*.* by God grace *.*
heya readers. i guess many would have realised that i removed the password lock. yeah. just decided to ba. aniwae. life has been just as it is. dun realli wana talk about it. yeap.
oh by now, some would have already known that i received the letter of acceptance from NTU. psychology. ha yeah man(: and i know. it is totally by God's grace. thank you so much Lord. and i'll make sure i fulfil my promise to you. i'll work hard. and i'll use watever i learn. to glorify your name. for you alone, deserve all glory. thank you. thank you Lord. if i dun get NUS' letter, i'm already very glad to receive NTU's, i wouldn't mind going to NTU aniwae. yeap just abit worried about the tuition fees and stuff. not about NTU's tuition fee la. but uni in general lo. hmmm. well. wondering if i should take the loan and stuff. yeah. wun be easy ba. we'll see about that.
also. psychology ain't an easy path *not that any other paths would be easy* but yeah. it wouldn't be. in the way that. graduating with a psy deg, wun get me very far. but well. pursuing interest. and i am praying that. this is the path that the Lord wants me to take. i dun want to do something that i like but it's not part of God's plan. hey friends. do keep me in prayer kay. thanks(:
yeap. once again. praise the Lord. my heart is filled with thanks thanks and more thanks to my God.
Our God, is an awsome God
He reigns from Heaven above
With wisdom and power and love
Our God is an awesome God
I needed Jesus @ | 9:55:00 AM
*.* i'll talk *.*
ahh saw alot of pics yesterday ya. ha was just too lazy to type. so yeah. first thing is. i am very cold now. thanks to my office. the aircon is super strong. doesn't seem spoilt. it's crazy. and i din bring jacket today. and in the end, i went to buy a jacket during lunch cos i couldn't take it animore. it's too cold. i was deciding between a Nike and a Fox jacket. In the end i chose the fox jacket cos the nike one was almost triple the price. ha(: saved money(: bread and tako pachi for lunch. nice. and filling. lols. sure got pple will scold me. but scold me all u wan lar. i noe wat i'm doing.
yeap. been very tired and drained all these while. i dunno y. probably lack of sleep. and some other things which i prefer to keep it to myself. realised that i haven't been talking much about my life nowadays to anyone. probably too caught up at work. well. *an hour more before i end work* aniwae. yeah. i've just returned to the old old sweedy in the past. afraid to talk. probably not that. but i've learnt to keep things to myself le ba. i live in a world full of expectations. expectations from parents, relatives, friends. and time and time again, i failed to live up to these expectations. oh well. wat can i say. i'm not perfect ba.
sunday had tuition in the morning and the evening. spent the rest of the time doing nothing much at home. saturday was A&D ceremony. GOH commander. things went fine until the actual parade. my contingent screwed up when taking their dressing. oh well. things do screw up often. but the rest went well. after everything, we had dinner and stuff. wah they catered good food for the guests leh. got tako pachi, laksa and alot other good food. wah. i wana be a guest too. yeap. then went j8 with pam and oh yes. on the bus, i tot i lost my atm card so gave a call to dbs and asked for termination of the card. after that at macs, i found it in another compartment of my wallet. i tell you. i was just so close to killing myself for my stupidity. errrr. yes. after that, we walked from bishan to serangoon central. that's about an hour. and i took a bus home from there. ha the rest of the week from monday to friday. nothing much happened. oh wednesday, went shopping with twinnie and bought a top (: but we din find the top that we wanted. it's ok lar. still can go topshop find(: hahar. yeah
yeah. right now. i'm just living my life. and spending more time with my family and siblings. i pretty much like my life now. but. i'm losing God. i'm far away. that's bad. i've been missing fellowship at church due to some reasons. sometimes i miss service. sometimes it's because i have things on. sometimes i just dun wan to disrupt the peace at home. you know, to be truthful, i've had thoughts coming through my mind, asking myself, is my faith worth the chaos at home. sometimes i feel like giving up. but somehow, i still hold on to it. many things that happen to me, i cannot give an explanation of why it happened and how i feel about it. it just comes and i can't describe my feeling. Lord, draw me back to you. take me away from my old sinful life. take me far far away. never bring me back again. i need you.
yeap. office is moving from parkmall to midlink plaza. i'm gonna miss the convenience of NEL. will end here.
I needed Jesus @ | 3:52:00 PM
*.* let pics do the talking.. *.*
FYI: My com is repaired. Enjoy.
31 March
After Service at WINDY
gor gor me ethel
three little tigers!(: william debra sweedy!
7 April
Movie at J8. Mr Bean
sweedy and geck(: miss this girl.
weedy and sweedy(:
6 April
Good Friday Night
Jenny Ethel Sweedy Noella Debra
WenJie Debra Jenny Melody Sweedy
My Tuition Kid(: Rachel
Twinnie! (: i wonder how many pics we took(:
All about my dog(:
~ sleepy~
i'm happy in my owner's guitar case(:

i'm musically inclined(:
help. animal abuse! haha!
see my tongue!!
me and my owner!(:
14th April
A&D Rehearsal
they're MY girls(:
18th April
My Cousin's Place

