*.* gloomy sunday *.*
rarr.. i'm so sleepy.. tsk.. as usual i'm typing this from office.. hees.. nothing much to do other than sitting here and waiting for some blurie employer to call.. hmmm.. yeah.. let's see.. oh yesterday was sunday.. and the day before's saturday.. haha.. talk abit about saturday.. tink saturday night i abit high.. making alot of noise.. hahhaha.. (: after service, we went to windy for dinner.. actualli onli asked some youths and others along.. then when we headed for windy.. saw a WHOLE BUNCH of pple following behind us.. i tink they also planned to eat there one lar.. conincidental.. lols.. yeapp yeapp.. and then i was there with the same pple lar.. then my table make alot of noise.. hahah.. so funny.. we played truth or dare(and onli allowed dare) haha.. lucky i nv kena.. lols..
we made the pple do stupid things.. haha.. then tink we all very embarrassing.. wahaha.. made realli ALOT of noise.. haha.. heees but youths should be nosiy one lar hor?? (:(: hahaha.. ya.. tink i super high.. after that i left with andrew and debra.. haha.. then me and andrew were singing away in opera style.. haha.. poor debra.. lols yea.. i realli enjoy hanging out with pple at church.. feel so loved(: haaha.. (mayb they dun love me actualli.. wahaha..) but well.. it's the sense of feeling belonged.. accepted.. by God's pple.. i just pray that we will all be able to grow together.. and become God's useful pple(:(: hees..
yesterday.. wasn't in the best of mood.. well woke up early to get to novena square two to cut hair.. thanks to my cousin lar.. she asked us to join her.. went to her teacher's shop to cut.. haha.. so funny.. i tink my cousins and sister were like.. shocked.. cos it's the first time they get treated like adult customers. haha.. they had their hair cut.. followed by shampooed and washed.. then blown dry.. and "ironed" haha.. then they all like so happy and excited.. lols.. then my cousin came.. and we all had our eyebrows trimmed and shaped.. haha... (: fun fun fun.. had my niecee and nephew too(: my two darlings..haha.. yeah..
then went to my grandma's place.. with my cousins and nephew and niece.. stayed there till bout 6+ then went home.. was pretty tired and yea.. just wasn't feeling good.. and was coughing quite badly(dry cough) yuck.. hate that feeling.. like not enough breath like that.. ):): argh.. but yeah.. i dunno why i was in such a bad mood.. well.. i dunno.. was tinking about alot of things lar.. and i tink i said some things that made my gor gor kinda sad.. i'm sorry.. tink ur sister needs to clear her mind of all those sickening irritating stuffs.. need to BRAINWASH! haha.. sometimes i wonder.. will i be better off and a happier person if i went for brain transplant or some brainwash thing that will remove my memory.. but on second thought.. i rather be me..
i dun wana forget pple i love.. (as much as i would like to take some people out of my thoughts) well.. might have been people i loved or hated.. well.. sigh.. yeah.. but yar.. it'll be sad.. if one day.. i wake up and asked the person sleeping next to me(my sister) "who are you".. it'll be sad if i can't recognise anione.. it'll be sad if i forgot about my wonderful God.. how sad.. ya.. so i decided.. it's not that feasible after all.. and at times.. i tot.. would earth be a better place for people around me if sweedy din exist.. i tot it realli might be.. but.. even if God takes me back.. i'm realli not sure if i deserve Heaven.. as much as i know that God loves me.. me and my sins.. make me wonder if i deserve God's grace and mercy.. yeah.. if sweedy wasn't around.. mummy wun have to raise her voice to get me to do some housework.. she wouldn't have to get angry with me trying to go to church and fellowship every week and leaving no one at home to take care of my siblings.. she wouldn't have to spend so much on my education.. on trying so hard to earn money to support this family..
she wouldn't have to worry whether there's enough money to support my university education.. that's mummy.. for the other people around.. like my friends.. they wouldn't have to tolerate with this noisy girl who's pretty irritating most of the time.. they wouldn't have to risk getting themselves hurt by me in some ways or another.. they wouldn't have to worry whether i will be happy.. they would have to learn to tolerate with the noise that i make.. life would be much better ain't it? i dunno leh.. that's just some morbid thoughts that struck me.. morbid might be too strong a word.. but yeah.. these were just racing through my mind.. yeah..
it's a pretty long post huh(the people around me are saying that..) haha.. yeah.. that's all folks for now then.. right now i just wana learn to depend on God.. and find my purpose in life through Him.. Lord teach me to follow your way and to love you.. and people around me.. God bless everyone..
I needed Jesus @ | 1:12:00 PM
*.* it's good i've gotten over *.*
hello! it's saturday!(: haha.. a tiring but satisfying one! (: yup yup.. drill in the morning.. taught the girls creative drill.. yeap.. almost done le.. time to polish le.. yeah.. hope things will be fine.. hai.. quite worried.. but aniwae.. the girls are learning fast ba.. yeah.. keep it up! (: oh and Miss Koh went to draw lots le.. the primary school contingent are going to be the tenth contingent of the primary school contingents to perform, the seniors are the 4th and my contingent(pioneers) the 14th.. yup yup.. scary..
