*.* i'm home(: *.*
haha HOME! the first thing i came home, lucky was unleashed and he came running to me! (: hahah haha yeah. i love lucky!(:
went for supper with shivas peeps last night. had prata! (: haha woke up early this morn~ well well. today's fine. a brand new start to my renewed Christian life. i'm back on the morning devotion track again. finally. haven been going in a long time. hope i'll be consistent. had one hour tut today. haha. talked about sex education. lols everyone was so active in giving their comments in class today. ha. after lesson, went for lunch with sam and nas. accompanied sam till 12+ before going back to hall to nap. so tired. haha. then ngak came over and we headed for the cathay!(: went to catch "The Leap Years". not bad lar. miss wong is SOOOO pretty! omg. i wana faint le. ahaha if onli i was half as pretty as her. lols. *dreaming*
ha yeap. walked around PS with mr ngak. haha we had dinner back in hougang. had black pepper pork chop! (: whee~! haha dear sent me home and we brought lucky for a walk! whee~! some pics for u anyway. going to bed now. goodnight! (:

I needed Jesus @ | 12:32:00 AM
*.* wrong wrong wrong.. *.*
haix. today's a wrong wrong day. woke up early, went for service, thinking that it's my turn to share my outreach testimony today. service was fine. until communion, i saw PME, she told me that i'm not supposed to be doing today. grrrr. i was like.. haix. getting into trouble with my mum.. rarrr.
after service, PKC talked to me about some stuffs. then he made some comments which made me quite sian. i mean. it's not that i din try. i did. just that i'm not that lucky. or mayb, i'm not that strong in my faith and things aren't going too well. haix. things just ain't right lar. i dunno wat i'm supposed to do, i dunno wat i'm not supposed to. i tot i was doing something right, i tot it could help the other person. but. it din turn out right. in the end, everything was pushed away from me. i'm kinda hurting inside. but i'll still keep this to myself. i just hope they'll do fine. i suppose they should. cos having someone who does e wrong things all e time will onli make matters worse.
yeah. as if all these is not enough, my mother's making noise again. she keeps harping on e fact that my brother failed his tests because the few hours that i spent trying to revise his work with him was not useful. because, i was not serious and not willing to help. oh well oh well. wat can i say? i realli wasn't too willing to help because i had my own tests to study for. but hey, i took out time and sacrificed my study time to help him and yet you're saying such stuffs. and if u wanted me to help, y such last minute work? u tink i'm God? i can help him pass with flying colours in a matter of a few hours' revision? impossible lo.
rarr. i can onli say. today is a really bad day. i hope i dun die soon. of anger. of hurt and mayb of illness. well well. it can onli get better from here i hope.
I needed Jesus @ | 12:31:00 AM
*.* cry baby cry... *.*
ah dui!!!!!!!!!!!! today ah... tiring day for me. hahaha. woke up early. yeah. went to church for BS. was kinda late. but i was the second to reach. tsk tsk. ha BS's getting pretty long nowadays. haha. ended at bout almost three. ha. but learnt alot(: then went for lunch with e tuffers. then it was time back at church. tried to do my project but not to much avail): sigh. well. the most tiring part came): had to report for my nursery duty. for the first few times in my nursery duty life, the kids started coming in early! =.= that's not the worse part. aunty jenny(my partner) was unable to come!): roar!! first, two kids came. one baby and one tod. THEN came another kid and a baby! =x TWO BABIES!!!!!! omg. i was stunned. baby julia's mummy was feeding her milk and once she was done, and about to leave, julia starting crying!! ):):): but her mummy had to go anyway. so i carried her. she started wailing): had to walk around with her in my arms, talk to her. and finally, managed to rock her to sleep in my arms. that's e key. IN MY ARMS. she never let go. she was grabbing my shirt with her hand behind on my back.
haix. the moment i try to put her in e cradle or on the bed, she cried. so, i had to carry, carry and carry. for an hour plus, i had her in my arms. sigh. finally able to let her go after that. service ended then. ha. yeah. now my arms are aching!): but i still love babies!(: haha they're still cute! (:
hees yeah yeah. sharing my testimony on outreach tml morning. at 8am.. =.= sigh. gotta go sleep already. goodnight.
I needed Jesus @ | 12:25:00 AM