Thursday, August 31, 2006
*.* ohh changed the song.. *.*
haha.. changed the bloggie's song.. the previous song did a good job(: haha i still love that song(: yeaps.. this is another sad song (looks like i have affinity for sad songs) haha.. yeah.. this song not much of a link to my life la.. haha.. but just tot it's a nice song.. nice tune too.. yeah.. enjoy ur time on my blog.. (:
I needed Jesus @ | 12:20:00 AM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
*.* day three of mugging.. *.*
*yawns* tired.. :( sigh.. today's weather is totally for sleeping one lo.. but me.. was mugging in the school library.. well.. din tell anione i was going to library today.. went there.. and din find anione i could sit with.. so i sat alone lo.. yeah.. then studied.. oh before i took the bus to school today.. i went to SPC to buy some snacks.. bought my favourite snack.. bought two packets.. hahaha.. ya.. went to school and finished it.. hees(: oh anyway.. hwee ming came alone today too.. so she sat with me.. haha.. yeap.. we studied together.. ate lunch together lo.. yeah.. then her fren was studying with us too.. so i felt that it's ok for me to leave her with her to study alone since her fren was there.. yeap.. so i left the library at bout 3+ 4+.. yeap.. went down to kovan macs to meet gecky to study.. hahaha.. (: yeap yeap.. had nuggets meal for dinner.. as usual.. growing fat!! tsk.. haha.. sians.. so tired.. haha.. aniwae.. we studied there till bout 8.. then when we were done packing up, i received a call from an unknown number.. and guess who man.. this guy told me he's calling from OCBC bank.. i was like.. i dun even have an account there.. the onli thing i tot of.. was of my parents and some probs.. but it turned out to b my dear friend mr BRYAN KOH.. thanks man.. thanks for that shock.. IDIOT!! haha.. yeap.. he was SLACKING!! tsk.. haha.. so we chatted for a while.. then hanged up.. yeap.. then i took the bus home.. i saw my junior on the way.. so we chatted(: haha.. told her about jc life.. sighh.. yeah.. hope things will b fine for everyone.. those mugging for O's and A's.. jia you ba.. hang in there.. (:(: we can do it! (: yeah.. year 1s.. mug hard for ur promos! (: yeap.. the rest.. just do ur best in watever u do!! (: God bless(:
I needed Jesus @ | 10:50:00 PM
*.* day two of mugging.. *.*
well well.. it's just another day today.. mug mug and mug.. wat can i do? dun haf a choice.. but despite mugging.. there's just too much to be done.. i dun tink i can finish at all.. well.. i dunno.. just doing wat i can do.. yeah..
slept at almost 2am last night.. or rather.. this morning.. yeah.. ya.. so i woke up later this morning.. set my alarm at 830.. hehe.. yeah.. got to school at bout 10? yeap.. started with some wonderful chem.. ya.. then went to look for mrs chua to ask her questions.. then went on to maths.. which irritated the hell out of me.. TOTALLY.. continuous random variable SUCKS!! :( yeah.. it's so difficult and confusing.. almost pulled out all my hair:(:( sigh..
aniwae.. had lunch with 4 guys today.. aiyoyo so weird.. tsk.. the ones i realli noe are chun kiat and ricky.. just got to noe kai sheng and i dunno the other guys name.. the four of them are pretty close la.. but i din have a choice.. it's either i join them or i eat on my own.. well.. so i chose to join them lo.. tsk.. but as usual.. guys and their not very clean talks.. tsk.. polluted my mind.. wahaha.. ya.. studied in the library till bout 545.. then went to pp to collect the photos.. then headed for paya lebar MRT to meet ethel.. yeah..
we went to the foodcourt for food.. then had follow up.. last lesson.. yeah.. was pretty tired.. yeah.. went home after follow up lo.. gonna continue with some maths.. :(:( sigh.. yeah.. then tomolo study chem n bio ba.. i also dunno.. sian:(:( life is so sucky.. :(:(
Lord.. i need your strength.. i need hope.. i need comfort.. tired.. :( sigh..
I needed Jesus @ | 10:48:00 PM
*.* day one of mugging.. *.*