yeah.. then went for lunch with debbie.. and walked to the bus stop at her place and took a bus to singpost.. yea.. met twinnie there and then headed for church together.. hees.. was earli.. (: yeap yeap.. slacked around.. helped to plan my group's gospel presentation.. yeah.. then had fellowship.. twinnie suddenly asked me to join her in leading praise.. wah lao.. last minute.. haha.. just helped lo.. yeash.. fellowship was fun lar(: hees.. yeap yeap..
then it was service.. had some time on my own cos i went into the sanctuary with twinnie earlier.. then twinnie took over andrew for ushering.. so i was alone.. read my book.. and sometimes.. it's not that bad to be alone too.. yeah.. service was good today.. and the testimony.. touched me ba.. the lady faced a situation similar to mine.. and she's realli brave to share it.. but some parts.. not the same as mine lar.. hahaha.. (: hees..
aniwae.. i'm getting tired le.. goodnights! tomolo going to cut hair! and my mum is making so much noise.. hmm.. well well.. goodnight aniwaee
I needed Jesus @ | 12:21:00 AM
*.* WOKE UP LATE!!! *.*
hahaha good afternoon, CPF E-Submissions.. HAHA.. i've been saying that a million times since dunno when.. haha.. (: aniwae.. i'm at office now.. hees.. yeah.. and this morning.. when i woke up.. i was wondering why the sky so bright le.. hahaha.. lousy.. obviously i'm late for work.. hahaha.. well well.. i forgot to set my alarm.. humms.. yeah.. took NEL to work today.. then met one of my colleague at the train station.. (: haha.. got company to work.. hees..
aniwae.. haha.. i'm bored at work now.. twinnie's online shopping.. hah.. i was doing that but got bored of the stuffs there.. haha OH YAR yesterday got no tuition so me and twinnie went to Bugis to buy our stuffs for new year! (: NEW YEAR SHOPPING! wahaha.. (: so fun.. yeah spent bout 2 hours there.. yeapp.. i bought a bag, a pair of pumps, two brown tops, a belt and earrings.. hehehe.. (: gonna get the rest next week i guess.. haha.. (:
yeap yeap.. new year's on the way! (: excited! (: i like Chinese New Year.. (: got LOADS of goodies! (: haha.. oh i spent some money on getting some goodies for some friends and family(: haaha.. (: a good way to bless pple with my income(: first pay some more! (: haha.. yeap yeap hope they will like wat i bought and also.. i hope they wun fall sick eating it.. hahaha..
yeap.. nothing else to type le..hmmm.. tink i shall go back to shopping online(: hees.. BYEE
I needed Jesus @ | 12:25:00 PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
*.* nokia 7373 *.*
hmm well well.. my day's been a long one.. tired.. that's the onli word.. but i dun regret lar.. actualli i like it better than my studying life.. especially much better than the life i had when i was in TJ.. that two years were realli a nightmare in my 18 years.. yeah.. ): sigh.. enough about that.. taslking about TJ.. brings a chill down my spine.. and butterflies in my tummy as i remember about the A level results.. ): argh.. i dun wana tink about it man.. sigh..
aniwae.. today.. work as usual.. and then had Bible study.. it was a pretty long session.. hmm.. but before BS, me and twinnie went to popular to get assessment books for our students.. yeap.. then went to the Macs which was a MILLION miles away.. argh.. very far leh): argh.. yar.. but we got there aniwae.. yeap.. learnt alot today.. (: must always remember that I am LOVED by God! (: yeah.. onli when we remember that He loves us, do we learn to keep ourselves pure and holy for Him.. onli through that can we have the desire to want to grow in Him.. to be willing to pay the cost of being a Christian.. to be willing to be consistent.. and i can't remember the last one.. tsk.. must go and find out again): argh.. yeah.. learnt alot today.. i like BS.. but sigh.. i hope i can make it for all the BS sessions..
yeapp.. and then me and twinnie has to plan a new year event for the youths.. hope things go well(: hees.. yeap yeap.. aniwae.. yeap.. think i better go and bathe le.. haha.. tomolo going new year shopping!! (: (: (: hees.. with my twinnie after work.. hope it's not too crowded! hees gtg now.. byee! (:
I needed Jesus @ | 10:08:00 PM
*.* i love grandma! (: *.*
haha.. today.. SUNDAY!! finally a day of the week where i can SLEEP IN! (: haha.. yeah.. woke up at 11+.. woke up a few times in the night cos of nightmares): rarr.. the worst one was that i dreamt that my grandmama died): *sobs sobs* yeah.. dreamt that i brought grandma out.. and we were gonna take the lifts.. and the lift resembled that of my workplace.. aniwae.. we were supposed to take another lift but grandmama followed the crowd and she went into another lift.. i couldn't find her.. the next thing i knew.. i was at a counter asking if anione saw her.. wat she told me was that grandmama died! ): i cried like mad! ): rarr.. i tink i cried in my dreams.. argh.. ): haha..
