.. :( HELP ME Lord!! tsk!! i need to b more focused n disciplined.. n consistent too:( sigh.. tink all these things are not part of me at all.. :( bla.. :(:( went for tuition at bout 6+.. left house at 630.. reached there at 715.. so early.. tsk.. next time leave later.. lol.. haha.. yeah.. onli got one student today.. last week also.. so far.. out of 4.. 2 of them have quit:( sigh.. tink i'm a lousy teacher ah.. sigh.. lousy for english n science ba.. maths n other subs i dunno.. sigh.. :( but well.. dunno:( sad.. my best student left with me now.. bla:( sigh.. hope i can help her lo.. ya.. tired le.. going to sleep liao.. sigh.. SIGH.. i'm always so tired.. sigh.. oHHH!! haha.. i learnt this from a fren.. a star for all of u!! :) _/\_>"< yeah.. nice right:) haha.. hope it brightens ur day/night:) haha.. yeah once again. .i'll say that.. i love the song!! "...i just DUN LOVE U NO MORE!!.. " sadist ah.. lols.. haha.. but it's realli nice song la.. haha.. enjoy:)
I needed Jesus @ | 10:59:00 PM
*.* i am seriously tired.. stop pushing everything to me.. i'm telling u once and for all.. i'm tired *.*
well.. today.. woke up 915.. thanks to brother's morning call.. haha.. i was supposed to wake up at 830 but wither i din hear my alarm or it din ring at all.. ya.. aniwae.. got up.. washed up.. changed into my clothes.. then settled the cakes and stuff.. then left the house at bout 935.. ya.. rushed to the 62 bust stop... the bus took a a while to come.. then took 76 to church.. haha.. no seat on 76.. was so tired.. :( with cramps some more:( sigh..reached church at bout 1015.. yup.. asked brother to come out n help me to get the cake into the fridge then i was talking to ethel they all.. hee.. ya.. then they said ethel had to leave at 12.. so cele before service starts lo.. ya.. then asked some pple to come join us.. ya.. then sang n took pics.. ya.. then went for service with ethel :) haha..realli glad i went for service today :) pastor Gideon talked about spiritual dryness.. which is wat i've been experiencing recently.. ya.. learnt quite alot today:) yup.. so.. yeah.. then after service, there was a wedding service.. me n ethel left first.. we went to the kitchen to eat the cake:) haha.. yea.. then sent ethel the the traffic light.. haha.. :) i was thirsty so i went to 7-11 to buy.. then went back to church thinking that sharlene was waiting for me cos she din feel like attending the wedding but she did in the end.. so poor me.. i went out of church.. wandered around lo.. ya.. poorthing hor.. haha.. ya.. i went to sheng siong.. walked around.. then went to guardian.. talked to cheryl on the phone.. thanks for accompanying me girl:) yeah.. then went back to church.. went to toilet then brother msged me saying the service was over:) yeap.. saw nic n clar in toilet.. lols.. haha.. ya.. then hung around with brother.. felt like "gen1 pi4 chong2" haha.. tsk! ya.. but din feel like eating.. had quite terrible cramps.. sigh.. yea.. din realli fool around too much.. haha.. ya.. then headed for grandma's house.. now i'm home..totalli tired out.. super drained.. wat do u call a friendship? when do u consider a person ur fren? when problems arise.. wat do frens do to solve it? does both parties wait for each other to try to solve the problem? i dunno.. i'm tired of trying to solve such stupid problems myself.. feeling vulgar.. but i'll just use normal words.. i tried.. a "hi".. a weird look in return.. tried to strike a conversation.. with MANY minutes of silence.. so wat can i do? i tried le.. so i shall just leave u alone in ur own world alright? since it is so difficult for u to talk.. since u say there isn't much to talk about.. i accept it ok? so from today on.. if there's nothing.. i wun talk.. ok? i tink that's the best solution for me ok.. wat u wan me to do? i dunno.. but if u dun sae aniting.. i'm not going to either.. i'm leaving u along.. so pple.. please leave me alone.. stop torturing me with all ur questions n make me seem as though i'm totalli in the wrong.. i'm telling all of u that.. i dun tink i'm totalli in the wrong ok.. go away.. give me a break..
I needed Jesus @ | 8:35:00 PM
*.* i wana eat cheesecake! haha:) *.*