hmmm.. wats school life like.. sigh.. that's wat it's like for me now.. mug mug n mug.. at most u go for lunch.. take a nap.. talk a little.. and u continue to mug.. done with mugging for the day? u go for a little break.. get home.. either u continue to mug or u go u may proceed to lala land for the next few hours.. wake up and continue to mug.. well well.. it's a vicious cycle.. yeah..hmm.. feeling a little.. i dunno wat word i can use to describe today.. well.. hmm.. went to school this morning.. supposed to meet ron at the bus stop outside school at 9am but was caught in a traffic congestion at ubi area.. so was late..asked ron to go into the library first lo.. yeap.. joined him in e library shortly.. yeapp.. he had his frens there too. haha.. yeah.. ohh ricky n frens.. wanteng ellie and hazel were there too(: so was esther(: yup i studied n practised chem for the whole day.. n i onli managed to like do chem bonding.. excluding the essay questions.. sigh.. yeap yeap.. hmmm.. wat can i say? i already tried.. but it still turned out this way..well studied till bout 5.. and headed for pp with esther.. i needed to develop pictures to complete cheryl's present.. yeah.. after i did so.. walked around with esther to find her fren's birthday present.. yeah. then left at bout 545.. took 36 to PS.. haha.. i found my way there on my own(: hees.. yeah.. haha.. met brother at body shop.. then we went to foodcourt for FOOD? haha.. quite obviously food la.. lols.. yeah.. i had 炸鱼片粗米粉 and brother had something else.. can't remember wat.. but is minipot one lo.. haha.. (: something similar.. just that he had rice instead of bee hoon(: haha..yeah.. so after that gor gor accompanied me to find my sis's birthday present.. sigh.. din realli noe wat to buy till i saw pencil cases.. yea.. tot she needed a new one since she used hers for quite some time le.. yeap.. so bought her one from precious tots.. happy house one.. ahaha.. yeap yeap.. then headed home le.. gor gor went to holland area.. haha..hmm.. brother said some stuff that made me think a little today.. not that i did not think of it before la.. he said that i'm ignorant.. :( it's true la.. not that i dun tink i'm ignorant.. in fact.. i boldly admit that i am.. i can't b bothered to read papers.. not even if the news broadcaster does the job for me.. yeah.. n i found some problems with myself.. i noe there are more.. but i can onli remember two or now.. firstly.. i realli can't read deeper than wat things mean on the surface.. it's realli rare if i can do such things.. yeah.. secondly.. i have a problem with memory.. i read it now n remember.. the next moment.. everything diffuses out of my mind.. lastly.. i have a problem with read fast.. i read extremely slow.. i read something.. it takes a long time to process inside the puny brain of mine and by the time i'm ready to read the next sentence.. years have passed by(exaggeration la).. haha.. is that a reading problem? or is it normal??i dunno.. i tot this prob became more obvious when i went kboxing with geck.. she could read the chinese words so quickly(she was singing MrQ).. yeah.. i had difficulties reading it as fast as she could.. oh wells.. i dunno.. i got so far without being affected by this to too great an extent.. so i guess.. it shouldn't b too great a hindrance? well.. we'll see if it does then.. yeap.. wonder if i'm fit for wat i want to b.. but Lord. i noe u have wat u want me to b in mind already.. i will wait patiently.. for your answer.. my life is in you Lord.. pretty tired.. shall do some chem questions.. then i shall go sleep le.. tomolo is another day in school.. yeah.. see you again..
I needed Jesus @ | 10:59:00 PM
*.* sunday.. slack.. tsk.. *.*
aiyoo.. been such a slacker toDAY!! :( :( sigh.. Help help help!! haha.. tsk.. was ust hanging around online this morning.. yeah.. then chat here n there lo.. yeah.. then packed my THICK STACK of ws into my files.. that took me an hour plus.. tink almost two hours.. chat with geck.. then arthur came online.. then chat.. got bored.. then went to play game.. haha.. orisinal games.. lols.. tried to break some record.. haha.. (: yeap.. then mr arthur played too!! wahaha.. tsk! copy me..wahha.. yeah.. then after that i got bored of the games.. then wanted to play checkers.. but MSN is as screwed up as usual:( sigh.. my side was ok.. but arthur's side couldn't get it dled.. sigh.. so din play la.. went back to my orisinal games.. well well.. haha.. broke some records again.. haha.. but i guess.. i can nv break them for long cos someone else will break it sooner or later.. hahah.. yea.. chatting with diana online now. ok.. i'll go off in 5 mins.. shall bathe.. and then DO WORK!! till MIDNIGHT!! haha.. gonna meet ron in school tomolo.. we'll MUG man!! hopefully.. n not end up slacking.. sigh.. haha.. yeah. jia you pple!! (: GOGOGO!! discipline!! focus!! (:(: WE CAN DO IT!! Lord.. help me to not fall into temptations!! tsk.. haha.. (: yeah!! study study n study.. I LOVE STUDYING!! (like real) sigh.. but i have to love it la.. sian.. EVERYONE GOGOGO!!
I needed Jesus @ | 6:54:00 PM
*.* more pics.. (: *.*