yeapp.. aniwae.. woke up and had my breakfast.. did some housework.. then headed for grandma's place.. yeap yeap.. in the car.. my aunt was saying.. my grandma called to ask if i was going down to her place cos she making ondeh ondeh.. lols(: then my aunt angry.. haha.. say why onli asked whether i going.. hahaha.. i love grandma!! (: haha and i'm sure grandmama loves me too! (: hees.. yeah.. so when we reached there.. grandmama was still making.. so i helped her.. not easy man.. so difficult to wrap.. haha.. next time i'll make on my own! (: wahaha!! (: and sell them and earn money!! WOOHOO! rarrr... daydreaming..
lols then went to hougang mall with my sister to buy her school shoes.. then while waiting for my parents to arrive.. we went to take a look at some handphones.. hmmm.. tink i might get nokia 7373.. but then i'll realli be my twinnie's twin.. lols.. cos it's similar to hers.. wahaha.. well.. we'll see about it ba.. depends on how much issit with the line.. hmmm.. hahaha..
i'm tired le.. and gor gor is sick! tsk.. he better be sleeping now.. haha.. and i'm going to bed too! (: goodnight! tomorrow's monday again.. hmmm.. work and tuition goes on.. rarr.. God bless everyone(:
I needed Jesus @ | 11:13:00 PM
*.* wat a hectic life.. *.*
woohoo.. i tink i'm so hardworking man.. i'm crazy lar.. lols.. i'm working every weekday from 830-6 on mondays to thursdays and 830-5 on fridays.. on monday, tuesday, thursday and friday evenings, i've got tuition with two different kids after work.. and end at about 9.. on wednesdays i'm supposed to have Bible study with Pastor Gideon.. yeah.. my weekdays are gone just like that.. ): sianz.. then on saturdays.. i've got to train the girls in the morning.. till bout 1.. then got church in the evening.. WAH LAO.. 6 days in a week.. ALL GONE! ): sundays.. the onli day i can relax.. go grandma house.. sit there and rot.. watch tv.. chat with my family.. haha.. onli day of relaxation and then it's back to that hectic life that i lead once again.. it's a vicious cycle man.. RARRRR
yeapp yepp.. but the past few days.. i felt a sense of satisfaction.. like.. finally i'm realli earning money for myself.. there's the temptation to splurge on things that i long for.. but come to tink of it.. actualli.. some things that i wan ain't realli that neccessary.. here's a list of things that i am tinking of getting:
1. CLOTHES!! new year clothes.. office wear(less mature ones)..
2. BAG! rarr.. i need new bag! i'm like stuck with a sporty bag that i can't bring out with some dressing..
3. SHOES haha i need pumps.. slippers.. nice shoes!
4. HANDPHONE haha my grandmama wans my hp so i gotta get a new one and give her mine.. hmmm.. which should i get man..
5. iPod NANO! haha.. it's super ex leh.. having second thoughts about it.. mayb i'll settle for a cheaper one first.. hahaha..
6. NEW YEAR GOODIES haha.. for my family and friends.. tink it's a good way to spend a little of my first pay.. to thank those around me.. for loving me and caring for me(: hees.. (kill two birds with one stone.. haha new year gift..) haha..
yeah.. that's it so far lo.. yeah hees.. but must watch my spending ba.. transport is like SO ex now.. rarr.. ): so i'm using my brother's farecard for now.. till i get my first pay.. (haha almost got caught today.. lucky i boarded the bus after the conductor.. phew) haha.. yeah.. then gotta save up for uni.. gotta try to help pay for the utilities and phone bills at home.. hmm.. give my mummy some money.. yeah.. tithes.. so much.. wah.. i'm not gonna have much to spend.. haha.. but that's not that bad also lar.. then i wun splurge on so many things.. haha..
rarr.. haha.. yeah.. but i'm spending my time on useful stuff lo.. work.. i'm helping CPF here.. haha.. i'm helping the employers.. and earning an income for myself.. tuition.. i'm helping the parents.. the kids.. and myself too.. haha.. (: so i'm doing useful stuffs.. haha.. yeah.. OH! i'm so happy! today went to debbie's house after tuition.. then FINALLY finished up the choreography for the pioneer's creative drill! (: woohoo!! like after so long.. hey my dear girls.. i'm sorry i took so long to finish up the choreography.. ): been too busy with my work life.. tsk.. haha.. but i hope u all will like wat u all are doing ba.. yeap yeap..
i'm realli tired le.. tink i should go off now le.. oh gor gor.. thanks for the doughnuts! (: haha.. i finished alot of them. but shared with my siblings and colleagues lar.. lols(: haha.. yeapp.. and twinnie! i love you loads!! (: gecky! i miss you! ): debbie and hilda! thanks so much for coming back to help me with drill! (: loves! goodbye for now! (:
I needed Jesus @ | 12:25:00 AM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
*.* i love you people! (: *.*
hey hey! i'm writing this post while i'm working.. hees.. bad girl.. hahaha.. lols.. aniwae.. let's backlog first.. hehehe.. yesterday.. monday.. ): boo.. hahaha.. work lo.. went to PS with twinnie after work.. went to meet jaime and wanteng for dinner.. yeap yeap.. had loads of fun there(: haha.. so long nv see my mummy le.. aniwae.. we were talking about uni life over dinner.. ): rarr.. realli hope i can make it to uni ba.. so scary): sigh.. yeah.. then i have another possible choice.. on top of psychology.. and social work... and that is.. business finance.. hmmm.. sounds so different from the other two ya? hmmm.. well well.. i'll decide when i have to ba.. ha.. yeah.. if i end up taking busness.. then it's NTU then i'll most probably be with TWINNIE! (: hees.. if not then it'll be NUS lo.. i also dunno lar.. dun wana tink so much now.. enjoy more first.. hees..