haha.. sighh.. today ah.. terrible as ever la.. din manage to study much.. i realised ah.. my attention span in the day is super terrible la!! n given the wonderful weather to sleep.. my goodness.. tsk.. sigh.. so i onli managed to do a few pages of chemistry.. yes i WANT to finish studying wat i have to but.. some how.. i just cannot leh! tsk:(:( sighh.. HELPP!!! :(:( yeah.. online till 5+.. then went to hougang mall.. haha.. bought some ingredients to bake cake:):) haha.. tink tomolo then can eat.. :(:( must put in fridge for at least 4hrs.. tsk tsk.. ahaha.. ya.. the preparation n stuff.. bout 2+ hours lo.. ahaha.. ya.. not bad la.. at least the cake turned out decent on first try.. (the outside la. dunno about the inside) haha.. :) mayb i'll go take a peek later:):) hees.. yeap. tired le.. not mani pple to talk to online so i tink i'm going off le.. haha.. byee!
I needed Jesus @ | 12:56:00 AM
*.* dinner@cityhall :) *.*
haha.. today.. TRIED to study.. sat down for bout three hours.. studied half a chapter of chem.. not bad.. this is a stupidly HEAVY chapter.. chemical bondings.. tsk! bonding ur head la.. sigh.. haha.. yeah.. then slacked a little le.. tsk.. then went to bathe at 445.. prepared to go out.. haha.. left the house at 520.. walked to the 62 bus stop.. =S so far la.. :( haha.. ya.. then took 62 n changed to 76.. reached church at 616.. haha! i'm supposed to meet pastor Gideon at 615.. 1 min late.. haha.. i reached there le.. walked to office.. onli saw jaymi(dunno how hers is spelt) haha.. ya.. i knock on the window.. haha! ask her is pastor Gideon there.. haha.. ya.. then pastor Gideon talking to someone else.. haha.. ya so i sat outside n waited for him.. hee.. ya.. then he came out le.. ask me go in.. showed me some stuff on SEAB.. haha.. exam tips man.. lols.. then he took a set of signpost.. then explained the whole thing to me.. yup.. then not much time le.. so had to stop at 7.. jayson came in near the end.. haha.. ya.. then we left church together n headed for city hall.. to meet the other youths for dinner:) hees.. ya.. so long nv see all of them le:( sighh.. but i'm glad i saw them today!:) hees.. i miss my mei mei!! haha lvoe you NIU JIN mei mei!! :) haha.. ya.. clar haven reach when most of them were there le.. n she din noe where was the foodcourt.. ya.. so i told her i'll go fetch her from the escalator.. so the rest went to buy food first while i waited for clar.. then she called her so i went to pick her up:) hees.. ya.. then went back n joined the rest.. NO SPACE at the table the so we took the other table lo:( haha.. went to buy food.. brother, tim sam n bryan came le.. yup yup.. then after all of us ate le.. we went to millenia walk.. to this shop selling candies.. haha..dunno wat shop.. haha.. yeap.. i din buy la.. cos dun feel like buying lo.. haha.. yup..after nic n the some others bought wat they wanted.. we left for the met station lo.. ya.. then me niu elvin n ting an took the train.. haha.. so crowded.. me n niu got separated from the other two.. ya.. then also veh crowded in the train.. so we din walk over to where the other two were.. haha.. ya.. i dropped at eunos.. then took 25 home lo.. tired le.. haha.. sleeping soon..been tinking of how to solve communication problems.. with family, with frens.. as for some friends.. i tink i'm quite tired of tinking le.. n well.. i always tink.. guys should take initiative in most things la.. haha.. whether it's actions or words.. i dunno.. that's wat i feel la.. sometimes.. a girl might seem too "aggressive" if she takes too much initiative.. ya.. aniwae.. ya.. i always hoped that communication problems can b solved.. but well.. i dun tink it's that easy huh? SO BE IT la.. Sweedy's tired le.. i'm just gonna keep quiet ok? i tink that'll b the best.. n the best is.. as little contact as possible.. that make things less awkward i tink.. ya.. tired!! tomolo gotta wake up n study leh:(:( SAD! tsk.. haha.. so i'm going off le.. GOODNIGHT!
I needed Jesus @ | 11:51:00 PM
*.* WAHHH!! I DUN WANT TO STUDY LE!! :(:(:( *.*
aiyoyo.. why do we need to have exams la.. it's so IRRITATING.. n it's so harmful lo.. it creates a whole load of stress on the poor students.. sighhh.. poor life we lead.. sighh.. n the workload is like a never ending pile.. sigh.. once u stop doing anithing.. it can grow to the height of a MOUNTAIN!! my goodness.. exams spoil my poor holiday which i'm supposed to use to RELAX!! sigh(not that i'm not relaxing myself).. but i'm relaxed in a tense way la.. like.. regret over slacking cos i'm supposed to study.. HOW UNHEALTHY!! tsk.. yeah.. been a bad girl these few days.. doing wrong things.. but i'm hoping i can change!! i will! help me Lord! :) i'm sorry i've sinned against u time and again.. forgive me Lord.. sighh.. i noe i can change as long i have faith in the Lord n not sin.. yup yup:) sigh.. life is nothing more than eat study n sleep everyday.. talk on the phone once in a while.. come online to watch bleach when i've given up on my work.. sighh.. wat a life.. boring.. sad.. irritating.. blaaaa!!! SAVE ME!! someone save me!! tsk!! take me away from this stressful place.. crazy society.. world of madness n insanity!! tsk!! i'm insane right now.. tsk.. sighh... HMPH brother talk to other girls dun care me le.. hmph!! i go sleep le.. i also dun care u liao! HMPH!! dun fren u le!! BLAAAA!!