PIZZAS n 2705!! we rock the school!! alright!! (:

2705!! (: love you guys!! HUGS!

my pretty miss lim n ugly me:(

madelyn yi han clara and mr hsi!(:

grace ellie and wanteng(:

ellie yi han and wanteng

elicia and sweedy

complicated love affairs.. sigh.. ricky.. settle it soon!!

guys in action! (: (yi heng zheng liang ricky n poh long)

Jayne n sweedy(:

elicia hua chi ah!!

Madelyn mrs chua bevelin wanteng n zhen liang
I needed Jesus @ | 2:05:00 AM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
*.* here are the pics(: *.*

mummy n daddy! (: aww.. how loving.. haha..

mr hsi n sweedy! (i look so ugly:( )

jie mei n me! wahaha.. looks so mian2 qiang3

yi heng n me

aiyoo.. ricky open ur eyes la!!

wendy n sweedy

my k partner(yi han) n me! (:

shi hui n sweedy

si min n sweedy(:

sheryl the cg rep n me! (:

guess the flavour!! (elicia qiang3 jing4 tou2) haha(:

wah mrs chua looks happy with the pizza! (:

eee.. mr hsi has slanted mouth.. lol(:

my beloved nana(: HUGS! (:

ellie n clara(:

si min n wanteng

sweedy n clara

wanteng n clara

sweedy n esther

mrs chua in liang liang's present! (:

friends reunited(:

sweedy wanteng and ellie! happy family! (:

me and my mrs chua!! (:

ricky n mrs chua n ricky's work.. (WOW)

mrs chua with rose bouquet from 2705!! (:

sweedy diana esther n cheryl.. (best of frens)
ah ma n mummy!! (:
I needed Jesus @ | 4:10:00 PM
*.* happy teachers' day(: best day of my life in TJ *.*
yeah!! (: today last day of school.. err.. to prelims la.. after prelims still got lessons.. oops.. haha.. but well.. today was a WONDERFUL day! (: haha.. well well.. i saw the power of words.. n the impact of taking initiative.. yeapp.. and some problems.. were somewhat solved today.. i'm glad it did(: yeap.. just hope things will get better(: yupyup.. aniwae.. let's see.. i ponned school on wednesday.. ahaha.. oh well.. as usual la.. waste time lo. haha.. was supposed to meet geck to study in the morning cos she decided to pon school too.. haha.. yeah.. so i got up at 815 and went out of the house.. then when i reached e bus stop.. geck called me and told me that her teacher called her to ask her to go to school.. yah.. so i went to macs alone lo.. was trying hard not to fall asleep when i was studying.. tsk.. hahaha.. yeah.. then came home in the afternoon to look after my siblings and went back to macs to meet geck in the evening and studied there.. yaeh.. thursday.. not that good a day as well ba.. yeah.. school sucks as usual la.. :( sigh yeah.. had a whole day of tutorials.. yeah.. then went to the library with a few others to study.. but i occupied a table on my own. .din want to irritate or distract pple.. n to help myself too.. yeap.. yeah.. studied there till bout 7+.. was the last few to leave the library.. yeah.. hilda came down to school to collect some stuff from me.. yeap.. ahaha.. yeah.. reached home at bout 8+.. watched Singapore idol results.. aiyoyo.. nurul out:(:( sigh.. but she did her best le.. well done girl(: yeap yeap.. then chat online.. then my mum asked me to help her deco and print some stuff for her office.. stayed up till bout 2.. yea.. oh aniwae.. judging by the time that i slept.. i woke up at 645 this morning.. definitely late for school.. HAHA.. i did panic for a while.. then decided that i should sleep more.. then i'll join e rest for chem prac.. ahaha.. yeap.. so i slept till 9am.. ahaha.. yeap.. then went to my aunt's house to borrow the camera from her.. aha.. (: yeap.. then went to bedok interchange to meet poh long n cheryl.. we went to the market to buy a bouquet of roses for mrs chua.. haha.. pictures i tink i'll put them up tomolo ba. haha.. yeap.. then we headed for school le.. yeap yeap.. so went for chem tut lo.. 2 periods.. haha.. but passed quite fast(: haha.. yeap.. then it was time for cele! (: haha.. yeap.. yeah.. rushed here n there to do this n that.. but finally settled down n got everything done!(: yeap.. we had loads of fun watching the effect of mentos mixed with pepsi.. haha.. then ate our pizzas.. took loads of pictures.. sang songs.. haha.. we were the noisiest.. lols.. yeap yeap.. we chatted around.. (: the first attempt of the pepsi magic failed.. but we tried again.. n we did it! (: i'll try to put up the video tomolo(: haha.. yeap yeap.. haha.. yeah.. and everything ended with mrs chua presenting our "help" gift to poh long to help him tide over his difficult period now.. watever happened.. i'm keeping it private to protect his privacy.. hahaha.. yeap.. i felt so touched.. seeing the class n teachers raise almost 1500 for him.. (: hope it will help somehow.. (: yeah.. then before i left.. i gave everyone a hug.. (: n i ended up in tears.. sigh.. this is the last time we can realli hang out together as a class n go mad like that.. the rest of our days will b in preparation for the evil A levels.. sigh.. Lord, i pray that u will look after each and every one of my classmates and friends.. may all of them b strong n healthy.. and that we'll all b focused on wat we have to do.. (: yeap.. i'm sure we can all do well!! gogogo! (: brother is sad.. hmm.. trying to comfort him but it doesn't seemt to b working.. sigh.. just hope he'll get better.. brother.. if u see this.. noe that ur sister loves yoU! (: she'll always try to b there for u ya?(: dun worry so much bout wat is happening ba.. just keep praying n asking God for directions ba.. u should noe all these better than me.. yeap.. so stay happy! (: HUGS!! tired le.. should b going to sleep soon.. yawns.. haha.. goodnight.. i love 2705.. i love mrs chua..
I needed Jesus @ | 1:49:00 AM
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
*.* i'm not going to school tomolo!! (: *.*
hehehe.. look at my title.. and u should noe that i'm not a good student.. oops.. hehe.. yeah.. gonna pon school tomolo.. partly because i'm tired.. yeah.. n also.. tomorrow.. onli got two lectures which i tink.. is a waste of time to attend.. not that i'm right la.. but.. well.. i tink i rather spend the time on revision somewhere else.. yeah.. well well.. hmm.. looks like i din blog for the last two days.. haha.. tink i was kinda tired and busy with work ba.. yeap.. sigh.. school is as tiring as ever.. as stressful as ever): sigh.. haha i'm playing tic tac toe with ron tan the lion..
hahaha.. hmm.. school days have been like that lo.. nothing much lo.. sigh.. yeah.. then study in school after lessons.. monday.. went to meet ethel at bedok.. hey thanks for coming down to bedok k.. i'm so so sorry to make u travel so far.. if i had my card i wouldn't mind aniwhere sorry ya.. yeah.. had dinner at the hawker centre.. haha.. ate quite alot cos i din eat for the whole day.. haha.. yeah.. haha.. yeap.. so after dinner was Bible study.. we went to macs to have BS lo.. yeap.. after BS, i went around central with ethel looking for a cake for my mummy and a present too.. haha.. yeap.. bought a mango cake n a watch for mummy.. yeap yeap.. haha.. then took a bus home.. fell asleep on e bus cos i was super tired.. sigh.. yeah.. then struggled to alight the bus cos i had the cake in my hands.. hahaha.. and my big fat bag is always in the way..
tsk.. lols.. yeah.. then finally got home.. ahaha.. yeah.. then waited for mummy to return home.. was tinking hw we should surprise her.. haha.. in the end.. we just lighted the candles and left it in the kitchen when we knew that she was reaching home.. hahaha.. yeah.. then mummy always heads for the kitchen when she reaches home.. yeap.. so as usual she walked to the kitchen.. haha.. she was laughing lo.. lols.. then we sang her the bday song in chinese and english.. yeap.. then cut n EAT cake! wahaha.. yaeh.. then rotted online for a while more then went to sleep le.. yup.. mummy was doing some sewing.. sew wat? my sister's art work.. wat the hell.. stupid girl.. so lazy..
hmm.. today.. woke up reluctantly as usual.. sigh.. dread school every single day.. sigh.. but thank God.. the proper school week is ending this friday(: yeeap.. but it also means that the terrible prelims are drawing closer.. :( yeah.. sigh.. i'm trying to do wat i can le la.. i dun tink i can complete everything.. yeah.. just do wat i can le.. (: Lord.. i noe u'll b there for me.. i noe i can trust on you:) yeap yeap..