yeah.. after dinner.. we went around PS to look for her friend's present.. haha.. had alot of fun.. WAHAHA.. so funny.. went around doing stupid things too.. hahaha.. (: shall post some pics later tonight.. actualli only got two pics of my TWINNIE.. hahaha.. yeap yeap.. haha
came home and went online.. OH! haha and had a bet with yuxian! wahaha.. we were chatting.. then he used this emoticon.. tsk.. and he claims it's a HUMAN..hahaha.. so i said we'll ask 5 pple each and if more pple say that it's a CAT(that's wat i tink) then he owes me DOUGHNUTS!! hahaha.. yes and then EVERYONE that we asked.. said that it looks more like a CAT! haha.. i'll try to get that pic up too.. hehehe.. then u all can tell me whether it's a CAT or a HUMAN.. hahaha... doughnuts doughtnuts doughnuts!! wahaha..
yeah.. i wanted to blog last night one.. but mummy was hogging up my time getting me to print notices again.. tsk.. hahaha.. and i was already so tired): rarr... yar so din blog lo.. hehehe.. yeah..
aniwae.. hey people.. those who are closer to me.. dun worry about me ok? this time i'm realli very sure that i've gotten over it.. totalli.. realli very sure.. yeah.. so dun worry about me ok? i'm doing fine now with my working life and giving little kids tuition(: haha.. yeapp yeapp.. i'm happy(: and i hope someone else is happy too(: hope everyone in the world is happy(: may life be filled with laughter and joy.. love and peace! (: hees.. yeap yeap
yeapp yeapp.. nothing to blog about le.. but before i end.. wana have my thank you list again(: hees.. firstly.. my BEST gor gor in the world(: hees.. gor gor thanks for being such a wonderful brother, taking care and doting on me(: i'm sorry for losing my temper so many times.. ): sorry.. hope this wun spoil our relationship.. know that ur sister realli LOVES this wonderful brother okie? forgive me for being such a petty sister! haha and a cheeky one too huh?? (: hees..
to my twinnie! (: hey my dear(i'm typing this while u're talking on the phone to an employer.. u're beside me! wahaha) aniwae.. hey i am realli grateful to the Lord for sending me this WONDERFUL twinnie! (: u're the best twinnie of the world! i love you loads!! (: haha thanks for searching for a job with me.. and praise God that we got our job together! (: haha.. yeah.. ur twinnie sometimes quite domineering huh.. ): sigh.. sorry! and i'm always late in the morning! ): rarrr.. i'll wake up early then! haha.. yeah.. hey twinnie.. thanks for being there.. ur presence and love and more than enough.. i dun need a boyfriend animore! wahaha.. (: yup yup.. (u're so near me now! looking for forms!) hees..
yeap.. to all the rest of my friends.. thanks for all of u at work.. making my time at work a more enjoyable one(: hess.. yeapp.. thanks to all those in church.. thanks for helping me grow in my faith.. thanks for amking charis a fun and loving place! (: haha.. thanks for all other frens.. thanks for all those who chat with me on MSN.. thanks for all the sweet emails i received.. thanks for all the love u all shower me with(: thanks for everyone of u! (:
my dear Lord.. thanks for ur forgiveness.. thank you for loving me.. a me that's so unworthy of you love.. me that's dirty and torn.. thank you for wrapping me around ur arms.. thank you for cleansing me with ur blood.. thank you for everything.. thank you for blessing me in my life.. thank you for blessing me with a family.. with so many loving and caring friends.. thank you for the Church that cares for me.. thank you Lord for ur rich blessings.. and i want to share this with all those around me who have yet to know my wonderful God.. He's a GREAT God.. a forgiving God.. a fair God.. a personal God.. i hope u will accept Him in ur life.. and taste the goodness of His love.. just like i did(: yeapp.. He's where u can find love to fill that empty void in you.. yeah.. try it.. there's no harm trying it at all.. and i promise you.. you'll never regret ur choice(: yeah..
I needed Jesus @ | 11:05:00 AM
*.* sunday *.*
hmmm.. today is sunday.. a rainy sunday.. a cold sunday.. but it's nice(: i like it this way.. hehehe.. (: lazy sunday.. (: humms i gotta hurry finish this post and go and sleep le.. if not i'll be panda tomolo.. hees. aniwae.. today.. woke up and 11+.. no mummy to wake me up at all.. haha.. how peaceful(: hees..
yeap and then went to grandma's place.. (: haha.. yeapp.. ate alot there.. ahaha.. as usual.. yeapp yeapp.. prata.. some indo tidbit.. nugget.. fries.. hahaha.. FAT!! tsk.. yeap.. i like going to ah ma's place.. i tink i said before le.. hahaha.. aniwae.. lazed around there! (: talked to my ah ma(: haha.. she wana go indo.. wished i could accompany her but i'm working lar.. so yeah): sigh..
well came home at 6+.. then ironed some clothes.. tried to figure out wat i can wear tomolo): rarr.. so troublesome leh.. not say we'll be meeting any customers face to face ma.. how come they still wan us to wear office wear): waste money leh.. tsk! hahaha.. yarr.. finally found something to wear le.. hmmm.. haha..
yup.. daddy came home at 8+.. then we went to hougang for dinner.. my sis went to take passport size pic.. so funny.. hahaha.. she dunno how to smile properly one.. hees.. aniwae. i tink.. there's some point in time.. when we all haven found our smile.. there will be one point when this smile comes so naturally.. haha.. i've found mine(: haha.. and i'm glad i did(: hees.. better than having that grumpy face when i take pics.. can scare pple off.. hahaha...