That's MY hamburger!(:
16 April
On the way for tuition..


grace sweedy debra

Home (:

my doggie and me

artistic ya

siblings and doggie! *stop licking us lucky!*


sibling power~(: sweedy stamford weedy

she loves the doggie?(:

say hi to lucky!
17th April
Lunch with twinnie, Jaron and WeiSong

me and twinnie!(:

20th April
Rachel's house after tuition

The kids formed this!(:
Ryan's a vampire!
My tuition kid! doesn't she look like me! haha
benett boy(:
21st April
Awards and Dedication Ceremony 2007

michele the narcissist with our company colour

sweedy and michele

funny face!

sweedy yanhui and michele in the GB storeroom!

My pioneer girls. WHERE ARE MY TWO RESERVES! ):
I needed Jesus @ | 11:54:00 PM
*.* far far away.. *.*
i'm in front of the computer. and. i dunno wat i want to say. life. up and down for me. good and bad. my computer is dead. that's bad. i dun have alot of time. that is bad. i'm tired and falling sick. that's bad. i'm feel far far away. from everyone else in the world. everyone else who used to be in my world. they seem so far away. for some reasons or other. i dunno. closeness developed into distance. once comfortable, now uncomfortable. things keep changing. people too. i've changed. so much. i'm no longer me. now i'm someone who's pretty cautious about wat pple are doing to me. i'm easily jealous. i expect alot from ppl. i'm selfish. i'm lazy. i have a mask. is this wat happens when you grow up? i got no idea. i'm trying to change. i dun like the me that i see now.
help me Lord well i got no idea man. i feel that i'm losing my friends. that's wat is in my head right now. i just can't put the right words in and i dun wish to direct this post at anyone. i keep it to myself and that's enough. i dunno. but hey if you were my friend. i hope we will stay as friends forever. if you were my good friend, i hope that never changes.
i miss youi tink i'll end here. goodbye.
I needed Jesus @ | 3:22:00 PM
*.* me. *.*
well well. friday was super-di-dooper great! (: haha budak pantai nv fails to make my day! as i've mentioned(: yeah man. had debra, wenjie and weisong there for e first time. gor gor , yu xian and his friends were there too(: ha and yu xian say my head big! -.- cos i blocked his view. eh yu xian if u see this! it's not that my head is big ok! is u are ***** ehem. hahaha. BLEAH! aniwae. yeah. then after budak pantai, weisong drove the three of us back home. WOOTS! not bad eh. haha. no sudden jamming of break. quite smooth and swift! haha i'm surprised. lols! yeah. got home and changed my com harddisk. the com's fine. but not the internet connection cos got probs with installing my drivers. sigh): rarr! i'll get it done soon man.
yeah. saturday. in the sun. wahhh. HORRIBLE! the sun was scorching hot! eeeewwww. it was like burning down into my bones can. eeeww!! and i'm black again. thanks man. but wat to do, GB's my love. ha and i get to see my darling pioneers at the parade. so yeah but i zao sia at the last command to be given for the day. ha and i wanted to go semula but i saw no point. lols. so funny. then after the rehearsal, was service. was quite tired le. ha. yeah. and had dinner at the new subway at singpost. (: nice! (: haha and hung out with a different group of pple. fun people though(: there was uncle timothy, ya xian, amy, ethel, joan, twinnie and me(: ha matthew and desmond joined us after that and pei qi after she finished her macs. lols(: yeapp and i had company, a longer distance, home(: hees
yeah man. sunday. was home. bathing for lucky and doing housework. yeap. then went down to cuzzie's place in the afternoon(: got to see my hamburger! (: haha she's so cute lar. (: wahahah yeah went down to their place to help my cuz with her com lar. ha. yeah. nothing much ba. then they sent me home(: no need to take public transport. lols(:
something bad JUST happened): sigh. applied for SMU psychology as first choice and stuff. SMU just called. and informed me i'm shortlisted for an interview for school of information systems management. something that i din even apply for. ): i'm so not interested in it can): sob sob. i realli dunno how. i told the person that i'll get back to him by today. sigh.): i'm waiting for pastor gideon to finish his discussion so i can call him. sigh): i'm so sad): my results are realli that bad): sob sob. no mood le. tink i'll end here. i'll add the things i wanted to add when i'm in a better mood.
I needed Jesus @ | 11:04:00 AM
*.* tired. *.*