so after school today.. i went to have lunch with my juniors.. for the last time:(:( sigh.. dun tink will realli get to see or chat with them after this period le.. :(:( yeap.. but i'm sure i'll b missed! wahahaha.. lols.. i'll miss them for sure.. sigh.. yeah.. then after lunch, went down to somerset to meet brother.. we went present hunting.. tsk.. haha.. din noe wat to buy.. sian.. yeap.. gor gor was sick la.. ya.. then he was walking around with me.. tsk.. and he also ate wat i ate!! tsk!! ICE!! tsk.. got a cold still eat that! HMPH!! hahaha.. yeah.. we had dessert at the hong kong cafe.. yup.. :) haha.. yeah.. then i ate so much ice.. i was SHIVERING.. my goodness.. literately shivering!! tsk!! that's bad.. then gor gor still laugh at me! HMPH!! wahaha.. yeah.. then hurry bought the stuff n left le.. we were both very tired le.. but i tink brother's in a worse state.. yeah..hope he'll b better tomolo.. yeap yeap.. here's my dessert n me! (quite ugly haha)
we took the NEL train to hougang together n i took 132 home from interchange while brother took 72.. yeap.. reached home n settled the presents.. haha.. i'm giving Cheryl something similar to wat she gave to me.. haha.. assorted stuffs.. yeap.. sorry ah.. i dun have a good idea of wat to give la.. yeap.. ya.. just played checkers with ron.. (: i won both rounds! hahaha(: n i won tic tac toe too!! wahaha!! (: lols.. he supposed to treat me to shark's fin one lo.. hahaha.. bla!! now.. i tink i'm tired.. should b sleeping soon le.. yeah.. tomolo going to macs in the morning to study lo.. yeah.. haah.. goodnights..
I needed Jesus @ | 1:09:00 AM
*.* well well.. :( *.*
hmm.. today.. din do much work again.. shit.. saturdays are bad la.. sian.. woke up at 12.. :( i spent the time studying half a chpt of bio.. yeah.. then geck came to my place at bout 1+ to print some stuff and also transfer songs to me.. hahaha.. (: yeap i've got new songs now.. yeah.. then went off with geck at bout 245.. went to hougang pri to pick my brother from tuition.. then came home.. tried to study some more.. then got irritated with my brother.. :(:( tsk! ask him to do homework always say no homework.. sian.. then my dad just sat there and sleep.. goodness.. so i took out the belt.. oh by the way.. mummy's always at work.. so i somewhat took over the role of disciplining this boy.. sian.. belted that boy.. he's so freaking rude.. argh.. got myself so irritated with him.. dug out all his undone homework.. asked him to finish them.. he was crying away.. so irritating.. sian.. always gotta wait till pple get angry and he gets beaten before he will do his work.. why like that leh.. sigh.. well.. then i couldn't reali concentrate on my work le.. by then it was 6+ le.. so i dilly dally.. then took out my bedsheet and changed a new set.. then went to sleep.. set my alarm at 9.. it rang.. switched it off.. and went back to sleep.. got up at 10.. sigh. took a bath.. had some biscuits for dinner.. then cooked campbell chicken soup and shared it with my siblings.. yeah.. yup.. n here i am.. online now.. sigh.. a fren of mine is feeling down.. n so am i.. sigh.. it's difficult for us to concentrate on our work le.. sigh.. but i noe.. with God's help.. i'm sure we can.. right, RON?? (: haha.. let's jia you ya?? remember no more tears or i'll get my shark's fin meal!! wahaha(: yeah.. and as for me.. no more tears too.. yeah.. no more tears.. i guess.. and one thing i realised.. i tink. i'm pretty attention seeking.. i hope for love from pple i love.. attention from them.. well i guess.. i lost the attention when i had siblings.. sigh.. that's why.. i crave for attention from my frens.. but well.. i guess.. this craving is pretty irritating to some pple.. n i'm sorry to pple whom i've irritated.. yeah.. n to frens who has been supporting me all these while.. a great thank you to you.. i really am thankful to God for these wonderful frens that He has blessed me with.. n i hope.. we'll b friends forever.. elvin(thanks for being such a wonderful brother.. HUGS!).. ethel(hi ai mei!! wahaha.. i love you!! (: ).. geck ying(hey thanks for studying with me and going crazy together.. LOVE YOU!! (: ).. ron(SHARK'S FIN!! haha.. thanks for everything pal.. let's strive for A A A A A !! !(: wahaha.. this is madness).. diana (hey girl.. thanks alot for that letter.. it meant so much.. love you loads).. ellie wanteng and sandy(thanks for the friendship.. n the care n concern.. i realli love u pple! HUGS!!).. last but not least.. to all other peers out there.. i'm glad u're my fren.. thank you.. n to my dear Lord.. thank you for my friends.. and thank you for being my fren(: i love you!! :)
I needed Jesus @ | 1:10:00 AM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
*.* finally.. the end of the week.. *.*
hmm.. well well.. a difficult week to pass ba.. been sleeping late n getting up early.. sigh.. still coughing away.. haha.. thanks to myself la.. oops.. ahaha.. well well let's see wat happened yesterday.. haha.. met gor gor.. yeah.. studied in the library after school.. yeap.. then met brother at tamp.. went to the S-11 foodcourt.. gor gor had veg rice.. i ordered ice kachang (: haha.. yeah.. here's a pic of it!! (:
this is after i've eaten some of the ice.. hahaha.. oops.. (: yup yup. so.. after ice kachang.. went to the library to study there lo.. studied while that irritating brother of mine read COMICS!! tsk how unfair is that!! :( sigh.. sian.. yeah.. haha.. ya.. then asked him to help me with my summary for my compre.. sigh.. so terrible la.. i dunno how to do lo:(:( sian.. yeah.. after that.. we went to macs.. i wanted to eat fries(: hahaha.. ya.. then i bought milkshake too!! (tt's why i'm still coughing away.. tsk) haha.. yeah.. then we headed for wat i've longed for the whole day.. but.. onli ended up in disappointment.. sigh..
wanted to play swing.. but some other pple were there.. yeah.. so i couldn't play lo.. sian.. well well.. i love the swing alot.. i onli started to love it.. probably a few yrs back.. yeah.. i tink.. it realli helps me to forget about watever is troubling me.. just swinging back n forth.. it feels good.. yeah.. one day.. i'll get myself a swing.. haha.. yeah.. aniwae.. so since i couldn't play the swing.. i had to go home lo.. yeah.. slept on e bus.. yeap.. tired..
came home n continued to study lo.. did my homework.. but well.. din manage to do much.. n i was tired le.. so i gave up at 130.. yeap.. went to bed.. but din fall asleep immediately.. couldn't fall asleep cos i kept having little dreams.. yeah.. quite bad.. but woke up at 6 this morning aniwae.. yeah..
school today.. well as usual.. nothing much.. but here's some pics.. stupid poh promoting the school canteen's burger.. haha..