hees.. yeah.. had hor fun, sambal veggie and my fave fried you tiao with the fish inside one for dinner.. (: hees.. nice! (: yeah.. and now i'm home le.. hees.. gonna sleep soon liao.. tired.. ): haha.. i feel like a pig man.. eat and sleep.. hees.. gor gor is feeling down.. hmm.. hey gor gor.. i'm sorry if i'm part of the cause that's making u feel this way.. i noe i was abit harsh this afternoon.. pardon me lar.. i'm always like that when it comes to that subject.. sorry.. i'll nv do that again): sorry..
I needed Jesus @ | 11:19:00 PM
*.* nice song.. *.*
haha.. changed the song on my bloggie!(: hees.. but doesn't seem to be working.. hmmm.. hai.. aniwae.. today's a realli tiring day.. ): hmmm.. rarrr.. had drill in the morning.. was bad): sigh.. the girls realli lack practise.. but they are lacking time too.. it's onli less than 2 months to the competition.. sigh.. i'll just do wat i can to help them ba.. i can onli do that much lo.. the rest is up to them le.. hmmm.. yeah.. left school at bout 130..
met mummy and brother at coffeeshop for lunch.. was super hungry le.. haha.. yar.. then came home and rotted online.. and get irritated by my stupid brother.. tsk.. he always dun wana do his work.. then he keep saying he finish.. then always get the whole world into trouble with my mum cos we din get him to do his work.. freaking irritating can.. argh.. aniwae.. stupid me, i was trying to sign up for the new blogger.. then i used the same email address that i used for my contingent's blog.. and end up.. they have access to my blog now.. ): sigh.. somebody save me.. i need to get it out!! rarr! ):
waited for my dad to come back.. then left for church le.. hees.. i was wearing my favourite skirt today.. haven worn it in a long time.. tsk.. haha.. yeah.. looked fat.. hees.. but i dun care!(: i like my brown sequiny skirt! hehehe(: yeahh.. aniwae.. church was as usual ba.. but obviously tried to avoid someone.. but someone was sitting freaking near me.. oh well.. passed by each other a few time.. but just pretend nv see lo.. well well.. how long will this go on.. i dunno lo.. but i prefer status quo ba.. i'm fine with it.. yeah..
got a little irritated when we were deciding where to go for dinner.. sian.. everytime like that.. but i just walked off with twinnie and arvind and jason.. went to punggol nasi lemak there.. aha.. nice(: shiok.. hahaha.. then clar, pearlyn, shar, jerome, jeremy were there too.. yeap yeap.. then took the bus home with twinnie.. haha.. tired le.. tink i'll go sleep.. blog some of my thoughts some other time ba.. goodnight..
I needed Jesus @ | 12:00:00 AM
*.* sleepy.. *.*
rarrr.. i'm quite drained.. i dunno why.. not say my work is very energy-consuming.. probably quite draining mentally when u have to handle angry or long-winded customers.. but still quite ok lar.. i tink i'm not sleeping early enough.. haha.. yesterday.. stayed up till 1 to finish up Aida's present.. one of my colleague who's just left.. it's her last day today.. ): how sad.. well.. yeap.. decorated the board for the other colleagues to leave their messages on.. yeap.. was quite stoned after i was done with it.. yea.. went to sleep le..
hahaha.. this morning din wana wake up again.. tsk.. sigh.. work was fine lar.. nothing much except that we took pics together! (: as a team(: hees.. yeap yeap.. then went to have lunch.. me twinnie and Kingley.. haha..we walked to maxwell hawker.. haha.. din get to eat the very nice food lo.. had fried carrot cake.. and popiah.. wasn't very hungry.. yeah.. haha.. then bought some sweet potato balls.. talking about that.. it's been a long time since i had my sweet potato soup.. ): haha.. shall go cook soon.. hees.. yeapp..
went to give tuition.. realised that boy ah.. lazy to do homework.. ): rarrr.. then forced him to do when i was around lo.. actualli he know how to do one lo.. sigh.. so i told him.. if he does that again.. will tell his mummy.. hahaha.. sounds like me last time.. haha.. i was a naughty girl u noe.. tsk tsk..
yeah.. i'm hoping that i can bring my colleagues to church some day.. and they will come to know the Lord(: and accept Him! (: yeapp.. it ain't gonna be easy i noe.. but i'll try my best.. (: and twinnie will try her best too(: yeapp.. and i'm sure that day will come! (: yeah.. time for me to try to choreograph something for my contingent le.. been too tired to do anithing.. ): sigh.. God.. i need ur strength..
I needed Jesus @ | 10:35:00 PM
Thursday, January 11, 2007
*.* to be like Jesus.. *.*
RARRR stupid blogger.. tried to post a new entry yesterday but it din work.. tsk.. then i lost all that i typed.. IRRITATING!! haha.. yesterday's fun! (: hees.. started work.. hmmm.. haha.. twinnie got no bread in the morning so i brought some cake for her.. hees(: yeap yeap.. hees. the day was fine.. did some admin work.. then did some calling too.. yeah.. haha.. yeap yeap.. well well..