wah. this is crazy. tanjong pagar to city hall. to somerset and to dhoby ghaut. i've taken the train so many times today. wa crazy. anson centre, anson house, apex tower, international plaza, peninsula plaza, the adelphi, le meridien, parkland shopping centre. wah. wan my life. i cannot take it. and the best thing is. it rained cats and dogs. horrible. i tink my pumps are dying. and my feet are rotting): RARRRR! wat a day.
only looking forward to budak pantai later. they'll surely make my day. at least the last few hours of my day. haha yeah. and i got my new harddisk le. well done. i hope no more probs after i change the harddisk. okie. i tink i'll go and make a few calls now and then i'm off from office le(: TIRED!):
aniwae. i dunno whether it's only yesterday or it's been some time le. but he kept appearing in my dreams. i dunno why. not that i haven't gotten over. i realli have. definite. but in the dream, there's the 依依不舍 feeling. i dunno why. ha but yeah. and kept seeing him in the opposite block. like from my kitchen window, ha he's block is like the one opposite. and keep seeing him at the corridor. wat the hell. wat kind of dream is this. lols.
yeap. i am totally fine oki! haha (: okok i'm off to make my calls le. byee!
I needed Jesus @ | 4:22:00 PM
*.* new blogskin. new song. same old me. *.*
hellew! it's me again. haha well well. decided that it's time to change my blogskin and so i did since i was so sianed in office yesterday. realli din do much in office. hmmm. but aniwae. i will be away after this post. probably going for lunch then later gonna go around the CBD area to look at the office buildings. hmmm. aniwae. i pretty much like this blogskin. even if u dun like it. ha. it reminds me of my fave musical instrument. the piano. i realli miss my piano so much): sigh hey people. if you have an old piano in fine condition and u are intending to like throw away or something. please tell me kay. i'll be more than willing to buy it. not too ex though. ha even better if it's free. oops. ha yeah. i realli miss those days where i just sit in front of the piano and play watever songs or random tunes that come to my mind. i miss venting on my piano. i miss it. i realli do. i have a guitar. but it's different. it can't really substitute my yearning for my piano): sigh. yeap.
aniwae. the song. ha well. nothing to do with me ok. i've NEVER been attached so nv broke up! haha yeah but i realli find the lyrics so meaningful. my favourite line is "你的离去 就像刺青 永远烙印在我的心 是如此痛 而如此的美丽" beautiful line isn't it? i dunno. i just like it alot. twinnie would noe though(: haha yeah and the music. pretty nice(: yeah. nice song. that's all i can say. enjoy it(: here's e full lyrics.
yeah. ha i love the song! (: har. aniwae. yesterday. had lunch with wanteng and estee. ha wanteng was saying that she made a new fren at work. and WAT A SMALL world. her fren was estee. and she's my primary school mate! hahaha yeah had a food time together(: yeap and i'm tinking how i can actualli bring wanteng to church. she says that it's kinda far. haiz. but something ah bao said gave me an idea. ha the circle line is coming up. and from serangoon to paya lebar it's super near can! aiyo. ha mayb can use that! (: yeap. went home after BS. tired le. i realised. without my internet connection, i'm actualli spending more time with my siblings and more time for my books(: haha ain't that good? but i'm losing touch with my frens ba. hmmm. ha. well. just for now then. tink i gotta leave office soon le. shall see if anithing special happens today. oh! and twinnie got to the last round for her scholarship interview!(: yeah! (: all the wat twinnie! will keep u in prayers! (: i shall be off now. bye.
i'm back. n yuck. it's raining. rarr. not that i hate rain or wat. but it just spoilt my plan): YYY! ): argh. i went to meet twinnie for lunch at bout 12. then walked her back to her office. headed for International Plaza to check out the units available for rent. but then not many lo.): sigh then went to anson centre, anson house and apex tower. and it started to pour): rarrr. so i was walking back to the MRT station from apex and by the time i reach IP, i was wet from knee down. despite having an umbrella. RARRR so i decided. I'M GOING BACK TO OFFICE!! yeah so i'm back here now. half drenched): eeeeeewwwwwww!!! enough of complaining le lar. back to work. ): bye.
I needed Jesus @ | 2:48:00 PM
*.* no internet): *.*