interesting huh? BREAD ROCKS?? haha.. (:

that's me and ah ma(: haha.. tink it was some class room.. haha.
different oxidation states of vanadium.. beautiful chemistry.. for once.. oops
haha.. yeah.. today's chem lesson was fun(: yeap.. aniwae.. my dear diana wrote me a letter n i almost cried when i read it.. thanks girl.. i love u loads.. (: yeah.. then went to meet my darling geck after school.. yeap.. bought her a subway cookie from school library. hahaha.. (: yeah.. went to her place.. haha.. n she treated me to peanut butter ice cream.. lols.. she had a BIG TUB of it.. haha.. yea.. it was nice(: yup yup.. after doing wat we had to do.. we headed for kovan macs.. studied there.. yeah..
realli enjoy her company.. haha.. (: hope i am not a distraction to her leh.. tsk.. i talk alot.. sigh.. shall talk less.. haha.. yea.. then at bout 915.. the 933 DJs came to macs.. lols.. then zhou chong qing was like.. hmm his hair was like my sec school hairstyle la.. haha.. shorter than shoulder length with fringe of same length as the back.. yeah.. hahaha.. he handed us a dedication form so we just wrote n dedicated song to all those preparing for As lo.. yeah. jia you pple!! (:
yea.. we're all mugging hard.. except for me i guess.. well i'm trying le.. trying my best.. yeah.. God.. help me to focus.. concentrate n remember wat i studied.. thank you(: tink i shall end here.. goodnight..
I needed Jesus @ | 12:25:00 AM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
*.* wat a day.. hmm.. *.*
well well. wat has school done to sweedy.. wat has pple done to her? wat has she done to herself? well well.. that i have nothing much to sae.. but she realli hates school now.. using the word hate.. hmm.. wat a word.. well well.. she's hoping to get over it as soon as possible.. yeah.. so here i am home today.. ponned school.. yup yup. two lectures n school onli ends at 240.. so no point going.. since it's such a waste of time to me.. well well. yeah.. so trying hard to study at home.. not easy as u can see.. cos here i am.. well.. i'll b back to work after this.. yeap..yesterday.. school not good as usual.. nothing to sae about it la.. but aniwae.. i'm thankful that ellie wanteng and sandy are willing to accept me into their group.. thanks mummy, ah ma n ah yi(: haha.. yeah.. yesterday.. hang around with ellie.. went to the canteen during GP period.. cos we were too sian.. haha.. went to eat.. then went to the library after that.. studied there till bout 4 then i headed for wisma.. went to meet gor gor for lunch.. yup yup.. this is my first time taking bus to that area alone n getting to that place alone ok.. at least i din get lost.. just needed to ask for the correct directions.. haha:)yup yup.. ate at the foodcourt at wisma.. felt cheated.. the prawn noodles supposed to b nice.. but.. turn out.. abit errr.. ya.. not nice lo.. but gor gor's fried kway teow not bad(: yup yup.. then ordered a popiah.. haha.. i couldn't finish.. so made gor gor ate the last two pieces.. hehe..(:went to scotts coffeebean after that.. yup yup ordered the honeydew drink.. haha.. (: made mr elvin carry it.. bla!! haha.. and then we sat on the nice nice couch!! (: haha.. yeah.. studied there for some time.. then walked with gor gor to the botanic garden area.. he needed to go collect some stuff from somewhere nearby..yup yup.. we had a LONG walk there n there was MORE to that.. so i left on bus 7 while gor gor walked further in.. was stoning on the bus that i almost forgot to alight at plaza singapura.. was walking down to the mrt station.. felt in my bag for my wallet.. BUT!!! i couldn't find it!! :(:( almost cried:(:( then i called brother.. with my last bit of battery.. luckily the phone was still alive. if not i would have killed myself. sighyeah.. had to trouble brother to come down to ps and he lent me his ezlink card while he took the train with some money he was left with.. yeap.. thanks brother.. i'm sorry.. yeah.. sigh.. the same exact way i lost my wallet.. in the same year.. just bout 2 months apart.. SIAN:( well.. learn e lesson girl.. sigh..yeah.. reached interchange.. saw mummy n sis.. asked mummy for 55c to take bus.. yupyup.. hope someone nice has picked it up n return it.. pls.. take e money if u wan.. return e rest to me la.. sigh.. god.. take care of it..time for mr to go back to work.. bye bye
I needed Jesus @ | 4:08:00 PM
*.* monday blues.. :( turned orange after that:) *.*