I needed Jesus @ | 1:05:00 AM
*.* happy birthday daddy *.*
it's his birthday today.. n not a single one of us in the family wished him.. obviously we din celebrate with him.. well feel a little sorry for him.. but.. well.. i wanted to wish him.. but nv brought myslef to it.. so i din bother n just walked out of the house n headed for tamp..met brother at tamp.. din feel hungry yet so we went to seaerch for princess ethel's present:) haha.. then.. bought something.. haha.. something cute i would sae.. i hope she like it:) hees.. yup.. bought shu hao something too:):) but i dun tink i'll b able to meet her so i asked brother to pass it to her on my behalf.. yup yupp.. then i headed for kallang for tuition.. then came home..yeap... i realli tink.. i've got a terrible short term memory.. haha.. i can't remember anithing man! tsk! studying is such a chore!! :( argh.. i definitely can't finish wat i have to le la.. :( n i've been doing something that's quite wrong.. at least in God's sight.. help me Lord.. to get rid of that sinful nature in me.. i'm sorry Lord.. help me..and one last thing.. just wana make it clear that.. i'm not realli trying to stop pple from reading my blog.. but just want to b aware of who's reading it.. yeah.. that's the purpose of the password.. yeah.. n so.. if pple want it.. i seriously hope they would come to me personally.. at least.. i dunno.. one thins is.. it's a form of respect.. n also.. i dun tink i'm that scary ba? it's not as though i will eat up the person whom i dun wana reveal the password to.. at most.. u'll have to go away without the password.. doesn't mean we're not frens.. i dunno wat i'm talking about la.. but i tink pple should understand wat i'm talking about la.. well..tink it's time for me to go study le.. yea.. i'm off now.. hope i can finish as much as i can la.. not much hope =( sigh.. well well.. goodnight..
I needed Jesus @ | 11:47:00 PM
*.* everything's red.. *.*
here's a girl.. who's tired.. physically.. mentally n emotionally.. she's drained.. totally drained.. right now.. something that is right smack in her face.. something that she has to face bravely.. something that she cannot avoid.. is the terrible relationship of her parents.. the ones whom she held so dear when she was young.. things got worse as she grew older.. her relationship with her parents.. was not that good.. arguments and quarrels were always present.. she could never do anithing.. all she could do when she was young.. was to hide in a corner.. watch them quarrel.. watch them fight.. m all she does.. is cry.. now the onli difference.. in a quarrel.. she tries to stop both parties from fighting.. she tries to stop the quarrel.. (in fact sometimes.. a quarrel arises because of something she did or didn't do).. she feels sorry.. she wished she did things well all the time.. but.. laziness prevails in her at times.. so does carelessness n forgetfulness.. so.. she pays the price for all her wrongdoings today.. she saw so much of red.. anger.. rage.. blood.. she's shocked.. she screamed.. she cried.. she's scared.. all these.. she takes it alone.. she doesn't noe wat to sae to others.. she doesn't want to share in fact.. she prefers to keep quiet.. n just leave things in the bottom of her heart.. all she will sae is.. a fight took place.. blood was flowing from the head.. there were drops n patches of blood all over the living room.. she tried to stop a fight from getting worse.. she tried to stop the blood.. she cleaned up the mess after the two were done.. she washed up.. after that.. she still saw blood.. on her books.. on her shirt.. she can't do anithing.. guess.. it serves as a reminder for her.. everything's red
I needed Jesus @ | 12:20:00 AM
*.* that's my week:) haha.. :) good n bad.. *.*
my nephew kang wei! :) haha.. 
nieceee alynn:):)