hmm hmm hmm. i'm an internet addict! and i've got no internet connection! ): sob sob. this is killing me. ): i'm dying of boredom. i'm sad): rarrr! ha but i have more time for books(: hees yeapp yeapp. taking a long time to finish reading books. HORRIBLE. hahaha. aniwae. it's been a long time since i last blogged again. it's always the same thing. tsk. blog and a million days later then i'll blog again. haha nothing much exciting about my life lar. so no point blogging so much also lar.
so let's see. my phone. i've gotten it back le. but the flash doesn't seem to be very much brighter. forget it. i can't be bothered. and i can't risk using a phone that doesn't have my contacts at all. i'm totally lost. haha yeah as long as i can take my pics in the day can le(: hees. yeah so phone is settled.
friday. met my ex colleagues for a game of bball. haha. oops. it was fun but a short session. brought my siblings along and my brother is good man. ZAI! ahaha can train. then go and join bball. haha. jia you boy! lols then went for good friday service at crystal. was late. debra brought wenjie along. i brought melody and jenny to see see. it was a more solemn service. i hope they aren't deterred from coming ever again. but the skit was good i must say. realli brought out the whole feeling of the setting at the crucifictation of Jesus.
saturday. had geck at my place for a while. then with my mum and siblings, we all headed for junction 8. promised my siblings to bring them out for a movie and thus this outing. (: my mum joined us for lunch and then went to work le. yeah. then we had some time before the movie hence we went walking around. ha and finally. it was time for Mr Bean's Holiday. it was good(: fantastic for people who need a good laugh. ha my dear geck ying was laughing like MAD. lols! yeah lo. and home it was after the movie. had fun ba(:
sunday. nothing much. went to church in the morning for service. or should i use the word sneak. hmmm. haha yeah mummy din noe i was there. but got home aniwae. without her knowing where i went. then the rest of the day was at home. bathed lucky. and stuffs. and tried to fix the com but to no avail. rarrr. shall wait for my new harddisk to arrive before we see how. haha.
today's work's fine so far. boss just left a while ago. din leave alot of work behind cos i guess he's expecting me to hop around to check out the office buildings ba. ha then i can go and haf lunch with my ESS peeps(: yeah! (: haha well well. yeah. gonna meet diana for dinner later(: and it's tuition after that. rarrr. tired. but i'm sure this will help me in future ba. (: haha tink i better get off now. bye.
I needed Jesus @ | 12:57:00 PM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
*.* my k800i is onli 6 days old! ): *.*
rarrr. i'm home. finally. haha and i'm home without my baby!): haha i sent my k800i for servicing yesterady because the camera flash light is kinda weak. the pics turn out to be very dark! ): ): sigh. aniwae. ha today was fine. did quite some research at work. for office space for rent. yeah lo. boss coming back on wednesday): rarr. haha yeah lo. so i've been working on the offices recently. sigh. nothing much ba. then had tuition with rachel. but the funny thing is. ha thiam joo forgot that there's tuition today. lols. so they all haven reach home. i just sat at the stairs and when thiam joo saw me he was like "OH NO" hahaha then waited for rachel to come back. onli started tuition half an hour later. haha well
yesterday. was late for work. aiyo. i woke up at like 830. SHOCKED. lucky my mum called if not it'll be worse can. haha yeah lo. after work, went out with my ESS gang again(: hees. they accompanied me to SE service centre lo. ha then we went to have dinner at far east. the chicken rice rocks man! (: yeah and when we went back, it was JUST NICE my turn. haha my queue number was 252. haha when we reached, it was 249 or something then after that, all the numbers up till mine nobody one. lols! so it was my turn. come back a little slower and i would have been dead. lols.
that's wat life has been for me lar. same old things that i dun wish to repeat over and over again. i miss my frens. i hope they still remember that there's a sweedy in this world. sigh. and yeah. sometimes as i walk, some random thoughts just come to my mind and i tell myself i'm so gonna blog about it. and when i'm home, i've clean forgotten about it. well done. probably the effect of muti-tasking. ahaha oh well. it's time to sleep. goodnight my frens.
I needed Jesus @ | 11:38:00 PM