well well.. hmmm.. slept pretty late last night.. yeah.. this morning rather.. haha.. yeap yea.. then.. woke up at six lo.. din sleep very well.. well.. :(:( yeap.. so let's see. hmmm.. today morning.. in school.. as the title goes.. monday blues.. feeling sick still.. coughing quite badly.. well.. haha.. ya.. sigh.. yeah.. i tink.. school will nv b a place where i'll enjoy like i did in sec school n pri school.. it's a dread to go to school now.. :( yeah. well.. i can't do anithing to undo wat i have done.. so be it la.. yup yup.. after school.. supposed to study with ron tan.. but i was with my frens.. n he with his.. so we studied with our own frens lo.. yeah.. then i was coughin so badly.. i tot i was making alot of noise.. decided to go outside library to study.. dun wana disturb the innocent.. hahha.. yeah.. contacted geck.. then she sae she'll join me to study.. so sweet.. haha.. :) yup yup.. so we studied together at macs.. that's when my day turned ORANGE:):) hahaha.. yup.. hmm.. i like it pretty much to hang out with miss pretty girl.. hahaha.. :) lols.. yeah.. feel relaxed and happy.. feel that.. this frenship of ours.. is much more real and true than those made in jc.. well.. tink time plays a very big role here.. yeah.. sigh.. well.. geck girl.. if u're reading this.. thanks alot for this frenship:) i realli treasure it alot:) haha.. yeah.. n brother.. ethel.. :) thanks alot too.. love you pple loads:) HUGS!! hmmm.. promised geck that i'm off to work at 11.. so i tink i better end here soon.. hees.. bye!! :)
I needed Jesus @ | 10:42:00 PM
*.* weekend.. hmmm.. *.*
well well :) :) had a nice saturday:) hahaha.. spent my time slacking at home.. tried to study. but din get much into this puny brain of mine.. sigh.. yeah.. well wat to do.. sigh.. aniwae.. ya.. so i was online rotting away.. picked my brother up from school at 1230.. then went to buy lunch.. then gotta send my brother to hougang pri for tuition at 2.. yeah.. then i went to hougang to get my concession.. lols.. sounds boring.. but here's the interesting part!! :):)mummy called me.. then told me that they can't accompany me to watch fireworks le.. so sad.. disappointed:(:( yeah.. so i called brother.. asked him to ask church youths.. see who going lo.. in the end.. i went there with ting an and jason fung.. hmm a little weird huh.. yea.. but well.. went there le.. so ya.. haha.. ting an was supposed to meet his frens.. but the crowd was really mad.. yea.. so.. i tink he had probs trying to contact his frens too.. so in the end.. the three of us.. squeezed like mad on the bridge.. tsk tsk.. sigh.. but the fireworks display by france.. really.. FABULOUS:) yup yup.. it was such a wonderful sight:):) yeah..i personally loved the ending part.. it was as though.. it was a waterfall of golden dust.. BEAUTIFUL.. everyone was like.. "wahhhh" hahaha.. :):) very nice:):) yup yup.. then after the display.. the three of us headed for millenia walk.. went to bk n finally got a seat.. yup yup.. :):) then the two of them went to order food.. i din wan to eat cos i wasn't feeling well.. n also.. din bring money.. haha.. rushed out of the house n forgot to bring my money.. hehe.. yeah.. but then. ting an came back with two meals.. tsk.. no choice lo.. took the chicken burger.. yeap.. thanks:) oh n ting an and his frens were playing with fries.. aiyoyo.. childish.. haha.. me n jason just watched n laugh.. after dinner.. me n jason left for home.. ting an went off with his frens.. yup yup.. then i took the train with jason.. yup yup.. stopped at eunos n took 25 home.. reached home at bout 1145.. yup yup :) haha.. came home n bathed.. then went online.. chatted online till bout 2+.. then went to sleep lo.. yeah.. hahaha.. yup yup.. today.. woke up a few times.. but finally woke up at 11+.. almost 12.. ahaha.. yeah.. then washed my room's fan.. haha.. DIRTY LA!! tsk.. haha.. and the one in the living room too :):) yeap.. then ate bee hoon for breakfast cum lunch.. yup.. then ironed some clothes.. and started work.. sigh.. tried to study electrochem.. but i couldn't get much in also lo.. sian.. :(:( sigh.. but ya.. got it settled aniwae.. yaya.. went to grandma's house at bout 5+.. yeap.. had a good time there.. RELAX ma.. haha.. of course shuang la.. hahaha.. yea. haha.. yeap.. reached home at bout 10pm:) haha.. tried to do my bio essays but i'm getting realli bored of it.. hmmm.. haha.. so here i am.. online.. haha.. yeah.. life is pretty boring huh.. tsk tsk.. sigh.. well well.. wat to do? talked to brother on the phone today.. and he talked bout today's service.. pastor Gideon talked about repentence.. i tink it realli applies to my life.. sometimes.. i tell God.. i promise not to do this again.. the next moment.. i'm doing it again.. and telling God i'm not going to do it again.. tsk.. it's a whole cycle lo.. sian.. wat to do? the onli thing i can do.. is to promise God and keep to my word.. i WUN do it again.. i'll make sure i dun.. and Lord.. i need you to help me.. yeah.. and i'm sure.. with your strength.. i will be able to overcome and repent from my sins.. :) yup yup.. that's my life.. a boring one i would say.. and once again.. to all my blog readers.. thanks for taking time to read about my life.. :) i thank God for this friendships:) yeah.. may God take care of all of you:) stay happy always:)