after work.. headed for Bible Study. hahah.. yeap yeap.. we went to jubilee at ang mo kio for dinner first.. went to MOS. .hahaha.. so ex): tsk.. hees.. then ah bao cane to join us.. cos he reached early and was alone.. and he was in a bad mood.. hmm cos he stays pretty far away from amk lar.. hmmm.. yar lo.. then went to the macdonalds near the park.. wah.. walk quite far leh.. ): sigh.. haha.. yeah.. but at least we din walk to wrong way lo.. yeah.. had BS.. which was a realli powerful one.. although wat Pastor Gideon said were things that i had heard time and over again.. some verses i have already seen a million times.. i was actualli reminded that.. watever it is, God's plan for all of us.. every single Christian.. is eventually for all of us to become like Christ.. yeah.. how true yar? after everything that God does for us.. and all that we go through in life, we ultimately are expected to become Christ-like.. yeapp..
and the onli way to become more Christ-like.. is to know God.. to have a personal relationship with Him.. to know the Word well.. to spread to gospel to others.. yeah.. it's not gonna be easy as being Christ-like will actually require us not to follow the ways of the world.. yeapp.. all these.. we will be able to do.. not by our own strength.. but by God's strength.. so friends.. let's keep praying for each other.. pray that we'll all grow to become more like Christ.. that we'll all continue to have strong faith in Him.. yeapyeap..
today.. another day of fun.. haha.. work as usual lar.. but started to talk to the pple who called in le.. i was paired with Kingley.. haha.. so funny.. yar.. but learnt quite alot.. twinnie was paired with jia hui.. yeap.. and after lunch.. we all started to face the customers on our own le.. haha.. yeah.. not so bad yet lar. just that.. today.. i've been talking to customers who are pretty longwinded.. haha.. but i've been quite patient.. heehe..(: yeap.. so the whole day was pretty alright lar..
yeap.. after work.. went to hougang mall with twinnie to get some stuff.. then headed for my house.. changed into our sports attire.. and headed for the gym.. hees.. packed our dinner in lunch box before we left.. hees.. yea.. and off we went.. then got there.. got so many pple.. haha.. and we tried to put our stuff in the locker.. and my funny twinnie.. put her bag in her locker.. and left her towel in her bag.. so we were laughing away.. i couldn't stand it.. haha.. then this guy.. he saw the state we were in.. and asked if we needed some coins.. so he gave us.. haha.. thanks man.. if not we'll both have died.. lols..
yeah.. we looked like mountain tortoises there.. rarrr.. haha.. but asked around lo.. yeah.. worked out more of our lower body today.. so long nv exercise le.. super tiring can.. wah lao.. hahaha.. yar.. din stay for very long.. about 45 mins like that onli lo.. hahaha.. then left le.. had our dinner downstairs.. and then.. down came the guy who gave us some money for the locker.. with his frens.. damn paiseh.. hahaha.. yar.. then we hurry finish up and go le.. hees..
then while walking twinnie to the bus stop, we came up with our rain drop dance.. HAHA.. and had a good laugh over it.. wahaha..! (: waited with twinnie for the bus and came home.. i'm finally bathed! (: nice and clean! (: hees.. shall go off le.. BYEE! (:
I needed Jesus @ | 5:31:00 PM
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
hello! i'm home from tuition.. SHAGGED.. haha.. but the tot that money's coming in.. makes all these work worth the effort lar.. at least.. i can channel some to my debt.. some bills.. buy my new year clothes that i can wear cos i'm running out of clothes! rarrr yes.. MONEY! argh.. so irritating.. yeap.. ANIWAE!! today! we din do animore of those stupid letters! (: hees(: FUN FUN FUN! we started to deal with the problem forms that the employers sent in.. we called them up to ask for some info and stuff.. talking to ppl is much more interesting than facing papers the whole day man! haha.. yeap yeap.. talked to different types of pple.. some realli nice.. some realli impatient.. some think that they're the smartest pple around.. some just realli humble and willing to accept ur advice.. yeah.. all sorts of pple in just one day.. but i realli enjoy it.. and.. it taught me that.. we should write with LEGIBLE handwritting when filling in forms manually.. and be nice over the phone.. hahaha.. cos it can actualli make someone's job easier.. someone's day better! (: hees
aniwae.. headed for tuition after work.. quite tired le.. but no choice lar.. yeah.. was a little more strict with the boy today.. he abit more cheeky. haha.. yeah.. but alright lar.. yeap had tuition OVERTIME.. lols yeap.. before tuition.. was a little hungry.. so went to get a bread to bite lo.. hahaha.. yeap.. then had tuition le.. came home.. wah.. it feels so good without heels.. the tot of wearing heels tomolo morning.. rarrrr... hahaha.. I HATE HEELS! ): dunno why my mummy can wear them like she's wearing slippers.. my goodness.. it almost killed me.. hahaha..
yeap yeap.. it's realli fun working with my twinnie! (: hees.. twinnie thanks for being there for me.. tolerating all my nonsense and crazy times.. noe that i love my darling twinnie!! (: hees.. LOVE YOU! (: haha yeah.. MUACKS! yeapp yeapp and noe that.. when u need me.. i'll be there too! (: yeap yeap.. love u twinnie! (: haha here are some pics taken on sat during dinner after service! (: haha.. enjoy! (: i'm too lazy to put captions le.. hees.. pardon me! (:

I needed Jesus @ | 10:05:00 PM
*.* monday blues *.*
haha hello! (: i'm home! lols.. today.. yeah.. today went to work.. expecting to get trained to pick up calls.. BUT! ): we went there and they asked us to settle the letters again.. cos all the 6000+ letters has to be sent by TODAY! rarr): tsk.. so no choice lo.. and so we rushed it like mad.. and the whole office was put into action.. everyone else was helping. haha.. and FINALLY! at 5+.. all 600+ letters were safe in their envelopes! WELL DONE! hees time passed pretty fast today actually.. yeap.. had lunch with grace twinnie and this guy called jie li.. haha.. he so poorthing.. onli guy with us.. haha.. the other guy din wana eat.. lols.. haha.. yeap.. had fun today! (:
then went to meet gor gor at city hall.. went to raffles city.. haha.. for DOUGHNUTS! (: hah twinnie came for doughnuts too! haha.. she was waiting for her fren.. haha.. yeap yeap.. then twinnie met her fren and me and gor gor went to the esplanade on MY request.. lols.. yeap yeap.. finished up my DELICIOUS doughnuts.. sat down and chatted a little.. then went to glutton's bay for dinner.. haha.. had fried oyster with egg.. and CHICKEN WINGS! (: hees.. gor gor's treat! (: hees.. thanks! (: yeap.. then headed for home le.. yeap.. gor gor sent me to hougang interchange.. yeap yeap..
hey brother.. just wana thank you so much for being there for me when i am down.. i wana assure u that.. i'm realli fine.. dun worry about me k? ur little sister has grown up le(: hees.. yeap yeap she wun cry animore like she did when she was young! (: haha.. yeap yeap.. thanks for everything brother! (: LOVES! (: haha..
time for me to go to bed.. if not i'll die tomolo.. haha.. goodnights! (: God bless!
I needed Jesus @ | 11:24:00 PM
*.* one chapter closed.. *.*
well well.. i've closed a chapter in my life.. it was actually near a close le.. but.. well.. i dunno wat happened lar.. but yeah.. it's realli closed now.. but i need some time to let patch up some broken parts in my life.. yeap..
woke up pretty late today.. haha.. then had brunch then helped to clean up the house.. yeah.. then went to ah ma's place le.. yeap yeap.. nothing much lo.. i like going to ah ma's place.. cos dun need to do anithing one.. just go there and talk.. and watch tv.. relaxing.. haha.. (: yeap.. and then now i'm HOME! hahaha..
aniwae.. yesterday was fun! (: hees.. yeah.. went to my new PL in the morning.. yeap yeap.. upload the pics tomolo.. abit lazy now.. and gtg sleep soon cos working tomolo.. yeap.. went back with my dear geck(: haha.. and saw some familiar faces while walking around.. yeap.. hung around there till bout 1130 then had to leave le cos i had tuition at 12.. haha.. and i was late cos i took the wrong bus.. tsk! so stupid.. haha.. yar.. tuition was fine lar.. just that amos.. abit playful lo.. haha.. but he's still ok.. I CAN HANDLE! haha.. yeap..
headed for PP after tuition.. went to collect some pics.. yeap.. then headed for church.. wahhh.. reached there earli lo.. then like nothing to do like that.. sat with kenny and joel.. watched kenny play guitar.. aha.. oh and had music lesson by teacher wei xiang.. lols(: learnt quite alot though! (: i shall go practise more of my guitar.. it's collecting dust le.. tsk! haha...
yeap.. then had fellowship.. had a fun game that got all of us confused.. lols.. shall try it with a group next time.. hehehe.. yeap yeap.. and then it was service.. as usual... haha.. had fun with joan ethel and twinnie.. hees.. yeap yeap.. and went for dinner with some others.. super fun.. lols.. we made so much noise at macs.. wahaha.. yar and finally left at 1030.. yea.. so late.. haha.. yeap yeap.. reached home at bout 1130 ba.. yeah..
called a fren and talked for a while.. and that phone call.. left me pretty down i would say.. not that i din expect such an answer from that fren.. but yeah.. just unwanted answer lar.. but since i noe le.. it's time for me to go on le.. yeap yeap.. i can do it! (: for sure! (: hees.. yeap yeap.. and now.. it's realli time for me to go and sleep le! rarrr!! haha.. goodnight!
I needed Jesus @ | 11:47:00 PM
Thursday, January 04, 2007
*.* THANK GOD! (: *.*
hahaha i'm thanking God cos i got my job! (: thank you Lord! (: in fact.. i was offered two jobs! (: haha.. yeah.. i was sleeping this morning when one of the recruit agents called me and asked if i mind this job at bugis.. admin.. then i was like no harm trying lo.. not say they confirm wan me ma.. yea.. so he sent in my resume la.. yeah.. then a moment later, he called me and said i have to start work tomolo.. wah tell u i shocked diao.. haha.. yar.. then i din want.. but i just told him.. ok and see how..
so i went to meet twinnie at the mrt.. headed for tanjong pagar mrt for our interview.. yeap yeap.. yeah went down to the agency to fill in the application form and had a short briefing on the interview and then we headed for the CPF building.. yeap.. waited for quite some time before the interview although we were on time.. yeah.. but when it was my turn (i was the last one left) yeah.. quite scary at first.. but heard the interviewers and debra(who was before me) laughing quite loudly when she was inside.. haha.. and ALAS~ the same thing happened.. lols.. we were all laughing alot when i was inside too!( : haha.. the interview was quite fun! (: haha more like a laughing session.. lols.. yeap.. was out in bout 10 mins?
then went to meet twinnie downstairs.. and she said that the agency called her and we're both WANTED!!! haha for the job lar.. lols and we're starting work tomolo! (: WOOHOO!! haha.. and i had to call david to decline the other job.. felt so bad): rarrr.. yeah.. aniwae.. we went to shop for office wear after that.. and i finally declare myself BANKRUPT! ): sigh.. haha.. yeah.. time to sleep now.. shall tell u more about work tomolo! (: BYEE!
I needed Jesus @ | 11:35:00 PM
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
*.* thrid day of the year.. hmmm.. *.*
well well well.. i'm into the third day of the year.. and i'm STILL jobless):): sigh.. other than a tuitin that's going on.. sigh.. i'm definitely not going to be able to survive on that alone! tsk.. sigh i also dunno how.. got an interview tomolo.. i hope i get the job.. ):
aniwae.. today.. i've been tired the whole day.. ): sigh.. all thanks to the stupid flu.. yes... twinnie came to my place again.. and we were looking for a job once again.. yeah.. and she was recovering from her fever and i had my flu.. so i din have strength to play with and entertain her.. sorry twinnie! ): yeah.. so in the end after we were done with calling and playing for a while.. we went to sleep.. hahaha.. pigs ah.. but i tink twinnie din realli sleep lar.. sorry twinnie!
yeah.. twinnie left at bout 6+.. sent her to the stop and went home.. feeling lazy still): sigh.. and now.. my nose is blocked like nobody's business.. tsk! argh.. i'm dying! rarrr!! ahaha.. aniwae.. yea.. oh let's see.. wat happened yesterday.. actualli.. nothing much lar.. oh i started my first tuition session.. the kid is called amos.. quite a smart boy.. except that he's dyslexic.. yeap.. but the prob ain't very big.. he learns realli fast(: haha.. yup.. then went to my aunt's place for lunch and stuff.. came home.. rot a while.. then went out again to meet gor gor.. yup.. met him at tamp.. then decided to go to airport.. yeap..
i started to sneeze and stuff.. tsk.. yeah.. used up two packs of tissue at the airport alone.. tsk.. aniwae.. haha.. we had popeye's(: yeap yeap.. then went to T2.. gor gor did some thinking there.. while i did my cross stitch(: haha.. yeap.. then left for home at 9+ lo.. haha.. and i borrowed my sis's EZlink card so i was still on student fare! (: hees. yeap yeap.. gor gor.. hope things will get better on ur side ok? (: take care everyone! the weather is bad so please take care! (: loves!
I needed Jesus @ | 11:21:00 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
*.* HAPPY NEW YEAR! (: *.*
At my grandma's place
faith girl(:

little charis!

little hawaiin girl(: haha..

my little look alike!(:

sweet little angel!(:

we've got SWEETS! (:
my nephew's birthday!(:

siblings forever!(:

grand aunts and us!(:

the kiddies(:

aunt and nephew!(:

with mummy and grandma(:

good friends we are!(:

i'm the birthday boy! (:

mummy and daughter!(:

kiddies with my cousin!

i love my teddy(:

my cousin's quite popular with aunties huh! lols
my aunts and mummy

cousins united! haha winnie winna royston sweedy! i look weird hmm..

my aunt's family and my cuz

daddy winnie winna royston mummy

happy 6th birthday!(:

it's my birthday!

i wish that...

LOVEBIRDS! haha my cousin and his gf..

alynn, daddy tay, mummy yuhui, grandmama, birthday boy kang wei and cousin darren(:
the kids at work(:

the kids'!

the adults!

forfeit for the adults!! haha

i'll burst that balloon!!

haha hello!(: and happy new year! it's a new year! and i just hope and pray that.. this year.. will be a fun and fruitful year for all! (: hmm.. here.. a list of my new year resolutions.. yeap yeap yeap.. hmm..
1. i wana grow closer to the Lord.. so firstly.. i need to be more disciplined in my Quiet time.. i gotta stand firm in my faith despite the obstacles i'm facing.. and i hope.. i can get baptised by the end of 2007..
2. i wana bring at least 3 friends to Christ by the end of 2007..
3. i wana learn to be less impatient with people..
4. LOSE WEIGHT! aim for 50? (:
5. i hope i can make it to uni..
that's about all FOR NOW.. there will be more to come for sure lar.. lols.. aniwae.. today was FUN! (: haha.. but before that.. i had a sad yesterday.. but.. well.. when things get bad.. it can onli get better ain't it? haha got this from a friend(: haha.. let's see wat happened yesterday...
well well well.. i din talk to my mum yesterday.. refused to or rather.. yeah.. so the whole day.. i din eat anithing she offered me.. and din bother to talk to her.. yeah.. aniwae.. yea.. went to my maternal grandma's place in the afternoon.. then went to my maternal grandma's place in the evening.. yeap yeap.. seeing the kids.. really made me feel much better.. yeap.. the pics are up there! (: yeap yeap.. then came home at 11+.. and i started to do some cross stitch.. hahaha.. got it for Christmas.. then dunno wat i'm gonna do with it once i've finished it.. we'll see how ba..
haha i did cross stitching till bout 3+.. then went to sleep and woke up this morning at 11+.. yeah.. then prepared myself and we left the house for hougang mall.. went to search for my nephew's birthday present.. bought him monopoly junior(: haha.. yeap.. then went down for the party.. hahar.. quite funny lar.. i was the appointed photograper.. haha.. so i keep taking pics.. keep pulling the kids to take pics.. lols.. yeap.. the pics are up there.. might upload some more once my cousin sends me.. haha.. some pics are taken by her(: haha.. yeap yeap yeap.. had laods of fun there with the kids.. i love kids when they dun irritate me.. lols.. (:
yeap yeap.. then left for IKEA tampines.. OH i led the way.. hahaha.. my aunt doesn't noe the directions there.. lols.. i depended on the street directory.. lols.. but we got there aniwae(: lols.. yeap.. and i got new curtains!! (: (: ORANGE! lols.. yeap for new year.. 2 pcs for 15 bucks.. then i took one and my aunt took the other one(: haha so that's 7.50 technically.. yeap yeap.. we did so many funny things there.. lols.. especially at the kids section.. TSK! haha and then when we were in the lift going home.. then we were squashed all the way behind.. haha.. then when it was our level.. me and my aunt was shouting with ONE VOICE :" 出去!" hahaha.. so funny! lols..
aniwae.. when i was there.. i got a call from my contingent pple.. then they were at east coast.. i promised that i would be at the outing today.. but i broke my promise.. sigh.. ): i dun tink my mum would have let me out lar.. like after wat happened the past two days.. and i tried to apologize to the girls.. well they dunno the reason.. but.. yeah.. they sent a reply.. saying that apologzing is no cure.. and i am a disappointment.. sigh.. was quite hurt.. but yeah.. i'm realli sorry.. i din mean to.. well.. i can onli say sorry ba.. dun tink they will ever trust me in planning an outing animore ba..
yeah and i'm home now.. and i'm JOBLESS! ): rarrr.. so sad.. tsk! must hurry find a job lar.. rarrr.. God ah.. please provide me with a job.. with good pay lar.. ): sigh.. I NEED A JOB!! yeah.. tink i shall be off now.. got tuition tomolo..
I needed Jesus @ | 1:50:00 AM