*.* home sweet home. *.*
i'm home. from company camp 2007. super tired. i totally lack sleep): rarr. should be sleeping once i'm done with this. ya. the camp, din run too well. but the hiccups weren't that obvious to the girls ba. yeah. first day was the worst i tink. everything was in a mess. i tink the camp din start too well. yeah picked up on the second day but i was totally tired out. yeap. but the programme was a little screwed up at night. had to do impromptu singspiration. played the guitar without a pick. my poor finger. the second finger i used to strum was a little swollen by the nails. tsk tsk. terrible. but it was good.
sleep was wat i looked forward to. all the midnight activities were cancelled cos we were all too tired le. sigh. sorry girls. planned for nothing. well. last day. not as tired. but things din flow too smoothly. ended camp late. but overall, i tink the planning committee did a good job. it's the camp commandant here that did not do a proper job. the camp commandant did not do a thorough planning. and she doesn't know her stuff. i'm sorry.
i'm too tired le. i'm going to bed now. goodnight. oh ya. twinnie and ah song brought supper for us on the second night. thanks. loves.
I needed Jesus @ | 10:33:00 PM
*.* blogger!!!! *.*
rarrr! wats the prob with blogger! i'm getting so damn irritated! for ur info, mny previous post wasn't completed at all! argh. BLOGGER please get this stupid problem settled! argh
I needed Jesus @ | 3:16:00 PM
well some pics for ur reference. ha some pics taken some time ago lar. so yeah.

three little tigers!

michele loves to "smoke"!

me and twin's drink(:
ah song's drink!
anywhat. yesterday. tuesday. nothing much happened. work as usual. oh but i wasn't in the best of mood from monday night. so yeah. but i thank God for my wonderful twinnie(: so sweet. she bought me a pretty sunflower(: whee~ (:
the next day. it was my turn to buy twinnie flower cos she wasn't feeling good. poor twin. i hope u liked the daisy! (: yeap yeap. hope u're feeling better twinnie!(: loves!
I needed Jesus @ | 11:05:00 PM
*.* pissed. *.*
wah. today is a horrible day. first thing in the morning, i woke up late. well not late enough to get me late at work. but yeah. din have time to bring lucky out to walk. yeah so i rushed off to work. the next thing. i'm on the bus. and i see red ants crawling on my shirt and eventually so many more on my bag. *freak* so was tryin to get rid of them one by one lo. sian. ): SO MANY ants): rarrr. and finally i found the stupid cause of it. there was the muffin paper that i left in my bag. RARRR sutpid ants! YUCK!
yeah to think that was bad enough. tsk. managed to pass through the day until after tuition, i planned to go to hougang mall to help thiam joo get some receipt. i realised i forgot to bring the receipt. well my sis needed me to help her buy some paper. so i tot, might as well get her to come along and bring her to popular and at the same time, she can actually bring down the receipt. told her to get ready to leave the house once i call. and best. when i call. she said my mum dun allow her to go (and she din even call me) wat the hell. i was damn pissed. i called my mum and in the end she let her go. my sis was supposed to hop on the bus that i was on. but in the end. i had to alight and wait for that stupid girl to stroll to the bus stop. the f word was like on the tip of my tongue already. argh. waste time and money.
yeah and finally got to hougang mall and settled everything. was going to the interchange. missed both my buses. took another bus and realised it goes one big round. wahhhhh. waste money AGAIN. damn.
got home and finally tot i could have a good rest and stuff. my mum came home. and started asking me about uni and hall. she was saying that we're not that rich for me to stay in hall. firstly, did i ask you for the money? then she said that i should stay at home and help out with stuff. and concentrate on my studies. well. tink about this. if i know i can study at home, i wouldn't even tink about staying outside home. the point is i know i can't. well. i dunno. i'm realli in a very bad mood. rarrr. i am going off now. today is a bad day. wat the hell. wat a life. goodnight.
I needed Jesus @ | 11:26:00 PM
*.* FUN!(: *.*
hmmm. just got NUS' letter. so now. i officially have to make a choice. yeah man. sigh. more inclined to NTU. but. each has its pros and cons ba. sigh. tough choice. well. i'll make my decision soon ba.
anyway. yesterday was totally fun! (: hung out with my two wonderful seniors and miss koh and miss tan. discussed the company camp. it's gonna be so fun man. and being the youngest there. i got arrowed to be camp commandant! ): rarrr eeeyeerrr.. haha but aniwae. the meeting was good and fun(: and we went pigging after meeting. miss koh and miss tan treated us to food and ICE CREAM! oh man. i'm so fat!! rarrr. haha. then we went to the gym to work them all off!!! *PHEW*
met twinnie and weisong for dinner. to be exact. weisong picked both of us up. twinnie from bishan. and me. haiz. from NTU Alumni Club. that's near Buona Vista MRT. hahaha. and i had to treat them for that ride. ha. i offered lar. felt kinda bad. yeah. dinner was at Holland V. ate at Spizza and i spent a good 40 moolahs on them. ha but the food was pretty good(: hees yeap then. Then. THEN. we went to GELARE! argh. horrible! me and twinnie shared a waffle with two scoops of ice cream! ): oh man. FAT FAT FAT~! i better go and run soon! eeeewwww. haha but it was good!(: yeah. ah song offered to send both of us bad. i din wan to take the car at first. felt quite bad le. like making use of him to drive us around like that. but in the end i took the car cos he said that it was realli on the way.
ha we reached twinnie's place and ah song needed to pee. hohoho. so we went up to twinnie's place and EXPECTEDLY. haha twinnie's daddy and mummy questioned her after we left. lols. so funny. yeah. then on the way back, in the car, ah song was saying he falling asleep le. wahhhh! i scared i die man. so i talked and and entertained him with my stupid eggplant joke. lucky i'm home in one piece. hahah. thanks ah song! (: *twinnie is full of praises for him* muahahaha.
yeah. everyone's chasing me to sleep because of my MSN nick. ok ok. i'll go and spend time with my love now. haha. goodnight! more updates tomolo. bye!(:
I needed Jesus @ | 11:21:00 PM