I needed Jesus @ | 11:18:00 PM
*.* sick at home:(:( *.*
blablabla:(:( i'm at home:(:( bla bla bla!! i'm so bored at home now.. n i've gotta start studying soon.. :( supposed to see doc one.. but i woke up late n my brother's at home le.. so quite difficult for me to go see the doc.. hmmm.. dunno.. wait for my mum to call me n see how lo.. sigh.. having my lunch now.. hmmm.. so sian.. !!! :(:( bla.. well well.. oh let's talk about yesterday then.. :) haha.. i was at home studying in the day.. then went down to macs at bout 530.. studied with pris they all.. geck, see fei n yiling too.. yup yup.. then it was super cold there can.. i used up two packs of tissue there la.. tsk.. hahaha.. ya.. then geck left first.. followed by yiling.. yeap.. so left with me see fei and priscilla.. yup yup.. then met up with my da gege James.. lols.. :) it's been a long time since we last met up.. haha.. yup.. he came to macs to pick me up.. hahaha.. see fei went out with me to wait for his car.. lols.. we all knew him from NDP :) hahaha.. one of my earliest crush.. lol.. but nothing now le lo.. purely brother n sister:):) just like me n elvin gor gor:) hahahaha.. :):) yup yup.. :) then we took a long time to decide where to eat.. or rather.. HE'S the one taking a long time to decide.. cos he wants to bring me to somewhere i haven been before.. n somewhere special.. hahaha.. anithing lo.. yup so in the end.. we went one big round.. n he decided that we should eat at siglap.. yup yup.. i can't remember the name of the little restaurant.. but it's german food for me:) hahaha.. yeah.. i left big bro the order for me cos i got no idea wats nice.. hahaha.. yup yup.. the food was quite good.. then big bro brought me to the bakery next to it.. sells ginger bread man.. SO CUTE!! hahaha.. all the deco.. veh cute! tsk! should go there get some some day:) yup.. then after food, big bro sent me home.. yup yup.. there was a little baby cockroach(nymph) in his car.. and in the end.. it ran under my seat.. no choice.. scared also gotta get onto the car lo.. :(:( haha.. but it din come out:) so that's good.. hahaha.. yup.. on the way.. we went past this motorcycle with a father and son.. hee.. i waved to the boy boy and he smlied at me.. so cute.. heee.. :) then big bro saw a car of the exact same model and colour as his.. hahhaha.. yup yup.. then he sped to catch up.. lols.. CHILDISH LEH!! tsk.. lol.. ya lo.. was a female driver.. hahaha.. then he said that females not that interested in anyone else with the same car.. lols.. hahaha.. oh he said the other time there was this same car with a whole family of ppl in it.. then the driver honked at him n the whole family waved at him.. hahaha.. so cute.. lols.. aniwae.. yup.. he sent me home le.. he wanted to send me up but as usual.. i refused la.. for various reasons.. quite obvious.. yup yup.. :):) aniwae.. i enjoyed myself:) hahaha.. thanks for the meet up brother! :) haha we'll meet up again:) take care!! :):) well well.. i've come to the end of this entry.. means. i gotta study soon!! :(:(:( sad.. sigh.. how to study in this state.. i've got blocked ears leh.. tsk.. so irritating:(:( sigh.. well well.. i've got no choice aniwae.. sian.. goodbyee..
I needed Jesus @ | 1:24:00 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
*.* happy national day!:) *.*
woo... it's national day le.. time realli flying leh.. :( bad sign.. means i got not much time left to prelims n eventually A's le.. :(:( sigh.. but aniwae.. today was a pretty fine day i had:) :) yeap.. spent my time at home with my family.. for once.. my mummy is at home during public holiday.. haha.. yeah.. so we all stayed home.. i did my work.. and then when the parade started.. we watched it as a family.. :) nice.. haven't got such time together since a long long time ago.. :( yup.. then mummy cooked dinner.. had korean maggie mee:) haha.. nice nice:) yup yup.. then after the celebration, watched Singapore idol.. then went to bathe.. haha.. ya.. so dirty hor.. hehehe.. well well.. tried to do work today la.. but din do much lo.. sian.. school is killing me la! :( bla.. i hate school! i realli hate it.. :( n i'm being stressed out by all the dates and stuff:(:( sigh.. HELP!! God, help me walk closer with u.. i noe it's not going to b easy.. especially i am already half dead most of the time when i'm home.. i would b too tired to do anithing.. including quiet time.. i'm sorry Lord.. :(:( forgive me.. and i've not been a good Christian.. i'm sorry.. i'm sorry..
I needed Jesus @ | 11:19:00 AM
*.* fireworks.. they really rock my world.. beautiful is the only word.. *.*
I needed Jesus @ | 11:45:00 AM