haha.. artistic pic huh!:)
the kiddies that were at the beach:):)

that's all of us:)

my cutie niece:):)

that's my family:)

my cousin's family:)

my aunt's family:)

alynn with my tweety! :)

me n kang wei:)

sibling power~!:)


TWIS!! :)
that's my nephew n niece:):) so cute rite:) lols.. haha.. yeah.. went to sentosa with them, my aunt n cousins n my family.. :) had a good time there.. n i've obviously been tanned a little more.. oops.. haha.. ya. was pretty tired though.. haha.. we spent most of our time at the beach.. playing around in the water n sand:) hees.. fun:) yup.. :) haha.. went to coffeebean.. took a break in the shade.. haha.. then went for the skyride n luge ride.. haha.. fun! :) haha.. i took the luge with my nephew.. haha.. he was so excited man.. lols.. haha.. ;) some pics above for ur viewing pleasure.. :) haha.. came home at bout 6+.. ya.. was realli tired le.. haha.. but i tink i watched alot of episodes of bleach:) hees. haha.. ya.. then my nephew stayed over at my aunt's place.. haha.. :) then came over to my place on tuesday..:) haha.. tuesday.. hmm.. haha.. got scolded by my dear big brother.. hees.. i watched bleach for like 2+ hours.. sigh.. haha.. but i studied after that lo.. haha.. ya.. then my aunt brought my nephew n niece to my place.. haha.. so as anione can guess.. i stopped studying lo.. haha:) played with them.. then watched a little of bleach then my nephew stay over at my place ma.. so i had to put him to sleep.. haha.. ya.. so put him to sleep in my room cos he din wan to sleep with my mummy.. haha.. so he slept le.. my cousin stayed over too.. then she couldn't go to sleep.. so i told her once my nephew fall asleep then i'll accompany her to watch tv lo.. haha.. so we all ended up sleeping at bout 1+.. :) ahaha.. yep.. din sleep veh well last night cos was worried whether my nephew could sleep well.. and also.. three of us squeezed on the bed.. so a little bit overcrowded huh.. haha.. ya.. :) so this morning.. my nephew jumped up on the bed at 8+.. then entertained him for a while then i went back to sleep and woke up at 12.. oops.. haha.. ya.. they were all playing le.. ha.. n now.. i gtg back to studying le! :( sigh.. haha.. byee..
ohh here's the result of the test gor gor sent me.. haha.. :) ::
I needed Jesus @ | 5:08:00 PM
*.* a meaningful event:) *.*
I needed Jesus @ | 4:54:00 PM
*.* tiredd!! oh no.. i din study today!! :( *.*
hmm.. slept at bout 2 this morning.. =S was talking to ethel on the phone that's why.. oops.. haha.. shared with her wat happened to me.. well.. ya.. had a good chat with her =) we shall remain as two pple with ai4 mei4 guan1 xi4.. aiyo.. i tink i still got alot of phlegm in my throat.. tsk so irritating leh.. :( sigh.. n i'm quite tired from yesterday.. so.. ya.. wasn't in the state to study lo.. sigh.. so i din study today.. =S sigh.. yea.. so i was doing some stuff to give to some pple.. :):) haha.. a SURPRISE for them!! :) haha.. but ron noe le.. tsk.. :( stupid me.. aniwae.. i was so engrossed in doing my thing.. since 1+ i tink.. the next moment i looked at the clock. it was already 5+.. oh no!! i din eat lunch! i actualli forgot to eat lunch leh!! =S sigh.. n if i dun eat.. i wun REMEMBER to ask my siblings to eat.. n they themselves.. doing their own stuff.. din realise that they din eat too.. sigh.. my mum cooked porridge for lunch.. n she reminded me to ask my siblings to eat.. sigh.. n my stupid brain.. forgetful as usual.. i forgot too lo.. especially when i have things to do.. i tend to forget things that i have to remember.. sigh.. then my mum scolded me lo.. :( yesh.. realli terrible.. somebody help me with my brains la! tsk.. ya aniwae.. after i finished my stuff. i swept n moped the house.. then rested till now n i'm online.. haha.. so i guess i'll onli study tomolo =S yeash.. ya.. so.. since i'm so tired. i'm going to sleep soon man. yawns.. tink i'm going off now le.. yepp..
I needed Jesus @ | 11:44:00 PM
*.* wah.. interesting.. :) haha.. gor gor has me as no.3 on his list too!! :) *.*
1. mummy
2. sister
3. gor gor (elvin)
4. ethel
5. tingan
6. geck
7. cheryl
8. hilda
9. ron
10. shengli
11. mel
12. angeline
13. shimin
14. bryan
15. pj
16. amaria
17. ethel chia
18. wanteng
19. ellie
20. serene lim
1. How did u meet 14 (bryan)?
Er.. in Charis?? Haha.. I was macdonald girl to them.. =S
2. What would you do if u never meet 1(mummy)?
Then I wun b here ba.. =(
3. What will you do if 20(serene lim) and 9(ron) dated?
cool.. haha.. but they dun noe each other yet! Haha I shall intro!! =) woohoo
4. Do you ever liked 19(ellie)?
Er.. YES! My ah ma.. dun wan to like also must like.. haha!!
5. Would 6(geck) and 17(ethel chia) make a good couple?
Ahhh.. I seriously do not think so.. =( haha.. mei nus dun make a couple.. ahaha.. =)
6. Describe 3(elvin).
BROTHER!! Tsk!! Irritating me all the time!! Bigg bully!! =( haha.. but a brother with a kind n caring heart! =) muacks!!
7. Do u think 8 is attractive(hilda)?
woo.. HOT BABE la!! Haha.. so mani pple chiong rite?? =)
8. Tell me something about 7(cheryl).
She’s my darling! Another hot babe which guys are after.. but I’m sorry pple.. she’s ATTACHED!! =)
9. Do you know any of 12’s(angeline) family?
Er.. not really.. onli noe she has a little sister who’s quite cute.. she’s pretty round.. haha.. =)
11. What will you do if 18(wanteng) just confessed he/she likes you?
Mummy loves me for sure!! =) =) no doubt about it!! I love mummy too!! =)
12. What language does 15(PJ) speaks?
Chinese English n I dunno wat else.. oops..
13. Who is 9(RON!!) going out with?
hmm good question.. suspicious boy.. hahaha!! I’ll go find out!!
14. How old is 16 now(amaria)?
17+ going on 18 soon!! =) just like mee!! :)
15. When is the last time you talked to 13(shimin)?
Err.. I just msged her.. counted not?
16. What is 2’s(weedy) favourite band/singer?
hmm. I dunno leh.. no particular favourites ba.. she likes jolin I tink.. n avril lavigne.. (however u spell her name.. )
17. Would you ever date 4(ethel koh)?
we already have ai4 mei4 relationship le!! =) hahaha.. SURE!! =)
18. Would you ever date 7(cheryl)?
Told u she’s my darling le.. dun need to date one la.. haha.. but she’s attached on the other hand.. =(
19. Is 15(PJ) single?
20. What is 10’s(shengli) last name?
Ehhh.. SOO shengli.. lols =)=) hahaha susu =)
21. Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11(melissa)?
Err.. NO! not her!! Haha =)
22. What school does 3(elvin) goes to?
He’s SCHOOLESS.. =S hahaha =)
23. Where does 6(geck ying) live?
Hougang!! We rock!! =) =)
24. What is your fav thing about 5(tingan)?
Crazily crazy.. nice fren to have =)
25. Have you seen no.1(mummy) naked?
tink so.. bathed with mummy when I was young hees.. *blushes*
I needed Jesus @ | 2:41:00 PM